a . WA! sumo CHRONICLE - Wednesday. April 12. 2009 O O c O 0 Power-skating past helps local rmgette player at national champlonships Bil 80an those powerskating lessons would ï¬nally ï¬nals. A member of the St Clements team, w ("hm/llleSIaf)’ pay off for Waterloo's Emily Grifï¬ths as she it was the ï¬rst time her club had qualified * ï¬ tacedpï¬ against break-out specialists from for the national ï¬nals after knocking on the in It was a good chance to find out if all learn Alberta in the national |unior ringette door repeatedly the last couple ofyears. ‘- t % And they weren‘t prepared to waste the _ 1“ "if ' ' R: K opportunity at the tournament held last 5. i n“, week in Charlottetown, Griffiths team at ’ a" ‘ l Region of Waterloo knocked out the defending national ï¬nal» , ~ _it a ’ ists. Nepean. in the Ontario ï¬nals after lin- ; if: ishing second in the province the two prew- ' PU B LI c N OTI c E ous years, so they felt they'd be one of the A V ‘ | - _ _ _ __ favourites going in J _ _ _ “We knew it was our last chance as a , a “g. - Notice of Statutory Public Meeting - team." said Grifï¬ths 16,who is moving up t b ' if" i , , , an age group along with most of the other MW second Drafl Of the New Reglonal 0"|6|al Plan girls on the club. “We had enough of disap- Waterloo's Emily Griffiths, middle, won the . pointment. national junior ringette championship with Date: May 12 and 13' 2009 “When we lost to Nepean last year in the St. Clements. "m; 5 Pl"- ï¬nals, we said. “We're not going to let them â€Wm“ â€â€˜Â°'° Hues. Regional Councrl Chambers . do that again)†Grifï¬ths was a big part of that strategy, 150 Frederick St" 2nd â€0°“ Kitchener At the championships played out in playing defense for the St. Clements club for Regional Council would like to invite all community members to come and share their thoughts on may, that determination was also evident the last three seasons. Her role was to put the â€bond draft "t "W Regional Olflclll Pt“ (ROP) at a DUbltC meeting 0" WOW". â€iv 12. during the round robin when Grifï¬ths and up as much of a screen between her goalie 2009 at 5 pm. at l50 Frederick St, Kitchener in Council Chambers. An additional Public Meeting her teammates held off all (he challengers and the opposition as she could, on the draft HOP may be held the followrng "5th â€010.31“,- â€1113. 2m at the same time and to compile a perfect record. That included And that’s where the power-skating location it the number Of registered delegations exceeds what can reasonably be heard at the fttSt wins against other favourites like Quebec came in. She has one word to describe the meeting. and Alberta team from Alberta â€" fast The ROP is a legal document, required under the Planning Act, R.s.o, 1990. c. P. 13, which can The Alberta game in particular was a bit To counteract their quickness. Griffiths tains a variety of goals, objectives and policies to guide land-use planning in Waterloo Region over Of kmldde'bitef as the Team Ontario WP}?- Said- thOSe Wef‘Skatms 1958005 in panic - the next 20 years, The Region is developing a new ROP to address the many challenges and oppor- sent-“MES traded 80315 With the fast-Skating 11131 were tit-â€Y- funnies affecting our growing community, including new Provincial policy and legislation that influâ€" Albertans, outlasting them in a 7-6 deCision- “The power-skating deï¬nitely helped ences where and how we grow, Section 12 of the Places to Grow Act. R.S.0 2005. c. 13, requires The one advantage of that 0105? Win was because they were 80 fiSt and we had to the Region to amend the ROP to conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe that it Save Grifï¬ths and her teammates an Play man on Where we tried to mark our (Growth Plan) no later than three years after the enactment of the Growth Plan, that is, by no later aUtomatiC berth to the ï¬nals Person" said Grifï¬ths- than June 15‘ 2009} That gave the Team Ontario squad 8 “We had to be ready for anything." - . . A l 1 chance to prepare for the national ï¬nals The strate worked as Team Ontario Hie public meeting regarding the second draft of the ROP is being held pursuant to Section 17of while waiting on the winner between 01m only allowed (a; goal on the way to a +1 e Planning Act, for the purpose of prowding information and receivmg comments from the public. bee d Albe am] G mm “d th . No decision will be made on the second draft of the ROP at this meeting. If you wish to be notified 3" d Ha] of? l? 5 mild f W W"; a] d . . h" . . of the adoption or refusal of the recommended ROP in June 2009, you may sign a register available susPeme a a .°"g I at,‘ ey wour ace t was mt ommation t 5 “me 333m“ at the meeting or make a written request to the Regional Clerk Region of Waterloo 150 Frederick â€be“ â€we 35am So “me they “med 0" Alberta . Street 2nd Floor Kitchener ON N26 “3 ‘ ‘ the eventual winner, all the preparation was And, anï¬ths said. the magnitude of the ‘ ' g ‘ g ' _ . . y for a rematch against Alberta win wasn't lost on her after the final whistle. if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of the declSlon of the Region of Waterloo This time the strategy was much differ. She was still giddy almost a week aï¬er the ‘ Councu wrth regarding the ROP does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make em than their 5m encounter. instead arm. win written submissions to the Region of Waterloo before the recommended ROP is adopted, the ting Alberta dictate the pace of the game, up wasamazing." she said Ontario MUtt'C'Dal Board may dtsm'SS all 0’ part Of the appeal Grifï¬ths said her team was going to come ‘ "It was incredible to think that, wow. we If you wlsh to speak at the public muting. please register In advance by calllng the Regional up with a way to shut them down. we're the best team in Canada." Clerk's Office at 519-575-4420 by 4:30 pm. on Wednesday, May 6, 2009. “We wanted to play a more defensive She said she's planning to try to recap» The second draft of the ROP was prepared following a four~month community consultation pro- game' said the Grade 10 Resummon h'gh (“re mat reelâ€; mm her S" Clements â€a“ gram regarding the first draft of the ROP, which was released on September 26, 2008. Throughout “hum“ student. . mates "e“ year as they m0“? 0" to dOUble the community consultation period for first draft of the ROP, Regional staff received 145 separate we ï¬gured out a good strategy 333m“ A“ u . n 4 submissmns, 38 delegations at two public meetings held on January 28 and 29. 2009. and many the" breakouts, and dec_lded we really , . We have some great Chemlsuy' 53"! more verbal SubmlSSlonS at each of eight public open houses and individual meetings with external "ceded ‘0 defend 383m" "' ("mum stakeholder groups A Draft ROP Response Document has been produced, which summarizes all of the submissmns received and prowdes short answers to all of the questions posed in those sub- t, magma missmns. _ gig 1411' To View a copy of the Draft ROP Response Document or View a copy of the second draft of the ROP "it" 7 and all of the submissions received please VlSll' www.regionwaterloo.on.ca/newrop. Copies of IS CHRON'C KNEE OR these documents may also be Viewed at the Planning, Housing and Community Services Depart- HIP PAIN DUE To ment on the 8th floor of Regional Administration Headquarters, 150 Frederick St. Kitchener , it you would like further information on the second draft of the ROP or if you require any special OSTEOARTHR'TlS aSSlstance to partrcrpate in the Public Meeting please contact any of the following staff: SLOW] NG You DOWN ? Bridget Coady at 51957544500 ext, 3112 or by e-mail cbridget@region.waterlooon ca Cushla Matthews at 5195754087 or by email mcushla@region,waterloo once H 50‘ you may qual'fy for an mwonam . , research study to assess an investrgatlonal John Lubczynski at 519â€"575â€"4532 or by e-mail lulohn@region,waterloo on ca Dam medication that may be effect,“ m i ) : Kevrn Curtis at 5195754794 or by email cukevin@regionwaterlooonca managing (hrOnlC pain and have better J A" 0‘ ,, .‘ ' Of mm m If: It: qastrorntestirial tolerabllity than other " ~’ Draft Regional Official Plan pain medications “ï¬g: : ‘ o R ion of Waterloo W543 3? i"- glannlr‘ijg. Housmg and Community Seerces You may be eligible to partiCipate if you: a ï¬ â€˜ [l 150 Frederick St, 81h Floor ' Are 78 " 80 Years of 699 s x ' T‘ Kitchener, Ontario 0 Are dissatisfied With your current pain f L "4 N26 4J3 medication 5 ' j J; All comments and information received from lnd'lVlduals, stakeholder groups and agencies regard» ° Believe You are a f dlid/date for knee or 5; if: 1 1 ing this prolect are being collected to assist the Region of Waterloo in making a decisron Under hip replacement " kï¬l the Municrpal Act, personal information such as name. address, telephone number. and property 4?“ ‘ location that may be included in a submission that becomes pan of the public record Questions 7° W “n " 31°“ W ~i regarding the collection of this information should be referred to the people indicated above _ _ _ f,†This event is accessible for people with disabilities, Accessoble parking is available if you redone call 1 8 7 7 92 7 5469 assistance to attend or participate in this meeting, or to access information in alternative formats, (1 “877‘9‘ASKHOW) please contact us at least five days prior to the meeting,