20 ' \NA1 lzklAK) CHNNKZIJ'J ' Wednesday, April 12. 2009 lhe City ot Waterloo has a long history tit («immunity engagement With more than 5,000 a e I O O xolunteers assisting Wllh the cm x programs and sen it‘es' Without these mmmitted indwiduals, Waterloo wouldn‘t be what it h today l'hat‘s w hv I am truly honoured to . reuigrii/e the more than 130 people who u Ill rl'\l‘l\'l‘ Community Builders Awards Volunteer Sen'ice Milestone Pins tor their tlt‘dlldllflll to lhh (It) ‘ i O a u e S 1 S lhes‘e engaged volunteers help out Wllh various programs, : 0 events", services and committees They've made a lasting : mark in this community that shines through With the I N suceess of our testivals and special events, minor sports ] a organizations, older adult programs, vouth programs and ‘ m , neighbourhood assoctations, to name only a lew N The individuals on the following pages Reflpients of the Community Builders Awards Volunteer ( o _ , . Servtce Milestone Pins were nominated by city staff , were nomlnated for seerce mlleStone and volunteer leaders; in this City who have seen ï¬rst Pins from the City Ofwater'oo this Year. hand the impact these volunteers have had in our 0) t’ommunity. These people have embraced the long historv ~' t ' l t>en‘m that xit‘t. n th’ ho, an 1 th ' ' hel to ‘_ THESE PINS RECOGNIZETHEIR CONTRIBUTIONS “ F‘“ ‘ f f’ f?‘ ‘ ‘»‘ P make it the Vibrant City it is today. . _ TO CITY-RUN OR CITY-AFFILIATED FESTIVALS _ _ , , L- The beneï¬ts ot volunteering are immeasurable In addition to building lifelong friendships Q AND SPEClAL EVENTS, MlNOR SPORTSv and contributing to a most worthwhile cause, volunteers know that the time and effort the) < ENV|RONMENTALYOUTH' NElGHBOURHOOD dedicate to Waterloo will carry on tor generations to come ASSOC'ATIONS, COMMl l l EES OF COUNC'L AND So to the award recipients, I would like to say “thank you." Your hard work and determtnation ' ' ' ' ‘ t ‘ ' ' h’: ' ' f, ADULT PROGRAMS OR SEMCES. MlLEglONE truly enrich the ll\LS o eath rm "1th oft is tommunir} X SERVICEYEARS ARE SHOWN TO THE RIGHT OF W ~ LU EACH NAME. TZ§ fa m ©094st me cm 0; M g . . . .. Mayor Brenda Halloran Who I l I A CMAM‘Nawloo Committees d’Comd.-._20 My mm Minor Node, ........___......_........_l0 joi- meloo G‘rk M Hockey _._.5 i mum Git: filer Hod-7" m.-.__.._.5 M mm M Hod-y ..._...........a.-...~......_...5 Km mm Gil-k Mina Hodey ....,.......-....S i m Chats-cum Girls Minor Hodey ......~........._....-S HI! Ml. “turbo Wm Baseball w_.a._5 Wondy mm Git; Mhor Hodey .........-.m5 l | WNW Gil-k Minor Hockey .._...._....._...._.5 Con! Batting-r. Wain-loo Girls Minor Node, .............,.....5 Zach mm Girls Minor Hodcey -S . Hal-tum G'rk Mina Hodoy .._........___.._..-..._S Pam W,Wlwloo Gila Miter Mode, .........._........5 Pat. MW)“ Minor Hodey “a...“..........._~.....5 2 Sharon Abd. Waterloo Girls Minor Hocle .,..-..-...._.-._._.5 c C†Cuban. Waterloo Youth Council u-.- 2 Gnu. Dough. True dAJ‘ek.._.__--S WWW Canning of Council .5 Mark CalderflNzudoo Miter Hoduy ...-...............~......_. I0 his 0mm Baler Carnivfl --5 ' MAM-mm (laminae: of Councilmumlo Mick Cal-MM Commitme- of Comdl.--.......lo Hark Diane-gm Minor Hockey 5 Robert Mummies, szbo Minor Some». lo Kat-n Carr. Whtnrloo Minor Hodey ..s.. I 0 M Dhbold, KW Skating Club _M--.5 0 Ed mm Minor Sascha! --.-|0 w Cm Want-loo Minor Hoduy ._-....,..,_..,.......l0 Linda MM Gris Minor l-lodey ---S jukeAng-rjunvfdale Cami-nutty ~EMT» Hi. Can-1mm Minor Hodtey ...._._......~..-.....-....I0 I. lei-n MI, Wink» Committees oi Canal..-“ IO l > MAMWm'loo Committing d Cand.......-.--...,.s Nutty MM Committees of Council ....-....20 Tony mum-ice Minor Hodq -S ‘ Wendyhnhhr. Bree“: Place Dropâ€"In Prog-am.5 Ahn Chaim Wawbo Commune: of Cotndl....,...-...29 john OHM Partners it Put; Programs < Suv- labseodt, Waterloo Minor Mall .~-S jimmy Chang, WawboYouui Couvdl.__.........,_..-..........._..2 Suv- MW Git-k Minor Hode “5 Brad ladder, Wits-loo Minor Hoduy -_.5 Kristyn CMWn-‘loo Girls "for Hockey .--.....~....5 E Good E‘sWnUloo Mhor Nudity m..- to 2 Kid M Kw Youth Bale-dual .,,.5 Gary Cw Wat-rm Minor Gas-ban -~S Larry Elk. Wan-rice Minor Hodey ~_.S Mil-n 0mm Minor Soon-“JO My Count. Benji: Flam Drop-In m.....,_....-..~..-5 PM MM Commune; of Council..-.5 o Hwy Ban-r. KW Gymmso'u Gib...........-......,....-....._.....,..I0 junk Cordon. Waterloo Minor Hod-y __....5 NH mm Buster Carnival--_5 _ Ltd- lauu. Home Sqapon/Dq Omit m.....-.-....lo Kim WM Gil: Miler Hod-y ............._...,..S F In WWI-too "but Hoduy _.._............-.....-..._....._.5 l ’_ And-w Icahn-NW“ my Hode ........._...._........5 Tim Cont-n. with†CH! Mina Hon ---5 1.77 Emu "out"; Ciq M,..-........_....l0 . < "and, mm Gids Minor Hod-1 ..,.._..,S "idiots MM Git: Minor Mode, ........,..5 Down PM“; Beechwood Nont- Ne'gh S ‘ 2 Cheryl lod-,Wn:-loo Girls Minor Hoduy .~......._......--S Deb cm Wm WM Assoc s..-...-.$ Rot-nary Mm Ploy-am; City othii-loo I0 CM: “Waterloo Comm of Council ...._.5 Rob MM G“! "he? Node, -5 Ami-y Fyb. Adult Programs. City oanedooS 1 Am. ammm Cor-mm of Council, ,, ___ , ,,_,5 Mary D’AttomWamrloo Comma.“ of Council m G Suv- GMWflu’loo Minor Soccer no Tom m. KWYoudi Badman" , . . . .. .. ., I0 jenn- Duun.tharloo Girl: Hm Hock-y ., 2 "Hunt GMWnarloo Minor Hockey .. 5 "A Pour MM Commune- of Council .., . S Ion-l Lynn Dunn,Wunrloo G'rk Minor Hockey 5 Slum Glenn, Yree olAmok-.- . . ...S U Lenor- Ifldt, Adult hop-amï¬ny otherloo .. . ,5 Kayla Dammit/um Girls Minor Hockey . _. ._ 2 "than! cmamm Minor Hoclcy .. .. . S )’ Doug MMVVn-rloo Minor Baseball .. .. , - MS Ron Dunn.Wnerloo GM: Minor Hockay .. S Garry Gatsdnnc,Aduk Ping-urns. City dwuerloo _, .l0 MMUPTM Country. . . . -__S MMWt Hog-aany olWarertoo 5 Ruth Gm.kdijtProgiwns.Cty othmrloo to M Brown, Waterloo Girls Minor Hockey . ...,..5 km“ do Domenico. Waterloo Minor Soccer. .. to M am, Home Support/Day Outing Program to (1 _ . , www.waterloo.ca