warrant“) Cir-omen - chneeday, April H.211!!! - 2i 3 '?" ' Get up to 1350 O m 2009 K ' - I â€(m units if WORK Eligibility for the HRTC will be family-based. ‘ The lS-per-cent credit may be claimed on the For the purpose of the credit. a family is gener- 5., 5 portion of eligible expenditures exceeding $1,000. ally considered to consist of an individual. and ‘ .j' 4553:†7-: ‘3, but not more than $10,000, meaning that the maxi- where applicable. the individual's spouse or 7 5? “ ‘3 3:? i A . . t 3 10¢ ~ mum tax credit that can be received is $1.350. common law partner. zit w The credit can be claimed on eligible expendi- Family members will be able to share the , 5 . â€ï¬g-3 fl tures incurred on one or more ofan individual's eli« credit. " ‘ A " - ' " - gible dwellings. Properties eligible for the HR’FC “Iâ€! .M â€H In I) \HI \I '5 Nut . . . include houses. cottages and condominium units Eli bl ° Swrmming pools (permanent m ground and that are owned for ersonal use 81 e . . above ground) " _ p . ‘ , . - Renovating a kitchen, bathroom or basement . Fixtures - lights, fans, etc. Renovation costs for proiects such as finishing a . N h d d fl . . . . - ~ - . 6W carpet 01' 3" W00 oors - Assocrated costs such as permits, professronal basement or remodelling a kitchen Will be eligible . Building an addition garage deck garden/stor- . . t tal d . 'd tal for the credit. along with associated expenses such age shed fence ' ' ' serVices, equipmen ren 5 an incr en as building permits. professional services, equip- . '. expenses. merit rent 1 nd 'ncidental e enses . Re-shingling a roof Ineligible a s a l x . - . . . . R . . . p . - ' A new furnace, W0°d Stove. borler. ï¬replace, - Furniture, appliances. and audio and Visual elec- outine repairs and maintenance Will not qualify t ft t h t , for the credit Nor will the cost of urchasin fumi- wa er so . ener or wa er ea. er . names I l' ' d' , l 1 pt _ g o A new driveway or resurfacrng a driveway . purchasing of [0015 [I‘m {app iances, au ‘O-V‘wa e 8c ronics or con- 0 Painting ofinterior or exterior ofa house . Cleaning carpets S ruc ‘0" equrpment. 0 Window coverings directly attached to the win- e House cleaning “ â€U CAN CLAIM [IR/11‘? dOW frame and whose removal would alter the 0 Maintenance contracts (as. furnace c]eanjn& Taxpayers can claim the HR’l‘C when ï¬ling their nature of the dwelling snow removal, lawn care, and pool cleaning) 2009 tax return. 0 laying new sod . Financing costs $5 no?» we: ‘5’†r râ€? ‘. ~ ’ ' ‘ . * 'ffï¬ni'fifl gaï¬x‘fgLa‘ g «Cwam' y -. <5 . .. a“); _ 5; , ‘5 “.39 432,1.†33$: .‘i‘sï¬1v‘332y3 â€ï¬g; Deer Rental Water Hem (hummer, m .11.» "' ““15 ' i "1 353‘ We" .13; “ifâ€. P if 7“ " ' "7 . A ,5 , ‘ ’s‘théix- 7‘ ‘ éwng-gi†As the weather warms up for spring. you can expect to see some door~to-door sales people stopping ’ ‘ "â€573. 5’8] 5345 «j 7 “is by your home. . x (f. h I k :1 A , ' 7.1,; .2; Some may ask you about switching your rental water heater provider or replacing your existing tank. ‘ l 1 1.: 4;. f' Before you sign anything With a (homo-door salesperson, here's something you need to know 1% ‘1 g :g #- Rellerroe Home Camden†occasionally deploys door-to-door sales representatives to talk to new customers "‘17. O " w“ Our representatives are professionally trained. have proper identification and do not engage in any tactics that “ 5"": ofâ€? 1"» can be consrdered misleading. 7. .4 x Beware of misleading tactics '7: :33?“ a: We have heard from some of our customers about misleading door»to«door sales tactics For example, they may f’ . 2' «f ‘1 suggest the water heater in your home is unsafe. Or they may pressure homeowners to Sign long-term contracts . f5» 5. 1; Without Informing them about Significant cancellation penalties. Don’t give in to the pressure; they may not be ' 9-“ “251335 givrng you all the facts Before you Sign anything, call Roller-e.m first - “'r- v: *grélf‘fii. . 4 . â€it _ . ‘3;â€" Our cornmrtment to you , ‘ «itiï¬ti‘ Reliance only installs the finest, most reliable brands, like Rheem. Giant and GSW When you rent from Reliance, . ‘1 , :8 33.35 #131 you never have to worry about the costs of repairing a hot water tank You enioy the peace of mind that goes .- {3,13%} .V along with: 33“.":1'. ’3 “E 0 no upfront costs. lust one affordable monthly payment f‘ b _. 31* > 0 ell repairs, parts and labour included throughout the Me at your tank ‘2'; ï¬rs-E, ‘ 0 live telephone support 24/7/365 for all your moms ’ ‘ ~ ' . 0 emergency servos readily available by I large network of licensed technicians whenever you need it ~ ' ' At Reliance. we live and breathe "dedication to seryice' for more than 1 2 million Ontario homeowners. In fact, as a result of renting from Reliance. customers like you saved over $78 million In water heater repairs last year alone ‘ . .. No wonder so many customers who may have been pressured into swrtching water heater provrders, PrOteCt Y0 U r39 If a g a I n 5t have now swrtched back to Reliance m i I ' _ _ If you have any questions or concerns about your water heater, or about door-tordoor water heater sales tactics. S eadlng door to door pleasecellusatl-m-m-am sales tactics - 5mm,“ A @R l' rm ii.“ rum. Manoâ€. home comfort“ Clilllilfl ll‘illtHl .i1 Presrdent&CEO ‘ all“ firm, lHlil "' Trademarks of Reliance Comfort United Partnership r .eH.N_