WM i-Hl IX) (,HRONIL‘LL . Wednesday April â€.1008 - l I t» , we . , - . "3'11: .3142. , . _ ~ ‘ t "W I}. ~ if ~ . _ ..‘ . ‘ . The best heart rate to burn ' ‘ ~ . " {51:3 , ' ‘ ° » ‘ ° ° ‘ â€EYES SMOKING calorles IS an elevated one ~ , v at is the best heart rate to exercise Intensities are good for you. _‘ fl W ' - ‘ n ‘_ » W291}... dab of fretting about which in a time when more than two-thirds of‘ i j 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' : exact hean rate you should be exer- adults don’t get enough physical activity and w. _ â€A cising at are far behind us. Jess than two in 10 kids are considered ï¬t. . 1‘ -‘ ' ' ‘ a“. ' At least they should be. complicating exercise with unfounded ' ‘ ' ‘ l‘he claim that sortie magical intettaity claims is exactly the wrong thing to do. will burn more fat and rev Exercise scientists now know that the j . t ‘ . , " - ;_ your metabolism just isn't most important factor When ‘ ‘ . - true. \\ l H l i i \( it comes to physical activity ‘ 1" . ’ .~ ~ _ - . That's right. the charts ' ' '5 that you d0 i" V . ' ~ I i ' that grace nearly every exer- I\ That's right. it is â€0‘ about V ._ ' i, * ' cise machine outlining the a magical intensity. a speciï¬c 3 ’ ‘ fat burning and cardio zones form or machine. a speciï¬c ‘ ‘ are based on misinterpreted I heart rate. zone or even ~ . .4 science. ’lhe result of this ‘ s duration. The key to health ‘ confusion has been the over ,.. and even weight loss is sim» complication ofexercise . . .. pie. Simply put. When it ~ intensity and people fretting l comes to physical activity. , . about whether or not they ‘ ‘ accumulation is king. . O . O O ‘ are exercising at the perfect ‘ it is indeed true that three bean rate. ten minute bouts ofexercise n w n R Even more baseless than ‘ are every bit as good as one _ these exercise intensity . DREW . 30 minute bout. . ‘ , ‘ charts is the concept that ‘ HARVEY . In fact. three ten minute - ‘ . your metabolism can be c, .._.-_ . . bOUtS ofwalking provides ' “tested†to determlne this two more chances to get ‘ . ’ mythical fat burning intensity. Even if this some 5’98?! air, [0 de-stress and to take a ’ concept held true, incessantly checking your break from work that may piling on your . . . . . . . heart rate would certainly take the hm out of dt’Sk- ‘ ‘ your evening walk. So what heart rate is the best heart rate to lhe truth is that unless you are directed (WHOSE at? Simple. an elevated one. R w w R R w by physician or have a preâ€"existing health condition. obsessing about your exact bean "' Q Q Q . rate is a complete waste of time. Drew Hart-eyMSc. CKiS â€WI-OHM†and ' Worse. it lessens the enjoyment of physj. director ofThe Healthy Weights Clinic. Can- ‘ > cal activity and heightens the notion that ~ 111“ Ill-"101'“ his 109175“? at www.Hea1thy- ' . only certain forms of activity. at certain Weightsca 0’ his blog a! wwucDierThedcum, H ' ‘ ’ h o a . ‘ O O O O O O C S owmg support on Day of Silence April 1 7 . The AIDS Committee of Cambridge. bia. homophobic violence and homophobic Kitchener. Waterloo and Area along with tri- language. The event will be held at the Civic Pride. City of Kitchener Youth Services, and Square in front of Kitchener City Hall from " . . ()KZBME is sponsoring a public display of 4:30-5:30 pm. ' I support for gay, lesbian. bisexual. trans. For any questions please contact Alexan- . ,, queer, and questioning people in our com- dra Hick â€" HIV Youth Services Coordinator ' V V munity April 17 to mark the Day of Silence. The AIDS Committee of Cambridge. Kitchen- V . it's a day when gay, lesbian, bisexual, er. Waterloo and Area â€"â€" at 519-570-3687 or ’ '..’ ‘ . ' ' trans. queer, and questioning people and email youthsewices@acckwa.com. their supporters take a vow of ' . silence to draw attention to the ‘ silence faced by members of the ' _ w / commtinity because of homopho- me s M&% _. ' g . . 45" Annual «a Step wilt do W m . . Oman Federation at University Women 0 ‘ ‘ USED BOOK SA E > . . Aim1Must< 8 Movies l \& en I ‘ i i - V : . I. Airs ' » c . . . " "2»; ‘ .- FIRST UNITED CHURCH 8“ y ' ' a“ . ., ' ‘ Corner of King a thltam.Waterioo M W N H r“ 8/ ' *~ ’ ' ‘ i ‘ ' New...“ . n". swanszw.vogijrtttttic_ , may. 21:24. But “'8 Aswimmmdtmmtomaum ~ SAMMY, met 25. M M ' \ sawmw ‘6‘; “ p .. 9m1pm '2 1 ‘ . m ,.L.« -, ,. *1. s; ,, i W m “M. -, . i l'ltl. l0'5 “1â€"WWM. -. m. ' -. , waif-fleets r»: Drop 9" books. sheet mu5ic, a; r :3“- ;,. 3 4 "M j:-"Ԥf,“1",â€â€˜-‘;‘:, ; a: ""215" fitjj.{"i"?fï¬g'""“‘ir1.1535955; hiej“ CDs. DVDs. commercial video 3-1;“... m. f - f ; . 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