rz - WM â€(1 (to customers - Wednesday. April l. was 0 O O O C Q Q Fmdmg the right supplement a matter of stfting through the mformatlon What supplements should 1 side of over recommendlng sup- believe†that these little pills work selling supplements ofcourse. take? plements. And those who are on like magic and it is little wonder \\ l l( l l l \( in fact, foods today are shipped There is much debate over what the medical and scientiï¬c side will that supplement sales are in the l . ’ faster and under safer conditions. supplements you should take. For argue that there just isn't proofthat billions 0fd0|lam |\ Food safety guidelines are far every recommendation there are most supplements do anything. This combination of persua- superior compared to what they even more opinions Despite a lack of clear evidence, sion. hope and often desperation use to be. The fact is that supplement our appetite for supplements is can cause even the brightest of us . So how do you decide? I recom- companies and the stores and growing. This is because anecdotal (0 make decisions reminiscent of mend following what the Wayne practitioners selling supplements evidence (testimonials and sales lack, from lack and The Bean Gretzky ofnutrition docs are far more likely to lean on the pitches) is far more persuaSiVe to StOCk. , ' Who is this nutrition super star? the general 50 are there any magical beans He is Prof. Walter “fillet. chairman public than sci~ worth trading your cow in for? of the Department of Nutrition at ’â€_gh'_’"" flï¬d ’ ’ entiï¬c studies. Magical. no. Potentially helpful, the Harvard School of Public ' ' Add to this yes. l’ll get to these shortly Health. 7 the small part It is important to recognize that He takes a multivitamin and in all of us that if you eat an otherwise healthy diet DREW vitamin D tablet daily. - W “wants to you should have little problem get- HARVEY Willett feels that the jury is still ‘ who . out on many of the other supple- ? \ a an†i ting all the nutrients that you need. merits and until we know for 59"? . e 0 ‘ In fact, when it comes to the W“ arebetteroffemngon 0135111}? | ' ’ ‘ Flt ' A macronutrients (carbohydrates. of cauuon. Plus thisapproach W1“ s. , , As i . l . protein and fat] as a nation we are savevy'ou money sinceltaklng a A. I» that F , 0 over nourished. ntultlvutamrn annpyvltarnrn Ddsup- no ‘ ‘ That said sometimes it is nice P emen costso pennies a ay. vy V t t v "l I "00“ _ 7 Y to have some insurance and there ' t - ' ~ ~ are certainly some health condi- ‘, ‘ l "U" R l‘ l ll.l'lll.ll f' ' tions or circumstances that war- -â€"- . “l?“ “IT‘ ‘ t 7 t ’ rant vitamin and mineral supple- DrthanzyA'fSc. CK“ "19 _ t A S‘ () J!) t -â€" mentation. Hï¬mangggm,’ (gum i,»- ~ ‘ .‘ ) f. 7 People may claim that today's . ea Y as "M; n ' r " l “I I‘ R‘ . L, P H A R M A C Y foods do not have near the nutri- mâ€! uldmthealthyu/erghtsca 0’ wt Am mu ‘1 my i'il s at mt ». in ents that they had years ago. but mrthts website www.Healthy-' FÂ¥ï¬iililj\l7‘ Â¥7m*‘v 7 if? ' this claim is not substantiated. Werghtscaorhzs “08“: wwwDret- , i . l A s ' ' ~ ’ f in P I, @ This claim often comes from those Timicom v ’ V I My w“ as M ‘ - . t l Hi!“ | “ls ' Still we "den“ 0 gm“! the Province considering more l . ‘ u ' ' 7 I - t Cwm S b 95 . ., .pe y {a anti-bullying measures for schools Cofrlttieti _j * same cre o ‘ . n r ' ~~ u ' Staffthal . _ Only f- f». g ‘ 4" ,, 91. if y. 1?me MACDONAU) seen any ofï¬cral documents stnce __'_.-,,ï¬._,-‘_m_h‘_. , t , [ak- .‘ i'l‘ in .;‘.1 , up: ti. 00d, Chronicle-91017 the province announced the plan Fl." I 0“l.g " \ Vï¬ï¬ftf on March 12. The recommendaA ‘ ‘ ‘ . ". l m A» i " ' 7 a he provincial government is tions come out ofa repon by the S] I“ ',l\|V l PS E Everyâ€, . is 1 a“: t R“ â€" ‘ e...where Tconsidering strengthening anti~ provincial Safe Schools Action ' A A ‘ ‘ x73; if» ‘ t» bull "n its by institutin tricter Team. The overnment's oal with tUtilllletllllilEll Power Sitillilvl l your t M‘L r goaL morn)? {slanting any incidgefns the legislatiin is to formalize rules i [150W 8 .( 95 h“ 373 ; j “i t†' 5 _ , ON Earlier this month, the McGuin- surrounding reporting incidents.- . 390 a“. ti , l t» ~ ï¬rm.“ ' a», ' ty Liberals announced a plan to The Waterloo Region District ‘ "" 5 Q t . ‘ , A 7 of ' t. t l . require teachers to report any bully- school board already has a report ' ‘ ‘ l f . i ~ â€it“? gag; .‘ in directly to the principal of a ing system in place. but if any new , M t ,. _ , ,,, . . , 8 __7 ‘Av A†7 Cigflltjrijjï¬gfléllf ï¬ll ,, ' ’ Pï¬fit, " can vacant“; school. The principals would then legislation is passed. those policies Raï¬. titty“ 9 H Kl' - t" " "’ "*‘*“ " ' ' have to contact the parents of the might have to be updated, said V _ i f A , ‘ ~ I . t" victims Marylou Mackie. executive super- SL‘LHJ.‘ l. ,f_ ï¬n- swas ,, W,†W W. , A FREE PARKING AT THE DOOR! Local school boards have not intendent ofeducation “it would just be a matter of see- ing the oflicial wording and making _ _ _ sut‘e there are no holes in the poli- Actlng & Modeling Opportunities RAC E R S WA N T E D cy- Aymm-m We“ are . ' ,,. Jaw t t .« , « as r - “w " v. : . ‘ ’ 0 -, r“, at, t., at «a _- , , _. . {5&1 _ , Driver Search IS on Now. / currentty expected to report any _ 2, t I . 5-5; # 1 , ‘ 0 t i “if; ,' ,' - 71.“ f» . â€" â€"â€" ‘.‘.s..~_._râ€"â€" â€"»- W" incidents of bullying such as f ' "“"' of: ‘t ‘ . >' ' QR: - :~' .. . t a ,"= assault. The WRDSB has a number ' mmmmmutohm REGISTRATION OPEN HOUSE otanti-bbullyti'ns Fence? alreadyk in ace, ut s a wa s 00 in to u, WWWW _ SundaprrlISfmniuntIMp- wmmwym 8 s ~ Didywicnwthatmtyofthepoopiewhomwwwi Wham-WWW “We‘re always concerned about t , mmmmmmnmmmw rm â€KMMMEWWMM making our schools safe." Mackie ‘ Cormaoids, Fin. Mist: Videos at more for can“ M ‘ said. t maybe its MoDmalds, Rec M49 Sears. Viva MtVJOoJH MOI-"E s. C°um“"°'Y- “WW! at the ' ’ public board is often reported as lower than the provincial and 1 Around our â€on swath . K A R T w Y . WATERLOO . “My, April 7th ____~_ ~ nation; averag:tt may“; tn; ff! mmlw.cm0475mng3t N. board “ducts W rude." I . Mmbmspm-Opm aboutwhetherornotbullyingrsa l problem in their schools and the “mmwmzw results are usually better than in mwwsmaqmw m otherness But that doesn't mean . that the board h id t ‘t memztzmm'mms termini“ momma?“ "8 u , M‘- ‘lt really depends on how you w WA“ -‘ â€out w ~ deï¬nebully'lngWe’realwayswor- fled about making sdiool safe.†she , , , , 519.884.5650 mid."ltwouldbeldealroellmlmte “mm“‘wwwv' :~"" ‘ count 075 Conservation Dun- l‘.“ttltitlim W1“).