30 - WAIl'RIlKl(IHRONICLE‘Wednede Math 25. 1009 The ' W â€" o r“. amm- emu-s-.- f» . ......¢......r_. ‘_.__a__. ..s “if“? . 77 .. , 4. , Local gymnasts to head to Edmonton if? 1? -£ ‘ Z] ’ I 3} l l‘ D o o o ., - I ï¬g.» 5 If f g to compete in prestigious tournament , l, l y“ big}, a} if“ Bt (37m; My Box/up f it y ,. . . i“ r ‘t’ t iroritt rim, ' ' t 1 ’ / Four local gymnasts are getting 5 "f the chance to attend one of the * country‘s tnost prestigious unripe r»: ' . ‘ titions. the Wild Rose Invitational in ‘3 ‘4 lzdmonton. _ $ [be young gymnasts, who train , .' , . _ out of Revolution Gymnastics in , ,* ‘ Waterloo and are between eight \\\v7 \ and 10 years old. said they are l ‘\ // .‘ Q} excited about the o ) ortunit : , , ' . ~§ InClUdeS new bag; be“ and For sortie. it willpr their first g“ 1‘. 1 . GU ./\ '1 meet outside of()ntarto. ,-.-l ‘ a , f t" t ' - ', \. , performance report I-‘or others, it will be their ï¬rst ' I g . I L/ . . twat April 30/09) mm period. ‘ » ' f‘ , \ â€I‘ve never dotie a meet before , “k, ff" “ I ‘ a? ' Does not apply to Central Vacuum Systems s() it will he a different experience ' w / ‘ f for me. I‘m excited to learn differ- . ' r ,/,- v", . . Two Locations To Serve You ent forms and different skills," said if ‘ ' H 'v’ ‘,‘ , ’ Retina (Iukier, 8. ' ' t . , f I WWW†7" M (E~£?: J:- i----â€"- (Jukier and her friends Megan From left, coach Bertie Onishenko along with gymnasts Sydney Lloyd, m ‘é’igâ€"g-Tj! $132; Wakeï¬eld. 10, Reese Wakeï¬eld, 8, Reese Wakefield. Renna Cukier and Megan Wakefield, will head to V Vac . . . _ n ‘ y:;‘.â€";E 7, It and Sydney fl.l()yd. 9. have been Edmonton to compete next month. , Chm %; trainin hard or the com tition. - °“'°â€â€œÂ°Â°"“E â€0“ ;» “m“m “a 1, w. _ Thegolder gymnasts live com- tors. This year will be no different. at the meet itself. ' ’~ ' ’ poled before. but never outside of with gymnasts coming from as far "One ofthe gymnasts there is on » ;.~. , L g . . V ., ‘ Ontario. The younger ones have as Israel and Mexico to take part in the national team, so these girls will ;7 , ' k I . » l 1 Brill m " F ‘l l ‘ "' ‘ never really been to a meet before. the event. get to meet and leam from some of can†> ' - t _ g .w* and all are looking forward to the ()ne ofthe biggest advantages of the top people in Canada," she ' ' N , w . -;7 ,. . f " " “i“ ' _., , .. , experience. the girls traveling to Edmonton will said, The girls. however, a slightly ' “f ‘j. g A k? N “rankk‘m’ 1 All the girls have been gymnasts be seeing the older. more polished. different view. While they're ready u -Z'â€"B_ .-. g . 1:5. ‘ . " ’ if * Q9; “ z? a for years, but traveling to Edmon- competitors. (Jnishenko said. to compete. the girls are also lookâ€" ‘ - 4. a; ‘ " WA 3' . if; ‘ Q. 2 3 it Q t,‘l . fl : ton for the Wild Rose is seen as the "They'll get the opportunity to ing fon~ard to the social aspects of a ., ' ‘i' I' ~ 1 . w t . g v1 next step in theiryoungcareers see higherelevel gymnasts." the the trip. "It‘s mainly just to gain experi- coach said. “It will be fun to meet all the . ence and learn to compete," said The girls are heading to Alberta girls," Reese said . A - - - Berrie Onishenko, the gymnasts' a week early so they can get in “Hopefully we'll make new t. H t it >( ||lt()\|( 1 | coach. some training at the Champions friends.“ concurred Iloyd. ;~‘-~â€"~â€"J Gymnasts from across Canada Gymnastics gym, where the meet But the best part will be that presentedby will compete at the Wild Rose. is being held, Onishenko used to their parents will be left behind a; 0 which is regarded as one of the top work at Champions and ï¬gures the back home, (Iukier said. "We’ll put ' M y‘ Boston Hm meets in Canada. In the past it has girls will gain as much knowledge up a big sign: no parents allowed," \-‘ attracted international competi- from the early training sessions as shejoked. ' O . gar m “an? M Waterloo-Wellington semor games scheduled for June - BvDoucCtlxson roll into to Wilmot Township this place competitors a chance to 597 Kigali:- N.J£alei0£3:?£?u?-182£m For [he chronicle summer. advance to the Ontario Summer a" that: ' s â€In" "M 9 " a“ ' Beginning with an opening cer- Games in Chatham in September, . ' _ 1 ~1 ' ' , ' A With a goal of providing fun, ï¬t- emony lune l at the Vlftlmot Recre- Not only are the Senior Games a V» ' “' ' a ' ness and friendship to senior ation Complex. and ending lune 4 greatsocial event promoting phys- . , I? E athletes and game enthusiasts with a closing banquet, the four- ical fitness and overall health. it's a ' p q, l" A - across the district. the 2009 Water day event will once again demon- great opportunity to promote the f 1‘ fl ' f A loo-Wellington Senior Games will strate how seniors remain active township and its recreational facil- A 7: 9: Q a and engaged in ities. said 2009 District 26 Senior x7, _ M -w â€A - a; \éï¬â€œ ’\ _.‘“~,k Ad ‘ PRESSURE POINT their communi- Games chairman Terry Broda, .- \\/‘7 an\ a. ~ Q v‘r- f‘s_ 43“ \ ties well into who's hoping to see 400 local sen» . A I»: a; g: r .- A \ . g r" 3. a COMPUMENTARY WORKSHOP retirement. iors participate. .- ' j‘ a“ ‘ w Jack M a -\4ï¬ The annual "It's not how well you compete, y “ or ‘ 3 fl ., ‘ I ' ‘ r With Dr -ryan Lawrence 0 event provides its for yourown pleasure and satis- “ff! Na ' f “ _\ , . ' ‘ ‘ ' residents 55 faction," he said. 15", H l“ h “4 Pressure POI/7,3 are areas 0] Stored yearsofage and “It‘s a great way to meet new ‘ A J , is", , 1“ A- t I h Stress 0/7 [I (lg/V8 pathway older an oppor- peoplejmd mdal'te friends." g u ‘ U , . . runny to com- tro a sai ie ex iects around . a. ,\ s; at . - '\ You Wlll Loom "a" m and 5.1“ pole in as many 800 participants in mi games, p, \ ,\ m0 m“u'° Polnla F°'- as five of 56 Morning events begin at 9:30 1‘ ’ i .' f ‘ '_¢ ' 0 FATIGUE Q HEADACHES events ranging am. and afternoon events begin at . ~ \ A . .¢\ ‘ 0 Low BACK PAIN from darts and 1:30pm. The Waterloo Chronicle Team Ulthc Week Basil IA‘flh)‘ and Cameron Lorentz added (‘ardg It) more A“ gamcg are played tlndt‘r l: 1“: WalfllmT‘r‘lmm'm" “MA“ “I; I“, if?“ JPN“ “Cm“; £7 â€â€˜fhWi‘I'KC' 0 NECK PAIN 0 SINUS & ALLERGIES p h y s I c a l I y Ontario Senior Games rules Deadâ€" (K Cy team c ves won t e 2 no u \(‘\ minor atom o s m ct ' . - - - . Niagara Inlls Marth break minor atom A team. panned above, are (trontymw. from 0 ARM AND WRIST PA'N d 0 m a" d â€1g “ne’f‘†“HIRING" IS May 19 _ tournament last week The Wolves were left) [anti Walsh, Haul Itahy, Cameron (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) Bgllngdirrftibrï¬tï¬i and iglsmabnotlti‘ompennlg m 5' ‘ undefeated I" the tournament “all! it r Intent], (ole \hnidet. Rile Hen . Lue ' ‘ ‘ "g- â€I g†mu“ lect < 0 record They outscored their (“5:0 Patton. Ryan lettt. Sun Puynu. trrhiddle 0 NUMBNESS & "NGL'NG (Arms & Legs) and SWimming~ also mdl'd? their handicaps as (If nrnh iI-S in the "moment In the ï¬nals row) Brandon (iascho. Taylor I cnuky. 1-93," MW- â€9mm â€ma-935! NU'bOW'OP'va'E A number of April I. the Wolves beat the host Niagara IAIIs Noah Bcnyamin, Matthew Schram. lcerry tmpmmd â€at!†“we“ m9 Cause. "0'th Syrmmms' s a n C I I 0 n P (l Ff)! more information about the Thunder 7 I to ileum the (hflmpltin\hlp Young. [uh Valet/n). lack Marlow, â€a: W“. “if“ 1. 2†‘|:u-l:mlll "vents in the games (0 ï¬nd a location for W" Matthew St hrum. Taylor lent/ks and Jakob Stankowttsch. (hack rowt tout hes M: â€DI†Si. in “m I“. “do. IOCII games tration forms, or to get more infor- Rilcy Henry had two goals apiece in tbr Nelson Mute. Mike Finney, Frank Irahy, Manama: I ._-.,t,_‘. y‘_., ‘NMh’lW'flfln will give ï¬r“. mation about Volunteerin call Win. while 7am Walsh added the single Man Paleuny and Stuart Schneider ca†519 746_6022 . . ' Spacu IS IIlllllL'd and second- Broda at 519-662-2679, 8-