to- is \ll ltl I NH "RUNIClL'ht-dnesday sour. A mm - . BECllTll0HD SM" , “one l-pnn omen! 1982 519-634-5852 PETERS!!!“ Government Grants G Rebates ' Windows - Doois - Retrotiuble Strum - Awnings . Ahrthitryfthth ll“ mï¬ll S O S O 0 e a er 00 , t » «\R( )U.\l) Q i . I - ‘ Public Interest Research Group i g; aterloo l’iiblii Interest 1 ' Wiesearch (iroup's history is 5 “ watserlqo HomcEI‘Itura‘l usually traced to the fall of OCIety meetlng 1973 when the group began officially operating as a studentâ€"funded organi I . l'he Waterloo Horticultural Society monthly nation on the campus of University of v f “magi general meeting is March 27. 7:30 pm. at the Adult Waterloo to undertake research into ‘ ; j Recreation (Ientre, 185 King St. S..\N'ziterloo. and take at tion on community and a The guest speaker is loy‘ce Brant who W1†talk 3 environmental problems. i ‘ i about photographing your garden. f in fact. its history sirt'ithes back to f e t For more information contact (Zarol Marshall at . ; the prewous fall when a unique (“Dillill' ' é“: o . 519488643407. 3 nation of forces harnessed the spirit '\_ - 5° . i New memberships will be available at the meetâ€" 5 behind the public Hill’rt'fl H‘Wim‘h h f. . '-’ \ .: . ' > i.- ‘ "' ing. Admission is a loonie or toonie donation at the g movement .- ‘4 r w "5 I «h ' .. a“ door. faculty members such as lion ~ . ‘j r - _ “~ I There will be door prizes and everyone is wel- , Smucker, ordained minister and profes» , ‘ fl": ‘ _ . awo- . f it come. sor of social sciences and peace and 1\ “I M \- h }I . " f) . conflict studies at (Iionrad Grebe] (Io|~ : . q gt,’ ‘ f a“ , . “N _I ‘ thtle lamb PI’CSChOOPS lege, who was motivated by his Men» M , {if If,†y;- f , - $72? I nonite concern for social iiistice, want- . . a? ‘ “if ‘IgL-Igégt “H. ‘ ~ mual open house ‘ ed to see students provided With the f, ‘\ . â€if; “if,“ F“ . I/ . _ . . tools needed (0 effect real change m the f :~ “e 15 if I, It I? Little Lamb Preschool Will be hold its annual 6 world. Students concerned about the = if fies; I; ,_ 51 Open house today from 1 (U 3 pm, and 333m from i I environment. such as K-W Pollution w ‘A v ’ kit \‘ 510501“- Probe coordinator Sean Casey. saw the &; {La ,’\- it" __ ‘ Come meet ItIhe teacheirxiind view the facility. creation of a WPIRG on cam us as an ‘ ’ ‘ Registrationswi be accept 4 effective complement to ongging envi» A member of the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group speaks about global Little lamb Preschool is a Christian parent-par» ronmental activism. while members of issues like fair trade at a recent symposium. ticipating nursery school offering classes for three student government like Terry Moore. W'WWDW'O to four year olds. A special junior kindergarten the 1972 president of the Federation of advice on how to start a PIRG helped Waterloo, class option is also ayailable. Students. and his successor Andrew harness the energy Nader's speech With the board of govemors' oï¬icial little Lamb is located at 594 Glen F017?“ BIVd- Telegdi, were dedicated to engaging stu~ inspired days earlier, The serendipity of endorsement, the Ontario Public inter» in the lakeshore area of Waterloo. Call Si9<725~ dents in activism and “wanted to bridge these two PlRG promoters being on est Research Group lOPlRG), as WPlRG 3177 ff“ more information. the gap between community and the campus within days of each other in was called in its earliest years, began i university." mid-October 1972 was not lost on the collecting fees in September 1973. hired From tornadoes ‘ it was the efforts of these various students who became enraptured by its first paid staff and established a for i forces that brought two important ï¬g- the idea of a PlRG in Waterloo, the ï¬rst ma] presence in a tiny ofï¬ce in Engi- to blaCk hOIeS tires to campus in fall 1972. American in the country, In looking back on the neering ll. . . . , consumer advocate Ralph Nader signiï¬cance of that moment, one of the ln its first year of operation, the The next installment Of the Perimeter Institutes addressed an "impressive-sized crowd" original core of student organizers, group embarked on a number of ambi- lecture “in“ WI“ feature Prof. Patrick Hayden of 1,400 students on the evening ofOct. Bruce Hahn. felt they were “planting a tious projects. in September. it began from Mdall UIniverstt'y April 1' ‘ p.m., at Waterloo 13 on the issues of pollution and the cri- tree for the future." researching the Supermarket Price collegiate institute. _300 Hazel Street, Waterloo sis of corporate irresponsibility His They funnelled this enthusiasm into Guide. a comparison of local grocery The lecture ‘S (â€led Frofm tornadoes to black vision of “a cross»linked system of a petition drive. seeking permission to store prices, published weekly in the holes. HOW to sum“ an m ormation catastrophe. autonomous consumer groups across collect a refundable student fee ofSl.50 Record. The guide ran until April 1974. Black holes are regions Of space w’th graVity so the continent" with “the student the per term for each undergraduate. By helping consumers immensely. As its mom; that nothing can escape from them, not I. most likely person to form and support lune 1973, the board of governors at director revealed. “our name is well even by“ , . _ such groups." resonated deeply with the UW was impressed with the drive, known in the community as â€" those . It 5 hard (0 imagine a more “fem“ way to audience. which represented “the most wide- people whodothe food survey.Wehave irrevocably erase and destroy a computer 5 hard “The individual can have an effect." spread support any group or idea has an enviable community image." drive than to drop “ into a nice b'g black hole. B‘" be assured them, “if that person is ever gotten on this campus" The Feder- in February 1974. OPlRG established '5 the information on thf" drive really gone forever? involved and if he is organized in a ation of Students also officially a consumer complaint centre. “3 com- Paradoxically. there 5, a 3°°d chanceIthat not group" endorsed the petition after polling over munity ofï¬ce which will provide a refer- only does (h? information come back, " comes Donald Ross, an organizer with New l.000 students on campus and ï¬nding ence library to help educate the con- back m the blink of an eye. It might someday make York Public Interest Research Group, more than 80 per cent supported the sumer. a consumer complaint centre reliable quantum computers a reality. visited four days later, and his practical creation of a student-funded PIRG at Continued impose 13 Call 5198834480 for tickets. â€"||l|||llllllllllll|lll ‘ ROYAL LsPAGE REAL ESTATE UPDATE ,. - t. i â€"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii """ if“ ff ‘ I b†r. A The housing market continues to improve in the realistic in setting their list prices ~ l“ ,I . City of Waterloo as the economy slowty reboundsdn There are currently 374 detached homes for sale in - a l g "' .= I ‘ . our traditionalty busy market. many ï¬rst-time Waterloo and the avengo sale price is $273,232 so hr '{ ï¬h giI 633117, "1 ' "f, 54: , homebuyors are entering the market to take advantage this year. 1, t ' ‘1_ {f ’ L.- - : ' f" ‘ . ?§.§3‘fï¬. if in of unheard 04 low intemst rates and Government Once spin tho lack of serviced lots in Waterloo _ . g . _ I f“! l? a l q; '\ WW ' "i m ; g incentives, will come into importance as there an fewer homes If ."~.I:i . I ï¬t: 1 ‘ ‘ , . ~. 73 .i Home prices an bedding as home sailors am being available in all prim rang“. ' I" . . id... as; "i- "4 . gr