WA] “(L00 CHRONICLE - Wednesdl .Muth ill. 2MB - 5 O O . . . . . ( lounc11 expenses down 1n last year mi» 1., bu lubb» ( By URH.MA( DONALD l‘oruni in New York (’in which costed opted to use the technology grant. while an." m w w , ’ _ W. t lirllnnle5£lfliAiV 7 77 52.300, Karen \ciait and Angela Vieth declined S I ‘Clal Trains un All Da I ‘ _,, W She also traveled to laipei, laiwan for Whaley's overall earnings are less than . aynr Brenda llalloran was again a digital cities conference. but ilie llldjtlfl his lellow count‘illors because he does saturda)’ April 4th 1 i. . the city touncil‘s top spender in ty of that cost was covered by the confer not have extended health or dental belie Waterloo ‘ Elmira ' "r 200“, racking up more than ence, ï¬ts. W M , ’ $l3.0()0in expenses. llalloraii made just over 578.000 in [he HIV is required to release touncil 6‘30“"! 7 30am f Wlnm . . . ' ‘ . . - lorSakmlmc lhe city released its annual report of salary and benefits In 2006. expenses annually under a prmision in 8.303") 9:303m W council‘s tra\el expenses and salaries last l'hat includes a $8.400 car allowance. the Municipal Act l01308m l2130pm Chu l ’ . . , . _ Ild 516 week. Among councillors, Diane l'reeman lhe followtng is a list of each council- 130])!“ 2:30pm CW Seniors 520 The mayors expenses were a marked and Mark Whale) spent the most. lust lor's Btltltiexpenses. 3230p!“ 43' m Return "tilts Students 520 decrease from 2007', when a trip to the mar $5,000pach, - Mayor Brenda llalloran w 513.338 â€I“ l» “K \) H.†I )‘ ‘ I“. A 1 l l) 2" ‘1‘ 1 ,H lllL Intelligent ( ornrniiniiy l-orum in China (loun. Scott Witmer spent the least 0 Mark Whaley v7 $5.19} 4 ‘ , ' . . . ‘ “L, “ . cost about the same as llalloraii's total with $170 in expenses - Diane freeman 7 $51th \\ \\ \\ . \lCtllll ' ll (ll 11.01 2 costs in 2008. (.ouncillors make $28,995 annually ° Karen Scum ._ $3.715 ‘ She spent close to $16,000 in 2007“ and with the option of a $l.2()0 for technology ' Ian McLean - $2,524 hall that ainountlast year. . , expenses.‘ . ‘ - Angela '\’ieth 7 $2.338 we» [who your store '0 32°00 doors. llalloran s biggest expense in 1008 t.ounct|lors Ian d Ailly. lan Melt-an, - [an d Ailly w$1,991 was a trip to the intelligent Community Freeman, Vt"haley, and Witmer each 0 ScottWitmerrâ€"$ITO WATERLOO'S 0W Con-[UNITY NEWSPAPER 519-886-2830 Witmer calls on McGuinty o a o J- - to make SBIllOl' S a pI'IOl'lty C 7 7 7 Iâ€. {J I - ‘\ Progressive (bnservative health aging population," said Witmer, ’ L I Z L I!) l critic Elizabeth Witmer last week "More than 25,000 people are on a _ ,3 urged the McGuinty government to waiting list for a long-term care it K\l‘l' Rf g \l \ f i mqq.‘ «' make seniors a priority by provid- bed. I believe our seniors deserve N.‘ If†mg more direct care for nursing to live With dignity and respect." c‘ ‘ v. .x" home residents. While residents in Alberta, ““r â€..., ‘fl‘wflrw’ Nursing home residents, their British Columbia, Manitoba and families and staff are asking the New Brunswick have more than .Vchuinty government to use the three hours of personal care per 2009 budget to correct what they day. Ontario residents do not even I call a six-year erosion in funding receive three worked hours of per» for services that support resident sonal care per day, she added. . care, comfort and safety. Witmer outlined a number of "During the 2003 election. Dal~ recommendations, including: ton McGuinty promised to provide 0 Providing a sector-wide stafï¬ng each nursing home resident with increase of 2,500 more personal an additional $6,000 dollars of per» support workers and 2,000 more sonal care. However. the premier nurses, has never fulfilled his 2003 election - lbtpediting the redevelopment of . promise," said “inner, the MP? for Ontario‘s 35.000 oldest longiterm Waterloo. care bed beds. 51’3““: . in February the ()lilarlt) Long - Simplifying the more than 400 V†' Term (are r‘sstlt‘lilllt)“ launched a regulations which govern nursing ~ - - ‘ . . prOVInWMdP pummd campaign ham“ l niox big sa\ ings as in t Icar out _ to urge Premier Metyuinty to pro- - Investing in high impact resident discontinued merchandise and vide desperatelyneeded funding. care initiatives such as programs, . . ‘ l k . "lo date. Ml’l’s have received more activities, meal preparation and “Ch“ led Hill†â€â€˜0th ‘ l“ m“ 9 â€NH“ than‘szxm signed postcards. incontinence care. . for it CW merchandise an“ ins: thin» Six years of laberal inaction has - Productng a comprehenswe plan ‘ ' seriously restricted Ontario‘s abili- with benchmarks to reduce wait» ty to meet the demands of our lists ofmore than 25,000 people. FROM TOTS to TEENS AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN , _ on . ~ . I o o ‘ (I .' * a ». . i UP a y . , , . ~a . 1 Eu l TO 4’ .3 ‘ ‘1 -, A I" â€t (in selected displm models \\llilt‘ (hm List - _,_,,,-..-_ __ Quafityï¬rmituremtflonfabfe prices! !! In: ' ' \ t - . . . . . l. tum/air PM» . ' 1 and ~ I"! Vital-ulna†1865.574.3334 \\ \\ \\. rHHtAm DH’t ) ilt \ slutsumuiiteu . , .