is - WAIT-lull) cumNIcuâ€"z - Wednesdly. Math 18.2003 ' Rescued dogs available for adoption at KWHS WE The Ontario SPCA in Newmarket seized approximately 100 opened its doors to care for a number of these mistreated dogs m m dogs of various mixed small breeds on Dec. 1. 2008 from a sus- in an eflort to assist the OSPCA. pected puppy mill. The Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society The dogs â€" including Bichons. Pekingese. Papillons and .- lhasa Apso types â€" were found in a residence lack- we ing proper ventilation and with extremely poor sani- tation. The investigative team had to leave the resi- dence frequently due to the ammonia in the air. 'lhe . dogs were covered in feces. had severely matted fur and lacked medical care. Some required immediate . ' medical intervention ' Ellzabet’) Wltme'; MPP Criminal charges are pending on two Urey-Bruce Country residents. , Ki‘Cbener' waterloo If convicted, the accused may face a lifetime pro- _ hibition from owning animals. up to 18 months in jail Let me know your views and bow I and}: mammum 52130810000» _ - ' ' ‘ ‘ Fortyâ€"one dogs of varying ages are available for can help you with prownczal issues. adoption. , _ , {- A number of the dogs still requrre medical treat- ‘ ment at an average cost of$250 to $500 per dog. I Those interested can obtain an application and . questionnaire at the KWHS. Applications will be (3 Constituenqy omce reviewed on a ï¬rst come. ï¬rst servebasisi only those ‘ ., . ;. ' who are chosen W1†be called for an mien/19W- Meet lynx, a two year old neutered male chocolate 5/ 5 University Ach": F35! The KWHS is also seeking the assistance of our point Himalayan (at. He is a beige colour with dark Waterloo, ON NZK 5M7 community with the overwhelming costs associated brown ears. lynx is very friendly and looking for a 7* with the care of these dogs. To date. the centre has loving companion. He came from a home where he . ._ 3:. , Phone: 519725134 3‘ incurred expenses of over $45,000 with more medical lived as an indoor (at, and is already declawed. If 4 -.~ .31 Fax: 519725-5667 care costs pending. you're looking for a house cat With a great person- ‘5’ 2% . . ‘ Fach year, shelters are faced with overwhelming BI'W come and meet lynx â€days†C3" 519749 3 '3. :Ԥ www.clizabethwnmermppta costs associated with puppy mill seizures, They rely 5615» . f: " on community support to assist them with this waME’VuMDVWY ongoing issue. w .33.; 233“" ‘35 â€LR-r» ‘35."sf";".3‘-',-‘*-"â€" 3 C332; . We.» :- ': ‘2’: . . g ‘ ‘ ‘ «i . 3 :3? -.~ . . a â€" a. “I I I1 e Magnolia? T ’ ' 7. . I; I ’7“ " Q'jf‘gx so; 224'.“ can“ 3:5,}. ,3.» .. ' ' .- ‘ 3... i3,- ‘ . . .5323. is...» = 5 2h??? «‘3 . g. F,- a- 3 ' ""* §%0:fmf§wm¢ â€is.“ ,‘ . . “433.» “_ E I, g: ., 1 I » g 6 - ( â€\IUIII i li’lliolii‘xJ nitilui'l \Illti\ E E E I: E E i; , g ‘ c r. ,5» - r» _ g ‘ edgy» , ‘ i ~ -‘5\% \rtli Hit-I \llI\I|‘ Pain 3 g E!- k: ' if; ‘ 4305‘ “1;; l. " l'|.llll;ll I.I\(Illl\ . E Eâ€" E E E" a g i. I' hi; 1% I I.II It‘t‘I High \i‘tliul It‘t‘l. IIllllltvlh v- ‘ Eâ€"F t E" it} x; . III3IIlilllQ'IIIII-Iiit‘lll:H‘IIIIlIl‘l‘lll FF $3.," .2. 1' 3» w 1111822112"; \;iil I'l'IIIlIt‘IIh. \;ii| \iiruri‘i I I- - an“: '- 1‘ - on. I Mum \kill.\|mrl~ \lulirim 3- ‘» ,- ; .. - " ‘ ' 2., . ,_ _. snub-WWW IIHII lliliitii‘. I)I.III\‘II( I not ( are t\ liliit‘ulium at ’._.-;.ï¬,:.‘_. '1'. I f \: ‘ {a \ -. 7“ '3" _ ‘1‘ IIi‘I'llldllllllfllt ( auditions ,. w- w m». i. H I I â€I“ ‘ ., \ . ~vi‘%~ \uiiun l will ni‘r....\ \lnl't‘ g . ~ .3 ï¬t ; '0â€. (um /‘i /( I'lw/rm/ In 1 I \ HN‘I/ b - -»~ ’ \ g aé-ys...‘.r-*~' "' ' " ‘ - - = m..-» - aâ€... 'It‘l‘ff/il \ I mm m l/l/Hl/l I' I .3/1 114/. , //u u/Hlll/V/iwi ' I I . at '. f L l i . 1:.“ *5: by": §%' “1“», it...“ - ». . , ~ . .3, MM. ~ . 3 » QB“ . . . . . 3.31;»: 3,; , ‘ . _ . «t ' i ' y ,3 3 ' ‘3; 1 tax W260. ; »2;.» S LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE 3‘ l s , , W A , r f , l NymMaMhmwkostehx-nldemlalmnmenc s i "Rwandan†LASER FRENZY ‘ â€MummmmMmatm It. I†:7 I a," "_ r‘ I. 39 BIKINI LASER l ColNowToBookYouvMConsukatlon “‘73- HAIR REMOVAL \ «visit-"W ., 3‘». no man-In 1‘ E» f ‘ ‘ Also receive $20 off any laser 3 ' mas SPECIAL OFFER Exitiiés Km: whoa ' ‘ ig,-g ‘3 hair removal treatment over $75 [ â€author procedures are conducted 3 3133‘!- . ‘3~ , “"‘*'33-“-â€"'*“"n““"""“"“3 .#-__._-J 51"â€qu ‘1 ‘2 I vahmiumï¬ I i h ‘ 4 w w w w w v - gramsï¬g’rsiw' â€an nmrmm‘dtnmnm VAUOIIAN (‘A VI|I WA I ‘ ILI A CIV' M “ . $231350? ~05 417 It.“ 0m 3!? 005's no 22:99:“ "axis; :72.) I :3: :33 3)" %:x:a‘=ï¬Â¥ Mun .