II ' VHI HtltXH?“I1)NI(IU. - Wednesday. February J‘- 3009 " ~~â€"â€"â€".Hâ€"â€"â€"w~miâ€"~~r W - , , T |t|l\|\I\\ i â€" ,,. a , . a . . Social entrepreneurship is an emerging concept to consider Have you heard of the emerging concept merit and a proï¬t Lusually referred to as a [he fundaiiierilal concept In You would be creating of social entrepreneurship? surplus in the nonproï¬t woridi a social entrepreneurial husi» l l ‘N \ i H I l 7 employment for yourself and What it is. simply. is a business undertak- l‘he principles of business and business ness is that of fund earning vers- . _ . ‘. others as you would if you mg that ha a social beneï¬t verses a private development are esslilntially the â€"18th a e; fundrr‘aisinghWhanl their; by “I l 5' \ [SS ownï¬-‘d theI b55fÂ¥1m yourse'l; individual beneï¬t. socr undertaking. e outcomes an me; I at 1st is â€" t e tra lilotl' e on y i erence is w n The beneï¬t is the creation of em ploy: ï¬ts. however. are focused on the community. method of raising funds for a . it comes to proï¬t and the hair charity is the donation or pledge 5 dling of it. from a supponer. .1 With a privately owned bust 'lhis is essentially fundrais- ; ness the proï¬t generated is for ’ ing.1he donor receives no i the owner to do with as he or 4 WE R E I N T H E goods or servwes in return for 3. she pleases [after paying tax on their pledge â€" they have given a . . it. of course). donation and they receive a Mth a social beneï¬t busi~ N E I G H B o U R H o o D charitable tax receipt. ness, the proï¬ts (aka surplus) I Mth fund earning there is an W. ROY are disbursed to a charitable or exchange of goods and services WEBER nonproï¬t organization. that constitutes a business in these difficult economic O b h transaction. thus earning the times, charities are seeing their ' funds through some form of valueâ€"added charitable givings decline from their tradi- U r n 8W ra n C 0 De n S ' business activity. This is the deï¬nition of tional donor activities. This is a good time to fund earning. step fonvard and help non-proï¬t organiza- Wed n eSd 3y M a rCh 1 1 i 2 009 So ifyou apply the same business princi- tions in our community by generating new . pies to a fund-eaming enterprise, you have and creative ways to earn funds to support the potential of creating a beneï¬t not for just their charitable efforts one individual (that being the business Next time we will take a look at some 4 owner). but beneï¬ts that are shared with the examples of social entrepreneurial ideas 9 . . . - t entire community. A social entrepreneurial that have been staned in our region and the There S a new neighbourin town and we It wearing red. ‘ business may be an exciting and new con» beneï¬ts they have generated for our global We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your sidemion for you ifyou are thinking of community. ï¬nancial goals. Visit us at 606 Laurelwood Drive and see what Smell bushï¬re . . _ t†_ h ff . You can start this kind of busmess as you Ray Weber is an advtsor with the Waterloo we ave [0 0 er' ; would with a traditional privately owned Region Small Business Centre. He can be _ _ i business reached at nueberï¬city. mierlooortca Other branches in your community: I ’ . . WWW Town Square 1 It s best to start With a ï¬nanc1al plan . .‘ Conunuedfrompage 17 basic asset classes to help strategy. 75 King Street SOUlh ‘ minimize risk and maximize "Taking the time to devel- asset allocation. potential return. op a ï¬nancial plan now will Bmhwood Asset allocation is the Asset allocation should give you more time to make - process of ï¬guring out be a part of an overall investment decisions that ‘4 F‘SCher'Hauman Road North I which investments you investment plan customized are right for you,“ said should choose (cash. ï¬xed to reflect your personal Rocco Taglioni, the vice- King & Noflhï¬eld I income and equities) based investment style and goals. president of individual " - on your risk tolerance and ' Createa ï¬nancial plan. wealth for Sun Life Financial 569 ng Shea North I your ï¬nancial goals There are so many choic~ Canada. . Successful investors es available, sometimes it's "Working with a ï¬nancial I know an investment's per- hard to know where to start. adviser can help you investi- . formance is unpredictabie. A ï¬nancial pian can help gate all your options and Laurelwood 8' HOST/"'6 I and the best plans involve a you ï¬gure out how to save answer such questions as g s t. b k 606 Laurelwood Drive long-term strategy. for tomorrow while still how much you need to save CO la an Unit 300 I Asset allocation first enjoyingtoday. now to teach your retire- , Waterloo, ON identiï¬es your tolerance for By understanding where merit goals. which invest- 519-888-8130 market volatility. and then you are today and what your ments are best suited to selects an appropriate mix goals are for the future. you your goals and what's your .wmdmmdmu of funds and interest can start making decisions risk tolerance as an accounts from the three that ï¬t into your long-term investor?“ I 4" .' . . . , ,W . I . 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