wAl sumo uni-omens - Wednesday. i-ebmuy 11.2003 - 2I - ~~~f-â€"~ ~~~~-~~~ / _ ~ in .. ‘ Sm a ll businesses must work harder durin mllfll af tr") tough economic times to stay afloat g 1.65 v?†to It you run a retail business Sales drop. When your sales Kitchener BIA, is hosting a retail seminar 9 as or are thinking oi starting I '\ ( ) l '> drop, you should be taking a that will focus on all these strategies in 1 , ‘ one up, you Mll know that I I \ . I “ look ï¬rst at what youare detail. Set th“ \‘ the playing ï¬eld and game “I l S I \ l 85 offering your customer and You will come away with practical (la 5 S | fig d .. rules have changed signiii~ adjust to meet the needs of ideas that you can implement immedi‘ S - “r cantly since last November. your market. ately in your business. There are a host of GCtIO “ H, In a recession there is 7 Then come up with cre- speakers who will share with you their 0 . ~ plain and simply â€"â€" less alive ways to promote to proven retail strategies. h m . 4 money gotng around. your customers and keep The key speakers at this event are M Consumers are. in gener- ‘ your business at the top of Kevin Graft, president ofGratT Retail, and 7 n ‘ 1 , a]. concerned about the their minds Barbara Crowhurst, an internationally ‘ ' 0 future and their jobs, so they During a recession. sup- renowned retail makeover specialist. tend to spend less, especially A â€in; pliers may be willing to give The seminar will take place at Kitch- ‘ ‘ on goods and services that ‘ better concessions to move ener City Hall on Feb. 24, from 9 am. to 4 ' are considered non-essenv W. ROY their stock. so check for deals pm, For more details and how you can - tials. WEBER With your suppliers that you register, go to wwwwaterlooiegionsmall- o _ ' You have to rethink your can pass on to your cus- businesscom or call 519-747-6265. ' whole business strategy in recessionary tomers times â€"~ from how you market your Everyone likes a deal. especially in .. products or services. buy and stock sup~ recessionary omen Roy Weber is an adqu with the Waterloo v?“ w your no" to 32,000 doors. ' plies, and how you hire. train and moti- Talk to your stafl‘ and come up with a Region Small Business Centre. He can be WATER“) S M Cot-tut†m" 5 7mm " vate your staff. game plan that will boost your sales, W at rweberOcity. waterlooonca There is still business to be had. but increase customer satisfac~ there is just less ofit, so you have to work tion and encourage service W, k _ _ . _ m. ,. . .\. v a little harder to get your share. excellence. “Mar" (if i . ’ â€"~e~â€" - 521‘»§;‘:,1. - It Don't fall into the trap of pulling in The Waterloo Region -, y 431» v; w . 3 xx};- _ the reins when sales are down. Small Business Centre, in (54? (eff-n ‘ . “s; egg; £15†The biggest mistake i see retailers do partnership with the uptown of?“ ‘f , s,†.-. g . _ w 1 > , g ,_ a " ' â€my 3.55?" is cut their advertising spending when Waterloo and downtown a&§:y2 .. ,‘ n Pmc ' o* ‘ < in d; “4 luff} . i - vhfâ€; ," cl: go . = fl ‘ at? . - , not? . ' I f who, - mutatin- - -' li a? (7 he 1 A , .. “was: â€it " @> SM 995 - it w. an. 2. ,.;- \ $9] 3:3:- 155 g I ’ -â€" l I KW Children 's Drama “ï¬r/shop "" I. l! l†a. ZUUQEJIIIIA ’ ’i presents ‘\ .. El us we: m _ rim Q \ _ s 0 S a“ n ï¬gment: meadow or N s -- ï¬' “a? flUM Ty gammy ~ “ --~-- ’ ' 3555; ,_v ; . ids-y“ , . 77 1 LT . A. jg.» ff 55"! . 2009 an I “5 £55 5 - :_.‘: , ' .. “SALEM % g 55 â€5“ M $1 995 ... W†t J" K? . 8: am egg; 35 ‘J ' , _' a? Ei‘li M {v ,_ 2009 um L g 545 3 . j | gag,“ ,. ._ mam-nu og‘ lil a; , g A v "‘ y 'L s 0 ii. i a \ III m. is I 3 ~ A ' m {a}, WIN 2 TICKETS i mg: l!' 153 I! 2.7L a. ‘ glz if to this wonderful adaptation of a children's classic s H" a m m o% is“; as . c ‘ 5 Fri. Feb. 27 to Sun. March 1 x M 321,995 "" %' iï¬zgg , at the Registry Theatre _....... hag; . a 7 122 Frederick St. Kitchener Haï¬z; ' All You Have To Do Is Tell Us Where The KW neuucw mumm'mumum gig; ' Children’s Drama Workshop Logo ls Located in The in l“ Emu" m mmm.mimmglm 55555? t MINI-Mm - 9 - Paper. Fill In The Ballot Below And Mail It Or Drop it 2!†m. . mmflgm “a“ Off At Our Office And You Will Be Entered In ' ~~ gig] " A Draw To Win 2 Tickets To The Show. cud luck]! """'""' -, ‘k. ' l “45me SHOP. _ list; i i . t ' , F -’ â€5? I l . t ' u , ~‘ * a m i a i . n - c-n or- . 71“;- i t x _ .. » i : : a H HYUHDFII 45? pm. , m gm; l I 7 5 EMgâ€"Eâ€"Qmï¬ï¬ Visit your local on. Hyundai Dealer has; ~ rumâ€"ME 3 i - I o I I musk wusnwo ammo: it 255 :W_MM!_L_OL“ l Abbi. â€vi-idol 3m Wand-i m W : Mummasmm.mmmumn : “Alpine Rd. 625 Dwenpofl Rd. â€02519“ St. N. . m a. m 9. | (new, 519-742-4400 Wot-doc. sumo-ms Cambridge, 519mm L- , _ 9": f: â€E?! 53291753?! 92:33:23- _ __l mruplmhvundai.“ MJCNMW'IVundolen m.combrldqohvundol.ca U