mu Hit no t MitoNicu. . Wednesday HlIlunly I 1003 - 23 _ A. _ my: L‘:::_W_____ ___. ..________. as ._._._ _;‘ : __‘:T::~MM. _. I I â€a ..WW_. . ‘ l _ . - ._::~:.-_‘__M .â€" .. M l t I I I l l l l ,,_ _ , W- .__.. W ... . . l..~__-.. ~M_.-.-. _-.:...--_"L_L;_':;:; :i:::.'._:._- ..::.~LT:.T:'_L‘:I:..j'_â€"-â€"~~W__..-..___ _._.Mw. . ‘* “‘ 1 . . x a , . F†ï¬hï¬ . ll“ Sta 8 , ~ . stilt lib-h. l :lUp.l‘1L;dl ltlquueen 51, IN. > 1 \llth ClaSSICS g l m a m m kitthtnt r. ll( kets art 335 $10 lot more tiitor L.. ï¬â€˜, _ _ _ _____. t t . , . ‘ mation call 5191578457001“ I’MVZGSVI‘ISJTT I. lhe (.htnese New tear s festival featuring rulr u a m M turalperformances. lion dance. t‘hildren‘s m â€I may Itieatre on the lztigt- presents Im- iniprovcomr fcï¬rgeéï¬lfï¬?‘ dinner, Perflanfl"& to?†lhe Starlight presents Kim Wilson Feb. 7, 8 The K-W Chamber Orchestra presents Haydn My ex cry lhutsda) at 8 DJ“ at the Button Fac- 0 Ad “5 Forbes “all; Feb, ‘- 5 Pl" ‘0 If pm. at 47 King St. N, Waterloo. Tickets are Anniversary With soprano Cheryl (atnpbell, tor}: Admission is $5 lot information via" 3m. F mlsuon,“ “03555 {0' â€mo†and ‘h‘l' $20. For more information call 519-885-4970. l-‘eh. 7, B will. d1 Wilfrid launer University's “MM/totem. 5335:1121; informattion email ‘ Maureen l-orrester Rental Hall. Tickets are $20. . cocaine , $15 for students and seniors free for children. M a TI m : , ‘ r ‘ w . lilinira Theatri- Company presents From Here ~ V m m ‘ ‘ 7 h" more information La“ .119-144-3828 to Insanity Feb 5, 8 p.m.‘(plus 2:30 pm. weekv m The Slml'ngWmS (reofTwBe'merthth â€2â€â€œ u ‘ ' â€Kl matinees), 2†75 Howard "“5 l-‘Jmira. “a“ The Gilbert and Sullivan ensemble a mature (My Lovers. Rh 8' 8 p.m.. 4‘ lung M N" Water» ets are $18 for more inforniatton call 519-578- vocal m K kl ' . . [00' Tickets are $10 at the door. H" more infor- “I “a m 1570 â€I [.500 "(158977 . you“ is see "3 new members ford†matiun call 519-885-4970, The WLU [all Ensemble performs Feb, 8, 7 ‘ ' ‘ ’ “NC? ranges Performances InCllldE‘ a Winery 0f ~ p.m.. at Wilfrid Laurier University‘s Maureen I" 22:15; 39399; 351130 [0 I??? muswaggm’d n ‘ " Forrester Recital Hall. Tickets are 35-510. - - . or emai ensem swar * ~r-â€"râ€"~ in: If m «an terloo,ca. “I“. .m . . . l I ll GalRenes ‘ Hora (nmmunitv Theatre presents Anne of The Starlight presentsVKathleen Edwards rel). * ' " "“" ‘ ' “ W ' " Green (.ahles Feh 6, H p.m. (plus 2 p.m. Rah 8), m, m, m m H [0, T p.m., at 47 King St. N.,Waterl00, Tickets ~ , » 1 . . g. at the Grand Theatre 244 St. Andrew St. W, The University ofWaterloo‘s Earth Sciences are $22.50 in advance. $25 at the door. For ~ h“ ‘ “‘- l‘ergus Tickets are “7-50 514 for seniors $5 Museum is open daily from 8:30 4:30 more information call 519885-4970. m a" H I“ may ,' _ f , . .‘ , . ‘ ' _ p.m. Admission is free. For more information The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery presents for childrt n. lot mort information tall 519 m . 8411-4852 or l rmrsoosasz, call 519.455._'7-.32453 . . . Anme E Brown. In Memory. a group show. at m“ 00 1» 1 King 5mm 55 llanel'SIW A“?- h- Waterloo. 25 Caroline St.. Waterloo For more information a L___Â¥ _ߣmp9(§[b features live 13.71 four nights a week. Wednes- call 519â€"746- 1882. A In. 3 arms ' . * ~ - days and â€â€œ1"" “0'" 633†Pm" We“ at.“ In â€x , r...- flint. ~ fro 73041: . . d t fr 7: ~ The King Street Theatre Centre presents A Book m 10.3?) pm Vifgngmoucrgs‘ys om 30 The Children's Museum presents Andy of: Us Feb. 7. 8 .m. The evenin featum _ n I ' ' ' ,. w h i' F x 2 t it , I Ki 5. p025: and stories? some featuringgadult con- The Starlight presents the Arkells With the Wak- â€a"! BI“!!! Ind . 8 ‘ 15 lung 5" 5" WarKi‘tJlee:tacr.oCl-:ll gag/3?;3879 a l "g ( tent Admission is $15 For more information mg Eyes. Feb. 4' 9 p.m.. 3‘ 47 King 5“ N" Water- Waterloo. presents Tim Louis on Tuesdays For m m I ‘ ‘ ‘ . 'nf ti call 519-836-36(X). call 519-571-0928. 100' "tickets are $9 at the door. For more "“0" morei orma on The LutherVilla eWaterfall Galle resents mation call 5193854970 Solé W‘ “WI†Bar. 83 Erb 5‘ W" Pat O'Driscoll’s Edemoties and Prorlllfses until u ‘ â€39% an: .- Waferl°°r We?“ "‘9 William 143W“? 1&2? March 28 at 139 Father David Bauer Dr. Waterâ€" “! I [I m t m m " “ ‘ ‘ ' Protect featuring Laurence Caution bass. Mike 100‘ Drayton Entertainment presents Caught in the u. m ‘ Harmer on piano and Bill Reid on drums. Feb. Act it: Repeat Offenders Feb. it at the St. The Starlight presents Errol Blackwood mm 7, 9 p.m. ‘0 midnight. Call 5197475622 Be pan of lambs Country Playhouse. 40 Benjamin Rd. B, we! [gain 5‘ 8 $312547 King 3; N" Maxwell's Musk House. 220 King St. N.. Water- Waterlooflickets are $38, $20 for children , “1:301 ' 9152;: l ‘ r more In ormaâ€" loo. presents the Songwriters Circle.Wednes~ on the scene under 18. For more information call 1-888-449~ non 5 9885' 0‘ da . Coun ,‘lhursda Alethntinalli. . Y Dry try y‘. Plane let us I: - -. m . ., new“, as . i _ . , nowofany upcoming an: and 4463 or319-147-lr88. :. J. "_ .1- a... ,t a « LooseChan 8TH MattLees Fnda .After - , W 4.3-: .w . w. Sgch ad Band I, S Yh d h entertainment events. Include proper spelling. \lHSEVQVll'S 1 mm WEE-dz; we" 6 "m m" a“ l e mamaandn‘cbetprtm.ï¬axmmsmsas- ’ gï¬ ___‘_._l The Centre in the Square presents David Cas~ 3" ' y. 9383, or entail atltorialï¬uamioochmniclera. “kimono ..- «a 41-.g.;»u;-i~» 2 7‘ ,~ . â€â€˜ W 1†"""‘,““§ "ff“ ‘ "'ï¬â€œ "â€1 7 .» l,_ '2 all) , ‘ '* . (,lll{()\l(.l.l,(RUSSHURI) in; may -~,.. ~ "mag-bâ€. wisfl w: -:;§~t;f~‘...,;“< ., _ . . a .., H_._s ,, W, s,,__,‘ ,, ,, We a CLUES W 1. Military mailbox , ' 1 ‘ 4‘ New Deal energy protect ; 17 St. Jacobs Coun t rm 1 . w Ell- ill-ll III. - - 10. Summon over a speaker 5 l . l A C O B S 12. Plural at 14 across 14. Aniou or Bartlett a 15. Rivulet 22 16. City in Sweden and IndoneSia 17, Snakalike fish .. v; W... Hill-- till-iii 20. Ptucky ._ v m 22. Inquisitonat ' " at ) 23. Nurse-patient relation , 24. Anwar _, Egyptian statesman i... '1‘. . 26.1rnposedaoollectedatax J . , . o ' 29. Miorogram 37 1 v. r. '1 ‘ ' 6 ~ 30.1ntiImary sleeping place *‘ . «a ‘ '1" 34. Swiss river _ , gigs " 35. Big Blue ' of A a ,. W 4 J 36, Not new 1 37, Dual function davanpon 47 E ? 43. _wit: Silly person a, Jeans . . x a Hill-Iii rill-nil i" , 47. Lump of slimy stuff _ 3 48. Latin for England An" . fl ‘ ‘ ‘3 49. W. Alrlcan country c u 52 Arteries . Bug 1 'H the M 55.Seanifl .actor . 56 Genie 63 .i . _ Re 1‘ Offender. 58. Abba . tsraeli minister “- a Pea s 60 Wings - - ._ All m ' 1 l I ~ 61 Rescues 9 W119 33 Banned insectiode 59 Norway my 62 Plunder a town 11 Arman antelope 38 Car motor 63 Followssuoma 12 Fasttemoo 39 Mosotron ‘ '1' "-°.'4‘ '.’ ’ ' Slam“) THE WHEN-00 REGlONAL POUCE SERVICE 54 British air aces 13 V11 40 Implants l? lair". 1r“ 2 Z Directed by ALEX MUSTAKAS 65 Russta used to be U 7 14 Implement lot Wflllng 41 Criminals 5'. 0‘. ' a t a ' .' n t. . .r 19 Hrs ark 42 Pistons tomato Johnson _- :. :o‘ - '1‘- “WMEWWMM CLUESDOWN 21 Protoctistgonus 46 Partsolmatchedpairs '.'.‘."°' '.‘.I.-' ‘ "AH. Mmmmm “WWW 1Eastarmonthtabbrl 24 BuanlhahOlllQUld 48 Crookmddish) ’l-_~:c :f: a :!::_: 5 brawnuvldit-wflhd to 23W“ 25 WW ‘9 50-Stc'hancn up“). . M W 3 Leerat 26 Luxurycar 50 Twotoodsloth I‘l'l l‘u:l‘l40 n.lAt'l‘I.l 4 Watery-eyed 27 Darkbladt 51 Sllohttyopen --.' . W- Fflllnllfl ll -'IMI 551mm,,,,Mornson 23 Smallloodsnops 53 Wintermolons Cas . . °.°" . 6Humanitles 29Wr9180amh) 54 Dead-Midstream .' #1:." :':‘. I. ‘L: Box Office: 5197477788 7Looklurt'rvoly 31.6ontleman 5514mm»): ‘erIf.’ 1lléILUltsl,uunliv1)laynuuw 111111 8 M__..'0'anU‘8' 32 NonroommerctalTWabbr) 57 Marshelder mumunm'sruzzu