a -\\>\[H<1UU(M|IONI(JL 'Wediiesilas It'liiimis 4 Jim - . mi ~ * ' WANTED. 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING f . t 7erourareamflbeowenme0wormmiolhawn9 00 0 pe S rlngS poe ry an lNTERLOCK metal roofing system "stalled on their home . at a reasonable cost This lifetime product is capturing the . tre interminomeownersacw mecounmwmwammmw an maglc S ones 0 e ea this will be the last time they mil have to retool their home Our “our,“ ,5 enwronmentally mend†and comes may a lwo Women Productions is delighted lerie Waindor, the stories iii llldglt realism particular itiritriliiiiion to the contempt) Mame “18an Limited Warranty with an excmm to tinnount'e that their show ,\ Book of mine lriini 11 collection ill short stories hi. ran storytelling rexiï¬il When it minis to . , . 1, ..( .t ‘..tt i 1 -.. (.y 1- -,‘*"l)r"dlli’ chorce 0' cows to complement your home and is 90mg to :pclls‘nlll ht playing in hitthtntr it tht iuthor \iri M iitl 1nd Ihi trim is lit rti, both in in rt ll and minus M rt t L iiig Street lhetitre ( entre during their the content edgy and disturbing, lush, newground be “mowed to your local Wt Your "new be a Show southern Ulllitrlt) tour soothing and ï¬lled Wllli delight Not that either oi them is unlaititli-tr place 'n Your neighbourhood and we w'" make it "on“ W†Starring .11 claimed storytellers Ian llie show is .1 story oi many, “MIN with periornitirit e ,\lltlrt'\\‘h has travelled while iiwecan use your home MWIHM Andrews and lennilt't ( .tvle). the show stories listeners iind llu‘lllst'l\t's ton to testiitils rind concerts across ( itndd‘di ml] run for one night only on let] T fronted Wllli the MM ll iii lltiiisel and (ire in the United kingdom, Australia and the 1 -866- 733-5808 A Book of Spells Inierweai es poetry, tel 7 still hung In lhe liirt'st. so“, through U .s linlev has appeared nationWide and Toll-Free 2‘ hours 7 0m I Wk literary stories oi intigit’ realism and stir all the ages. tending to young “omen s also in Hawaii, ties of personal experience l'he poetry is needs. Both have told from such great Cpth W ’ taken from (nirdens tit l-den by Micher l'hen there‘s the mother who gains as [he [had and [he Odyssey. Both [me “sumo 5 Own ‘~ir“ the ptmer itiuite lllt'r'dlh 1‘ ti) sour through the dark mysteries of the folk tales. Both CW â€WK" WATER‘EDO C RONICLE the nighttime, and the two old women has e been invtilved as presenters and tending their garden and their broom administrators. ensuring that other story 0 sticks .7 in their cottage .it the end oi the lellers have opportunities to develop Laser Hair Removal . _ Above all. there are the two tellers, Andrews is also a writer of books tor Unwanted hair is a problem shared both by men and unwantedunsigl'itlyhairsNumerous published studiesinpro struggling to build a life together. seeing young people. Her work has been short- women Sorriepeopleeltperience urrwaritedto excessive hair lessiorial triedlcaliuxnalsartest to theiPi. system‘ssaletyand themselves reflected in what they are listed fora number of major awards, 9'0"!“ 31 “159W 00‘9“ 50d '1 10 be a (WWW that 9'0his WWW â€MWX reading, desperate to put their demons to including the (governor Generals Liter- progressively worse Nth age Some women experience door The M system hair remoyal process is called photoepilo rest and ï¬nd peace. an, Award. tronalhairgrmvthdunngpregnancyormenopauseflewos- tmwhichisbascdonthepnncipaldselecuvephotwiennol I h d h N ,1 ~ , , k {5‘ ll isabr'lli ntmar- . , . aunt e at t e atinna Storytelling A Boo o .pe s 1 a easesalwhaveeiicesswehairgmhasasyrnptornbutthese yasTl'iismeansthartl’ieightenergyisabsabedntfrtarget Ni . r . . , ' ‘ , . . , ,, , . . . etwork Fringe festival, iii St. Lours, 1n riage ofliterary story and personal narra~ arerare hatiollicleswhtlespanngtheunmnghedmym _, h . , P . ‘ H ,. _ ‘ , h' th ., MglsawvmdMme “MIN Plsystmtreattheharrbyzirectinglightenagythmgha 2001, and eadmg for the (.wanwyn lies- me. tin sum is‘greater i an e parts, mymgmimmmvmgmtmm N'WWM lightgundeplacedonihepatient'sSkinAthrnlayerdtinar- tival in Wales in May, A Book of Spells is a said Elizabeth Ellis. an award-Winning locations made long-lasting hair removal a Signiï¬cant chal» ent gel (breathe treatment area to locus theliditenergy and new venture bOIh In terms of the world of storyteller, lenge write unwanted or excess hair is pnmanty a cosmetic to cool the top skin layernie light mgy barmaid dariiages storytelling and of its creators. A Book of Spells will play at the King concern, it can be very distressing to those who the hair follicle. typically causing the hair «so! to "Here we are," said Andrews. " Two Street ()emre, 36 King St. W,, on Feb. 7 at 8 suitor its «has Unwanted hair can be the source fall out from the follicle, lPi system technology nice little old ladies, One of m rejmcing pm. ottorrsiderable embarrassment limiting peoples allowsyour physician tomamm in the monthly arrival of her (MS check Tickets, which cost $15, are available â€WNW , l ‘ â€MW“ and mmayvewithrunnalsade and the other not so very far behind, nei- in advance by calling 519-57l«0928. at High-tech lasers and light sources are rapidly . effects th f . b . , k‘ h ' h b [T l' t changing tl'ietreatment for hair removal. Among ' Mth its Wilmer/alive softwareJPL sys er 9 usexpectlng to k M II“; F0 ‘ .t I e ‘ (ix ‘0 ice. on me a laseraridlightbaseddevxesthelPLsymernarethe l J temtreatmentparameterscan baselecmdbyyour road in quite this manner at this stage in boxofï¬cewkstcxa or at the door. gold standard for safety, superior results, and ‘ ‘ ’ physicim according to an imividual‘s speciï¬c skin our careers. ('0 to WWW‘ kstc.ca or path ' colour, hair colour and hair densityThis mayor "It's a huge leap," added Cayley. httpzl/spells.theatreadmin.com for more $0».th , , advantage alows the physician to (minutiae each "What we're trying to do is to make a very information. Millions of men and women spend a lot of time ‘ individual treatment based on personal experi- and money each year attempting to eliminate lance. as well as the unique attributes death ha C unwanted and excess hair, Women frequently follicle. ats returns experience this condition on the lace. especially “MM†A: a result of this computergenerated pied . the lip or eyebrow areas at the bikini line, under son, the IPL system has prwen citective on the to local Sta 8 MannsorontheirlegsMenoftenwishtondthemseNesd widestmgedskintypesâ€"frornporcelainwl’i'uethmghoive haiionthebackorchestflieytoomayhaveunwantedhalr todarkbrowncormieidons The Show that revolutionized betweenthetrewbrmysormotherpmsdtheirlace. haddnioiilPlsystt-mstechrxnlogyenablesthephyslcimto musical theatre is comin back to Thethicknessardcolourolthelmcanhaveadirectmpact ï¬entlyremovehalrfromanypanolthebody,mmatter THE '2 th Ce t . h g ontheproblern,asdoesthetokuoiarilrkividual’sshn0ue howdeeptheloliclesmayresideireatmentdsensitivem \“ , e nrelnt eSquare. the increased risks associated with those With darker skin it is likethe hpsearsnoselinderarmsandbikini inecan “Mb? R ‘ Perfonnances‘ol' Cats take place moutanttogetphysrclmmseprutohairrenwal easilytolerated FORBIDDEN Feb,23and24 at “MP-"L Marry traditiond approaches have been used to try to solve Another IPL system advantage is its wide treatment area, PYOdUC€d by CATS-Eye. LLC. the thepeskypmblernoiunwantedandexcesshaiertheritis enabling the device to cover more area in substantially less We can He, national tour of Cats is the only shawng tweezn; waxing harm creams or eltnrolysis the, In fact approximately 1002(1) hairs can be treated with p production in North America sanc- most or thesemethods are messy, uncomfortableiricorwerr each ï¬ashollighcwthatbrgemathsotharon the legsback \l tioned by Andrew Lloyd Webber. lent or wiper-ism. wrth the unwanted hair invariably returning and chest can beneatedqurdoy masiriglesesmAtthesame » With original direction by Trevor qumm’ tlmnmmmmmmkummv‘mmm TRAM BLAIR Nunn and choreo h by Cillian Wilmeiectrorysahasbeenmermsteï¬mrvemetmdol eliminatedtromdelicateplaces L [h . h grap y .' ' , permanent hair removal bunt caribe palnhihimecmsumrng Multiple treatment 2590M are typically required for long D E N T U R E C L l N l C mnef . ‘95! (‘3 Lats “Edited With Warpensiw,aseachhairlol|iclemustbetreated Mindually. lastingharrmncwal 28 Young Street E. Waterloo the Bnmh invaswn 0f Broadway. The process can take months or even years, and permanent Gilliam ' Cats _"Cket5 start at $59, “Ckets resultsarenotalwaysachieved. At Dr Takhar‘s Cosmetic Clinician havebeen successful in (519) 884 _9298 are available at the Centre in the AMSolim'oreLi-urflliflflm achievingpennarmhalrreductionnallskintypeswithminr Square tiCket Centre at 5196â€]. Finally. a new treatment solution produces longrlasting mum discomfortWe find that usually 6-8 treatments are See the 1570 or toll-free 1.800.265.8977 or results across the full range of unwanted hair problems. This Manumflyhtewalsu wpatientsinitidymwith 12 online at www.centre-sq m com breakthrough technology uses broadband intense Pulsed wolvslcianDrTakharwhowilproviieaheecmfltaomin Denture . The Centre in theuS$uare is Light technology to damage hair follicles for iongierm hair order to tiscussmpiticular skin type summaries Specralists Y"" located at 101 Queen st N Ki h Walhhasslwntobeasuccessfulmhoderedudng (AltodayluafreeconsultatbnSN-Gsm ener ' " 1c ' onenroRiAL 4., I km . g ,3:pr ‘twjï¬y- :3,- {mm 35*; . £213}! up“; § " mâ€" , ~ ., .J ‘ ‘ Es: Starting at i ~ . r if?! 1‘ - LASIK Now. ~ I Take UanI We. l "“3; 5P1?!“ , Y- @ lASlK hTax-Froo ‘ ##fli 0’ 0mm Hakim Dr iiimesn Desoi I "._‘__.,._,c._ . in 1‘1 Ll r not» ‘ AccordD .m- MM†__.-.,_._. ~â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"‘*â€"‘â€"‘~ hwâ€"~-~'~ ~ â€"~~â€"~H_\râ€"_._m___ ,_ 7_ _ Halifax Quebec Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Edmonton Calgary VOnCOuver