N' “Nil-Niki (leNKlLE'Wednesday lama» Jlst 1003 ' Europe no vacation for surging Waterloo Warriors Br Gnu. Mu.[)()NAU) After returning front a European vacation i Q, .A 9 ‘ r r , g 5 T ~ , 1 x“ f ï¬Â¥ï¬rï¬ï¬lfflfliï¬ï¬mfl ~77fl77 , lll wind] the) played some of Swttzerland's If ' ' I ‘ ’ I]? A. I ts‘ \ Ti “1‘ [up teams, the Warriors were missing their 0 a ‘ . t ( l/ 79 , ’ ‘. fl ., W he Waterloo Warriors men's hm key luggage and much of the team's equipment V ‘ A f ; A , f' ‘ (j team gilt ti little more rest than Npet‘t lhtit [Meant the postponement of two fl Ev“; r ' 7 'j~r ed alter Untarm Universin .\lll|t‘l|t s regular season games as the team waited for it _ ~ , ‘ . ' holiday break goalie equipment illltl other luggage (ll 5 A? ," é ‘ ,_ , , ~ 5 return hark tn (anode [ 1 z x / . Afr-- ZJ- W “W2ï¬wwr‘?’â€â€˜f A Y fez» “We got home and were miss l , ‘ â€I A , f“: w: A? ., ‘ {Si 6 a ‘ A A‘ if 33? mg 29 bags fl sortie gear, sortie , . 5 I : «13g» M“;“‘"5‘ $035:th «332. ' ‘ ‘iff $111“ luggage." said head coach Brian " k a ‘ 553. 5. in W oi if, jA‘ v: A ‘ -: T" 5 Bourque, who spent much of the \ \ ' ,fl’;,~f,{ é†flï¬f 5 fr; it last two weeks on the phone trying . \ g Efï¬gy 1,4 _ ; i ' t ’ A A; , ï¬z-ggvg'fw. to track down the missing items. ', “I , ‘5.’ A55? hie-5A†?* Q A? (irks, Asof last week. three bags were " 4. l r â€" is. ':-'“-:‘_z' if; M; ' 5:5 "i†" 3“ W “i; , 7, {1'- 5,5 still in travel limbo . a \.3 _ " “A '-’ “g g“ , 3? (AAA: “$3"??- The team was itching to get on ,, , ' ~ ' \ if? 5 ff ' "i‘\ dig; 5; j ' the ice, especially after facing such '_ A ’ " .- if M if" "’ tough competition in Switzerland. ‘ 5 \ 5; 47, ,. Many of their opponents had ‘ «A ' \‘ j 5‘ u, ,â€" ‘ ~ experience in the National Hockey . ., , - 3 . ‘r‘ ’ ' League or its farm system, the $5 _ , 2&3 , American Hockey League. - - While the Warriors’ had mixed The Waterloo Warriors' Kyle Sonnenburg drives past 3 York player in recent action. f results against their European mmomoro opponents. the level of competi- They followed it up bymuting Royal Mili- Bourque credits the Switzerland trip with 5 tion was raised readying them for tary College 9-1. helping prepare his team for games like my: - a tough stretch run backin the last week the Warriors faced two divi- these ones The ark» Slskins You“ â€(a to thank OUA. sional opponents ranked in the top it) “The level of competition (they saw in the commuth' busmesses- mmor TheWarriors were ready to take nationally â€" the Western Mustangs and Europe) is what we're going to see with hockey players and families for your advantage of that European cross-town rivals the Wilfrid laurier Golden teams in the division," he said generous support of the momentum, but were sidelined Hawks. While the Warriors are not nationally due to lack ofequipment‘ The Hawks were ï¬rst up and the rivalry ranked, they are not far off with a l3-5-2 ClarkeYoung Legacy Fund But when they did manage to game didn't disappoint as both teams record. Bourque and the team are hoping to MANN.“ get back to the ice a few weeks ago, played a physical game and the Warriors make some noise come playoff time. it didn't seem like the extended came out on top. But to do so, they'll have to thrive during break did any harm. The Warriors" winning streak ended on the rest of the regular season, according to Ne“ Skid!“ “an“ Game The team gave new goaltender the weekend after they were edged 4-3 by Bourque. sundaï¬ February ’ V3- antford Pier Pelletier a musing welcome by the Mustangs. “The back half is going to be a lot of real 7:00 am @ WRMC scoringa4-0 victory over Queens Both games were hard fought, and solid games." the coach said ' T7“: H» “t: 1 v ' ‘ ‘:3"*'r ~ for: fit"; r a 5. â€"t /‘ 5_ v, a v ,< . A ~ ‘ ’~ yaw " ~ . a, if» , a 5, , 5 . W "- 4 c f,“ ‘l : Jinan,“ ,; “a“? ,«_ A; ff? 5 7:2: “it“ {but Wig-“fl"'"'*"-“""~5’~;‘?‘~'-‘?faÂ¥rra? “a†' " i - ~ 5; 53. quIdLQJfU “flay? rt" 7." ELY? 1] jail-â€f? 31,0- ijJLIéJJC) arm a??? 5. "1 r.mz‘"f“-fai'â€".A f» j: yeti? ' s 3» .‘ ~ ' a: , 5 . than}; N»»â€"a«‘-,wrâ€":e_‘:.,~»~~~r-~rugâ€""Tex: , . ,~a 5 ~ 5; - l' ‘ . O We make custom pieces ~ 25 years of experience in 3“ A.“ â€A5 _ _ 5 _ g; , <; f. ‘. A 1 ya.“ . A g.» . «5 is was 57 3535 it Var-um? , . m5 s ‘ f 5 t i_ ,, 51 . .’ £3 7 ’. “W?" 5â€"5? "3 :- vnfffon it Lars A. , t t < ,, "E‘- “in ‘l “j . .5 if 'A_A.~,.“'- l l“ ./ i‘ A ., A, A , A, a, 5, a, 5», , jut-3A," ~. A “A?“ ., . 45 - 3343555545 “ 51†V ‘ ;,t_~-A‘»/..:.'~.,â€"l , < ," . A . x -' ‘v l ‘ ~ 5.3541} - 5 j, i‘ V“; 32:5, a“; . â€We," "A“ " ‘6 “w : ., ‘», ,,».» l h, My ., , . _ , , (c a. at. l " ““ , 5 : 1:57? ' ‘ f ' "‘ ' " 5 ' , _ < a ;,";t. . , .. ,. " 5," 5. 3 . “my i {I A : v. 5?" an, {fix . ' ~ n \ ~~ 5 ’ .:;~,,I'A: £3 hinmmnttvllmtumltumom J « , , . ;, s an ,, ï¬rst» a. , Solid Wood Quality m Canadian Handâ€"Crafted tom out onltnc “tam 5. ~ , ‘» garages}, ., 5 . A z - 5 , a: A A A A t A .A'. A51, 5 5; q'i'wf/ , 5 ï¬g,â€" "is '7388 3†Line R.R.'2 Wallenstein. ON Phone: 5196694118 No Sunday Calls “may “w- ~ ~ a 5 - 1- .» ~. x sent 1 ~ fr ~ ~.~ 4“ ,_ , ‘ ; Wilfrid tanner Untying" mitts OLDEND§AW ~ , . j‘,“ 5 5 , ,. ' ,\ ‘F J a “2 ,~:,, ‘ . 55,1554; 5, ’~~;s"1~ï¬Â»'“ :â€" = gq , A;A«.,v' _ é . drl‘ ‘ ‘ I'll, ’ gnt’LAwgl ' ' OOTBAL â€59-1: " a ‘ â€Raj: m.- nun-A“ » Egg-12V; â€" ,‘, ,, at i535; 1:5.‘7‘ ~A‘1'.;A§A’:f: , . .. . , 5 g: . than} k T t it 'v~f:,lw’ _A *.~ “,, «JV ti, 5 "11,4 r J m »3. 15535; , ~ 306-55?va - , if. ‘ ‘Fmendspft glï¬'e-n Haw‘kï¬oâ€˜ï¬ . ,‘ ‘ ' ‘ t - [laceration d D, e!†"' cw 0 . u n "' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' " ' ‘ '* " ' ' â€â€™ " ' [llIlBl‘IBllllE “ll! WAVE I]! lllllllllll‘l 5A T 5 - ' U S j 5 , , . . 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