WAl'tklAKJ CHRONICLE - Wednesday. January 2!. zoos - as ' TH E CITY OF @ water '00 For more information, please contact: City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 P 519-8864 550 F 519~747-8760 TTY 1-866'786-3941 www.waterloo.ca mm Al 5mm Rose Clemens, Clerk's Office PUBLIC M Telephone: 519-747-8549 Fax: 519-747-8510 PUBLIC no I ICE concerning a zoning niemens.city.weterioo.on.ca com I z i 8’43“ mud†A written summary of the presentation should be er“ "9 a on “g TAKE NOTICE that the Council ofThe Corporation of filed with the City Clerk prior to the public meet- the City of Waterloo Will hold a Formal Public Meeting log. â€Jaw Amendment on Monday, February 23, 2009, "0 earlier than 6:30pm. lF a person or public bod does not make oral sub- Zone Chan e lication 2-05-02 Y in the (‘ounCll Chambers. 3rd Floor, Waterloo City missions .3 a public meeting or make m sub- w.“ R d 1 Centre, l00 Regina Street South. Waterloo, to consider missions to the Corporation of m. City of Waterloo I man 03 the follow: applicggonr :3 amend ï¬re/{omits By-law before the Ivy-law is passed, the person or public Owen Construction Limited lbw-sum! 10 ‘ectlon 0 C Ming CI. body is 00‘ entitled to MI “I. Mb" of TAKE NOTICE that [h C 11C] OfTh C I. f Zoning By-law Amendment 2-09.04 Council to the 0mm Municipal Board. In addi- I,“ my onflmIoo Me“ If; 3" Mon;;;‘;‘g‘:,;f; 3’3, City ofWaterloo â€all a "it" 0' as“ â€My 6°“ "I: "u“ m‘ 2009, no earlier than 6:30 p.m., in the Council Cham- Driveway separating the Owen lands (Wideinan ï¬bmlssion: to as!“ “01953190; at n bets, 3rd H00" wand“) City Centre, 109398193 Road) _ Ward 2‘ â€Many.“ W the â€at“ is the person Street South, Waterloo. to establish a position. either for THE applicant is proposing to amend the existing Agri- 0" Public body may not be added I! 0' Pl"! to the gigirgtmlfgenï¬ï¬mlicaltlamo Elmâ€"0502' to be pre- cultural ‘A' zoning on the property to Green One ‘Gl ’, hearing of en mi be!“ the Ontario Municipal . . , pa I Green Two ‘GZ'. and Flexible Residential 55/10 so“ unless, in the opinion of the Board. there an owe.“ C9“‘"“°“°" “mm“ “‘5 PW"?“.Z°“‘ Chang." .FR55IlI0i‘ in order I0 apply zoning for the lands in reasonable grounds to do so. application 2-05-02 to the Ontario MumCipal Board eit- relation io the proposed Owen subdivision currently 5",," Greatrlx mg mg" 31‘ If) ,‘I’f the Emil? Ag??? 199:“ beforethe OMB (OMB CaseNo. PL070004. °-- - "'8 c 3' “"0 c ' 0 a '00“) C ) City Clerk. City M Waterloo a decision on the application within the statutory time- ,, , A ,_ frame set out in the Act. As such, the City of Waterloo - to I CITY OF WAmm is no longer in a decision-making role with respect to l M PUBLIC m this application. The Ontario Municipd Board will - “ l m determine the merits and appropriateness of the appli- i W "I 4 331} TDISPOSIIISN OTF “OPE cation. In addition, the applicant has appealed the pro- ‘ â€I“ i: A“ NOT C THA ' . . posed draft plan of subdivision application before the t a a t ’ I l l. The Counctl of The Corporation of the City of Water- Region of Waterloo citing section 51(34) of the Plan- \ I '\ \‘ f l loo intends to consider entering into an agreement with ning Act [1.5.0, 1990 c.R13. has I \ £fl‘ji DoungenConsmictiontoprovidefornnexchangeof , 7., , we , ., ., V . , ,. I “is V _ ‘f lands to facilitate proposed Dian Plan of Subdivision “if a \ ,, i ~ .5 is, r“ ' pt 9 3| (sci-04403), as follows: If. , r , :4- 151;; x .' a? i) the City will convey to Doug Owen Construction ' H â€a; . I (I, “t“ a, ' ; it two irregularly shaped parcels of [and for the pur- I, J I . I†5,..‘«V xx “7': a { 3 pose ofcreating residential building lots. both ' ‘ 1 3‘ a cg. £3, 6 , . i being part of Parts 2 and 5 of Reference Plan ‘ giaig’é; iï¬t": :1 >5} ‘9 ii 58R-9681 and having a total area of approxirnate- 4, ‘ â€Q51, 3; : ¢§ï¬e7 ‘ ‘ an ly can; (.19 ac)and; ' "f ‘3‘; t W h ii) Doug Owen Construction will convey to the City i > .. ‘ . gigs 5 ' .7 " an ‘ i for environmental purposes. all other lands owned J “3% / †’ I M“ ii by Doug Owen Construction that abut Draft Plan ;_ , ‘2' I., “@‘(f †r ' ,V ., _ _ l? of Subdivision 30r-o4403 and having a total and I 6‘ ï¬t aâ€: ' {a A l of approximately 8.2 ha. (20.3 ac). . mm" . .135 c ' \\\‘ “a.†m “w W“ __w i 2.1fapproved. the transactions will be scheduled to , am ,1 of? ‘~ w~- _ _-_--- ? close within l20 days of the successful completion of ' i . ~ - \‘V:: W Ontario Municipal Board Appeal No. PL070004. . i ‘ I \‘7 " 3. The lands will be conveyed to Doug Owen Construc- I II ‘ ‘ i . ti etf'market l .A '33] 'Ilbeobta' C \, \ THIS meeting shall constitute the formal public meet- 8:: willmbre metg; pusliprnmspectizili within a?“ \ ‘ ‘ . ‘ we) _ mg required under Section 34 ofThe Planning ACt, days of the successï¬il completion of Ontario Municipal ‘ \ I “’3‘?" . I . ._ R.S.O., 1990, as amended. It is expected that Council Board APP“! No PL070004 ‘ i N will chlde whether the a lication should be approved. ' ' i , denied or amended, pp Thelandstobeconveyodtothe City wrllbepurehased m -"WW A . _ for $2,650 per acre. the City‘s standard rate for the pur- --“ [F C OunCll approves the application. a by~law to amend chase of environmental lands w ________-;_: the Zoning By-law will be passed. . . I . . u" 4. Before disposing of any real property. City Council LOCATION - FOR further information regarding the above met- must declare by byâ€, or resolution, at a meeting open tor. please canted the City of Waterloo m to the public, a,“ the real property is surplus. FOR more detailed information on the application mentServkeandFloonwmrlooCltyCentre. Ate â€I,“ llonM I Fl 23 and/ortoNVieWtheDevelopmemServioes'nport Wmfloo, Ontario. by calling (519) 767-3544 or by 200! In the I C II will hear ' am (available on or If!!! Mm N. Iâ€). email at rtrotter.clty.waterloo.on.ca. any “I†“II :II" In". II" I â€Iâ€, (ll lll please contact Development Services. City Hall. RobTmtur,Deve|opmentServices andwhohasreoisuredasadeleoetionwlththe 2ndflooe100leglnasueetSouul.Waudoo,0N (519) 747-8544 City Clerk‘s Office â€"4Ҡno later than 10:“) or call 519-747-8544 during regular weekday busi- mmm.waterloo.on.u an. on “mm W 23. â€Iâ€. new how: “:30 an. to 4:30 p.m.). ’~ ANYpmonmayattenddloPublchngand/or in“, II III 2009 uncommonâ€? ’ make-wmunorvubcmpmuonmm manna-yer m ‘ WWW-Chrofwlt-doo support of. or in opposition to the W zonâ€" m Gm a“! a" 1.0mm: Sis-7474544 log ly-law Amndmem. If you wish to make a a? of W Whymaterlooomu presentationtoCouncllorwouidllkemlnlor- ll! IWIO I I MW mmmmflngmlemcontect "7‘70!