1 WM 1 K1 1 I) CHRUNN I): . Wednesday 14mm†.‘1 Jim - 25 ' "flâ€â€˜â€â€™.::::‘:'Lf:.:::_7;; 31....-- " M if 1“", ““"" " ' "‘ â€"†" " "’ ' """ â€" -.Wss_~_ssmwsmm '1 11 .. . . . - . râ€"~A‘â€"â€"â€".__._._...._-_.,. .._-____~ . w... . » , , w '-~--â€"-â€"~â€"â€"~~~~~â€"-â€"-~~â€" I l I I I 1 l l . I l I PL_ 5' '[ll‘r'llg l m ‘ 2 ‘» A 4.1 l.. i L,_L- \ . __. W - .-.â€"~â€"___.__~-~._.__ .. - , .,._-._._--- -.__,.., ._ 2.â€. . .-... - .. , My. , . . A- , - _. - the Waterloo Adult Recreation (it-litre, 185 King r_ if" ‘* â€˜ï¬ V" l m m m I I†fa e SIkS. Wa;er1oo. Admission is $3 tor a Single _“ I â€If Enigmpptary The Hora Festival Singers present the Cross - tic et or 10 oraseries ticket that includes 10 Border Sho in sou concert. lan. 25. 1:30 W showings. For more information please call _ p. in. at St leiï¬n‘gAnglican Church, corner of . I! u . 5153-7468191 or 519-885~4938_ m . _ Smith and Henderson streets. Elora. Admission l'heatre on the lztlgt‘ prr'sl'llh 11W: irnprov com- w , . _ ‘_ ““3 $3â€le presents Mantis lan. 32> 9 p.m.. at is $35 (concert only 3 p.m.. $25). For more My even llllll‘stld} at 8 pm at the Button 1-‘ac~ . - “ins 47 K1118 5‘~N»-W319â€â€˜X’- â€â€œ915 are $10 3‘ the information call 51943464331. tory \diiilssloii h 35 int information visit I. “1 â€IE I! “100" R" more information C311519‘885‘4970‘ tow“ um- i .1 Th; RAhW Creativity Association 15 holding a m n co co ouse lan. 25. 6:30â€"8:30 p.m.. at 220 King . .. . . turn I†I. St. N., Waterloo. The dinner event features ring so? “10:35 University Avekrwglatenoo, Pianist Heather faves. with soprano Meredith m P“ I"! music and poetry. Admission is $7.50. $20 per :3!â€de .Fï¬â€™â€œ; (luggiyié'sazvgfl ' F 3:5. Hall. plays lan. 27, noon.atWi1fritl [aurier Unl- 1'1it‘ (Ieritre in the Square presents the Trailer family. For more information email lisa@raw~ frzys 11.130] lu'llo ayns] ZISAIUJISEOI: 7.£_ "3'51““ Maureen Fonester Recital â€3“- l’ari Boys on the stage Lin 2.1. 8 p m. at 101 creativitynet or ca11519-742~2150. 10%" m “'8‘" £1] ioagettrio comy ‘ . Queen St N I'ii‘liets are $23-$59. For more _ p " p. ‘ gs ‘ ' . y u-†llliOrllldllttll(1111:3151-571’1-‘1 370 or 1-800â€"265- ~ ' '1 Rude Native Bistro QM â€We ‘5 K1118 5‘4 ‘5» The Noon Hour Concerts series presents 897? m WNW!†PM?“ Tim 10““ 0" TueSdaYS- For licorice Allsorts Clarinet Quartet. lan. 27. 12:15 The Gilbert and Sullivan ensemble. a mature m0"? information call 51943863500 p.m.. at First United Church. King and William ' n vocal group. is seeking new members for all Solé Restaurant andWlnc Bar. 83 Erb St. W. streets. Waterloo. Free lunch available. I.†I" Voice ranges. Performances include a variety of Waterloo, presents the Arte Th'o featuring Art 1" ' I 1 11 iGél-l’él'les ' ' ' 1 ,\ “#1111 reading (if led (mourning Glory Boy music styles Ability to read music preferred. tang on bass. Fred Nelson on piano and Bob % ,..-V_-,._,- .__-_s-_ mll beheld 1.111.233. 1:150 p â€L. at the Canadian Call SIS-8952910 or email ensemb1e@gswa- Green on drums.1an.24.9 pm. to midnight. , ($1.1) and Glass Gallery. 25 Caroline St. N.. terloooa. Call 519~747~5622. “ Y . Waterloo. The reading is suitable for families. m m m n H The Duke «Wellington. 33 Frb St. W.. Water- cm cur “ m “In! For more information call 51-746- 1882. The University ofwatefloo's Earth Sciences 100. presents the Broken Arrow Jan. 23, and The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery presents “â€5 Events 1 Museum is open daily from 8:30 a.m.to 4:30 luneyt Ian. 24. Call 519-886â€"9370. Omftmenta â€", 6190! Boy: Ted Camden: 12m: _ _ _ _ _. . so .. pm. Admission is free. For more information Manna-ilk Music House. 220 King St. N.. Water- Christine Dims: Comes MU?!“ Silenced T3195: I" call 5198884561 ext. 32463 loo presents CityVl/ide Panic Life in aVacuum M’Chgle lapornte; Reflect: Tanya Lyons. at 25 '1 ’ ' Caroline St. Waterloo. Call 519â€"746-1882. W m m m m mm m m tonight; a CD release party for Ryan Brohman. ‘ 1k . h 1 . »bo h h Several arts programs are getting underway at with guest Chris McNair. Thursday, My Mcked 1‘ m m . An an {a w" â€in,“ m p 0mng er the Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo Art Gallery. located in Twin, Dean uckyer. Fnday. Mike Todd. Boss The Waterloo Community Arts Centre presents and ï¬lmmaker Shlnn New“ comes '9‘“ the Centre in the Square. in the new year. Adult Rebel. Saturday. Arpillera: Tapestry Of Life. 10 lan. 30. at 25 Regi- Perimeter Institute of Fheoretlcal Physrcs lan. printmaking classes run on Tuesdays Artist ,.. 7â€"777 .. ~ ‘r ~77 » na 5:. 8.. Waterloo. For information call 519» 21. 7:30 p.m.. at 31 Caroline St. N. Waterloo. mentorship with Sheila Macdonald Roberts ‘ \lli\1( maSSICS 886-4577. (Iovpresented by KAWArt Gallery and Perime- starts on Ian 22 Abeginner-level adult oil “’ ’ ' ‘ ,. ' . ’ ter Institute. it will featurea lectureand inter- painting workshop is on Feb. 7' from 10 am. to m: . . j. "‘ Be f View by Robertimrighh Admission is $20. For noon. for $20 (includes materials). Solid foun- m m m 0 more information (‘a11319»883-4480. dations youth art classes run on Tuesdays. The K-W Chamber Music Society presents the on the scene 1* starting Ian. _20. Painting and drawing studio Penderecki Quartet. lan. 24. 8 p.m.. at 57 Young Hamlet usbiowof i amend Tm f0! teens. paint-and 501"“! artlab. paper and St. W. Waterloo. Tickets are $25. $20 for seniors . [-17er I I "3 iii . . . . . . _ text artlab. family an workshops also begin In and $10 for students. Call SIS-8864673. “WWW "7"" ".6 â€mp" We "3 [he (iilbert and Sullivan moiety presents an January. For more information 80 ‘0 data. limesand ricketprm Fax mutslgmâ€" evenings of slides and light refreshments fear www.kwag.on.ca or call 519â€"579-5860. H p am. oremailaii’torrizlï¬mferlotthniclam turing New lealand on lan. 22 at 7:30 p.m.. at i if" .77 W ’77."? if .7‘ If†"“7 Ci , l (,11R()\1(,1.1~.(.R()SS\\’()R1) In“. in." “an“ I k ' ' ’ WWKWWW" ’ ' " W 7 '1 .. ' WNW WWW. will III-n Hill 1. Importinence movement 17 , mm. mm. Ill. ill-I ill- ; 9. Flour container 44, 11 not. then > = own “WW. ill-illlllalll 14. Possessing life 47. Lowered in prestige 16. European owl genus 49. Bird beak a... “I. T + . 17. Enclosed shopping 50. R - prayer beads , , V_ V , on em “a nun-II Hull-uni l U L» 18. More bully 58, __eter -lenath m .Wmmm.mm. all. ill-I all . 0 am . 20 Potter Professor 60. Not less .W New" ill-u all Hill. Q a A F ‘ 23. A long narrow opening 62. More lucid v’ n 11.“ 1‘ 24. Swiss river 63. Particle oi an element V ' ' . 25. Popular herb seed 64. 71465 . ,g’éi 28. Common trellis 65. A county in SE - designs new I. I. “H. I ,5 33. Ouahog or Littleneck 66. Crime lighter Eliot a “f 34. Gaming table covering “I. III. 35. Macaws ' y ' I. a ’ wimpy... “III-HIIIIIIIH 38. Universal standard I; 2' a. I... III-- “III 39. Chair back slat ; .2. .2 February 14 & 15. 2009 I... “I... I... " immomm -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" will ï¬ll. all CLUB 00m 21. Ornamental shade tree 46. A deficiency 01 red blood 1. Tennis great Pete _ras 22. TV characters Archibald & Fisher colts snows!" n », ., 2. Damlnozido 25. Leanendolthenocir 47.Statecateoorically -.‘A;~;- «Lug-g 5':ch , U ‘5 . 3.Activitypertormed alone 26. Omnorslurover 48._1m:courtotficet gym 35:5,; 3:5»;- , , . 4.8ainatheveryone 27. Wooden shoe 50. Utahtown ‘.‘."c'.‘.. .f.jc was; . . , 5. Famous collie 28. Emits coherent radiation 51. The bottom of a doorway W-m' - °L‘.' " . . . 6. Gather story “_ _ Lady" 29. Small island (British) 52. Afrikaans {1:11, . :.; ' ‘ 3: t _ :1}; I 7 Beginner 30 DOCtof Visits 53 Current war zone (alt. SD.)EII-;31A‘- F.l i I ‘,‘l°;'i 3.01;" time 31. Delete recorded intormation 54. Not one 41'1"" '-‘ ' ’ ‘ ° un-l 9, African hunting expedition 32. Duiled by surleit 55. Cast a ballot ' ' ' . :1}: . if? . ‘ ' ' 10.Astastascanbedone(abbr.) 34.Voryactivo 56. Son oiAphrodite â€by; . «up a. nu, 110.319....th 37, Lumberjack 57,0reamstatos flit: 3:131: 3:413; 12, ___ky: bonkers 40 Bayband manager Lou 58. Taoism ‘.j.1’.1. if. '.j.‘. .f.:.‘.l 15. Artificial and interior 43 Dark NOW" for DOM m TD LAST WEEK‘S m5 “'