u - WAl harm Quorum: - Wednesday. llnuu'y N. All» W W.â€" 1 M" I ~-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"â€"___..__________.________________ . . M ' l l l I I W O ULLS‘ saw II I W“ I I ll Sfage ‘ with adult accompaniment. For more informa- ' I“ a â€I m I Beethoven and Brahms, Jan 16, 8 pm, at the . 1 lion call 519679-5860. Waterloo North Presbyterian Church presents Centredln theï¬uare. Tlclftets are S30»$TS: $20 . . .. . a, _ . 1 1 Hank and Janet Sonnenbu Jan. 19. 7 .m, at for sin ents ‘ r more in urination call 519- " . I r ~ " . -- . no» i» .-' ' 5,1,» 685 Highpoint Ave. Admisslig‘n is a freeâ€"evil] 578-1570 or 1300268977. I It n m m, m: H n offering. For more information call 519-888â€" u ,1 . 1 Theatre on the Edge presents live improv oom- The University ofWaterloo's Earth Sciences 7870. - ~ edy every Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Button Fac- Museum is open daily from 8:30 am.to 4:30 W I.†am tory. Admission is $5. For information visit pm. Admission is free. For more information _ 1 1 The K-W Chamber Music Socrety presents vio- www.tote.ca. call 519-888â€"4567, ext. 32469. “Influx-(Trio. 65 Unlvemh'hve- a, Waterloo; llnlst Unda Melsted with Rom Medicky on the .1 , ., , 1 1 features “V9133 f0“! â€ENS a WK Wednes- harpsichord Jan. 18, 8 pm. at'57 young-St, W.. _ .» .. “r 7‘ ' . "l 1‘ ‘ “in 11-0 days and Thursdays from 6530'9 p.m.. Fridays Waterloo. Tickets are $20, $15 for‘seniors and m In m All mm from 733041530 EU“- and Saturdays from 7130' $10 for students. For more information call Andrea Nann presents Dreamwalker Dance Several arts programs are getting underway at 10:30 pm. V15“ lungstreettnocom. 519-886-1673. with musicians Andrew Cash. George Gao and the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. located in Rude Native Bistro and lounge. is King St. S., [- -â€" W in F "â€"‘Vâ€"ï¬ Andy Maize, Jan. 16, 8 pm, at the Registry The- the Centre in the Square. in the new year. Adult Waterloo. presents Tim Louis on Tuesdays. For Limit†l_»faf€_l'1ï¬__1 atre. 122 Frederick Sr. Kitchener, Admission is printmaking classes run on Tuesdays begin~ more information call 519886-3600. _ ‘ pay what you can. To reserve tickets call 519- fling Jan. 20. Artist mentorship with Sheila Solé Restaurant IndWlne Bar. 83 Erb St. W. m ' ' 745-6565. Macdonald Roberts starts on Jan. 22. A begin- Waterloo. presents the William Lawrence Jazz m an m m m l m "9'49“?! mu" 0" painting workshop is on Feb. Project featuring Laurence Gauci on bass. Mike The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery presents 7' mm} 10 ““2 '° "0°“ {9‘ ‘20 “new“ Harmer on piano and Bill Reid on drums. Ian; Omamenta â€" Glory Boy: Ted Goodden: Lens: The Centre in the Square presents the “all†â€mamm- 50‘†““23â€â€œ Wm“ “Flaws 17. 9 pm. to midnight. Call 519-747-5622. Christine Davis; Comes Mtlelsl' Silenced Tales: Park Boys on the “3381“" 23' 8 pm. at 101 run 0." “Ma's SW81“? 20' Painting and m We,an 33 Erb St. w_ Water; Michele Lapelme; Reflect: 1‘anya Lyons. at 25 Queen Stâ€" N' “Che“ are 525‘559- For more drawrng studio for teens. paint and sound art~ l m ; hn M, Kin] B d] 16 Caroline St Waterloo. (all 519-7464 1882 information call 519-578- 1570 or 1-800265- lab, paper and text artlab. family an workshops 0% 13:33:“ ll e o câ€, an an an. _', " ’ ‘ ' 8977. also begin in January For more information go an “ Ga 33h†Ian. ' 519‘886‘93’0' If I". m 1 1 . . . . ‘ Er . . , .,_. a to www.kwa&on.ca or call 519.579.5350, Maxwell’s Music Home. 220 King 511 N.. Water- I‘heWaterloo Community Arts (knife presents \l\ l \ Venn ; 1w; . . .. 100, presents pat Robirame. David Boring Arpillera: Tapestry of Life. to Ian. 30. 21125 Regi- ‘ ’ ' ‘ "“"“"h“ A “ “l I “H COMTElilpOl’al’Y - tonight; Amousand Cures, Thursday; Human na St. 8.. Waterloo. For information call 519- “ ‘ _ * N A " 7W ‘ ' 7 W ‘ ' Statues, Friday: Emm Gryner. Adam Crossley, 386-4577- rrru in it In :mfiï¬mr’ “In; 5am - 1 , . m It!!! The K~W Symphony presents Peter and the M l \l I l\ H maSSICS ' The Children's Museum presents Andy Wolf. a child~friendly production that starts NUMUS presents M‘oridshaw with the pen. » . . ~ Warhol's Factory 2009 to April 19: at 1 King St. Jan. 17. 2:30 p.m.. with hands-on activities dereclti String Quartet. Nov. 17_ 8 pm. at Wil- Tm‘gï¬Ã©ig‘fli’gaï¬ â€™ . W. Kitchener. For more Information call 519. beginning at 1 pm. at 101 Queen St. N.. Kitch- frid [aurier University’s Maureen Forrester “ “ ' °“ ‘ ~' ’-‘ ‘ 749-9387. ener. Admission is $15. $19 for adults and $60 Recital "an Tickets are 520, 512 for students m “I 1 1 for a family. For more information call 519-578- For more information call 519-896-3662. The low Chamber Musrc 500901 presents Be n of 1570 or 1-800«265-8977. - m pianist Darren Zusko Ian 14, 8 pm. at 57 pa 1 1 _ 1. , , 1 1 Young St.W.,Waterloo.Iickets are $20. $15 for m M‘ f ‘- ‘ i .25 ‘; 5" 7‘. 7 The W! presents Ron Historians Jan. 17.8 seniors and $10 for students For more infor- on 8 scene my m ' P-m- at" KmSSL Niiwlterloq Tickets “510 mation call 519-886-1673. Hmktmbrauofmryummingamwid The K-W Art Gallery's family Sunday series 3.?ng For more infomiation call 519'885' 'Wï¬ ï¬fwa’iJ-j 1 ‘ #5:, Wm Include proper spelling. continueslan. 18, 2.5 pm. at 101 Queen 5:. N.. ~ » , W a .1. A‘- . ' " mmwrehtpnwfaxmwlww Kitchener. It features hands-on art activities, wig-7.71,;ï¬m; m 3383. "WI WWhm‘d‘“ storyteuing drama, games for ago: four- 12 " ’ ‘ The K-W Symphony presents Prometheus: sis: ' rails; ‘ " .. f a ’ - †’ " ' f 7†7' ’ ’" 7 . rumor“ â€mm“ In. IIIII mum] “"8 â€W ‘°~F°..°;.,.<“"") "III ill-I “III KW 1. Dog sound 418 st meat 1., 1 1 - IIII ill-ll ill-I ‘ “mm†cu“ 10. Canadian flyers 43. Athletic floor pad ,1 , 2 ~ ,, «or ill-Iii Ill ill-ll YOUR FEET SHOULDN’T HURT 15. SA bumwma 45 mm mm - 1 at 1 " » ‘ ‘ ' ' - 1 1 rodents 46. Non-commercial TV “IHIIIHII ‘ . {21' _ ' 16. Rule. Britannia! 47. Not cooked 1 1 1 , . 1 . , W our: ill- in until 17. Network 01 nerves the wind . . ‘ WW WW ill-rill III ill-l - 19. ~ tide (Latin) spaghetti » ‘ 20. Speed competitions 52. Relâ€"equip a factory ’3 I. “I. I I 1 g ‘ 22. A section 01a circle 55, Away from . - 1 q .f ' 1 .. 23.0hickpeaplant 56.lerysword “ ' .1 ,. 1 * ' ' " ‘g ‘ ' 7 24. Winter slider 60. _ Ladd, actor “I. I I '35}: . 1.1-1; . $5,?» 27. Tell on 61. Ridge on Doric column ’4 ’92:" 7'- : ;.3 .. ' 2’2 . ’ 1 For 1 30. _ Lilly. druo 63. Necktie cord “I. “I “I. “I. [55 11v . ;2: i . .. .2 1". ‘5“ :1. 3 ' ' ~11; company 64. Texas armadillo 2 . 1.1543, 1 1 31, Food grain 65. High alcohol lagers “II-fl...“ Tag 1 , 3t , t 31"“ 1. i as“ 32. Where passengers ride 66. Lazlly so 4‘ I t . * I. {- ‘i’j’r- *5 ‘ ‘ ‘ 1.», 13 '. " ' ' â€g4 a, 3;. 35. In a way. loved 67 Frame that holds the Iii-I i.- “III“ ; 11%,. '2 I, _ "' 4 r 3‘ 1.- ‘* 37. Namesake son window panes . .r, . - ~ . w... . iii-II ill-II in II $.99 1‘11; , ’. " ESQQ'V: 38. Alpha Lyra a trade .1_ 1.. “3434‘ - 5.5;.†39. Storybook elephant 69. Cape or headland a... “I... I I. I... III-- I... 5‘ 1. .. .: . ‘ . 111,111.11?» CLUE: DOWN ’ 21. Distastelul expression 41. Cries 61. Current unit ‘ 1 (a. 1 â€or" 1; 1. Ethiopian monetary mm 23, Cathode-ray tube 43. License lor Wall Street 62. Used to be U__ r25»? ao‘â€â€˜Â£Â§f , ' “3;: ' 2. LenotlIXWldth 25. Mathew 44 Chum 1.;.;.;. .3... a 21:53} - “Liz?†’1' i ’2.. 3. College army 26. Swiss river 46. Cribbage marker {A .-.'I',-,' .‘l' . I . L f: 1 yr; :1 . .. -... 4. Legioints 27, Capital or Morocco 47 Flightless blrd such as ostrich glib: . 2‘92! . I o ‘ it? .77?" Wig ‘ 7 . -~ ~ - .. 5. Hoalth resort 28. Accommodate 49. Tropical ASIan starlings “c101 . 1.1.. J 9’3"" 1 1 ‘ 6. African country 29 SplderMan Maouire 50 Strong and heavily built 153:0. ' ' . 1311‘: r: 31;: , -' - 7. Saurorblttorinlaste 32.FilmmalrerdeMille 51.0ralpoliovaccine 1c:.:.‘. . .j.;. . ._'.'. '1' 3"1', , . g. gloom mammals 33 Past (archaic) 52 Knocks ‘.'.‘-:.:;i..' ' ' , . . xpresslon o disapproval 34. Ambit or scope 53. Philosoer Zeno 01 _ ' ‘ " ‘ i . . 1 ‘ 1 f. ' ' ' 50'9“ FS'dIOW â€0W5“ 35“ DC“ 10.Excassivedevotlontoacause 361Radloactlvltyunit 54 Stabs "in - 279 Weber 5'. N. Urlll l7 Wnlvrloo ON 11.0rocodllc 37 Coal~blaclt 57.WOrldCupskioerller 'l‘g',‘.' ‘.‘.°." '2“ :: h . l' . 12. _ Frank‘s diary 38. Short ror summer trip 55. Right angle building wings 3:31;: :11 -: I, I . www. k waOlO “d0" OllC 5C "NC .com 13. Feel anxious a apprehensive 40. Bucollc 59. Burns 01 I ht â€It“!!! m my “in mutt