l0 ' WAl lzfll UH CHRONKIUE . Wednesday. Ionian “.1009 h k fl Alzheimer Society kicks ' I I d with public forums 0 n j yer a n Cca Mlmm Inglis. president of the local chap 0 O - (Jimmie Suï¬ ter’s board. in a press release. save time’ save money' "This new data only reinforces ' A lzJieimer's disease and related the fact that Alzheimer's disease ementias aren’t just affecting and related dementias are a rising ,. ‘ a ,, the elderly, concern in this country, an epidem- ‘ ' . ' New data recently put out by the it that has the potential to over» 0 Alzheimer Society â€" just in time to whelm the Canadian healthrcare ' : #11qu Flyen h ' ' mark January's Alzheimer Aware- system if changes are not made." .0 . ness Month â€" To explain the . . . reveals that more facts about demeri- . ' ' . _V W‘ than 71,000 (Lanadi- U tia. and the impor- . . . ' 0 o .0 . . i m wm‘ ans who have the 91/9007}? needs tance ofeariydetec '. .0 l fl diseasearelessthan [0 help m any lion. Charlotte '. . .' g 7 *-~ lmdb'me 65yearsold. wa [h can " Sider. the public ' 0 o o o 0 o =‘ ,‘ ‘We're hoping y ey ' education co-ordi- l o .' or k (this information) â€"Debn McGonegal iiator of the a o g; 4 will help the com» Ewnts coordinator/"or the Alzheimer Society ' metro “*m munity to pay Athei'merSact’eryofK- W Kitchener~Waterloo. - . \ attention. to recog~ Will lead a public 6‘, . " nize that it's not forum on Jan. 17 mo“ ,, something you can put into a back from 10 am. to 11:30 am. soVe on , {A = {and pocket and forget about.†said On Jan. 24. lawyer Andrew Roth. \5 ‘9' . . ,3 ' I‘tINM '\ Debra McGonegal. the Alzheimer from Miller Thomson LIP, will dis (ted . T. “a a (O ' a /, ' .. Society Kitchener»Waterloo's event cuss dementia and legal issues. ‘ ‘0“ ' '“ . , .- that was easy‘ and donor~relations coordinator. The talk. which runs from 10 \ er " “They need to pay attention and a.m. to 11:30 a.m., will focus on ‘ Y « t.“ everyone needs to help in any way advanced-care planning, powers of ‘ they can.†attorney and driving with demen- » The study. titled Rising Tide â€" tia. ‘ .9 the lm ct of Dementia on Canadi- Those interested in the forums \ pa ‘ an Society. includes many other â€" to be held at Sunnyside Home. at hi “""""-‘* ï¬ndings about Alzheimer‘s disease: 247 Franklin St. N, in Kitchener A I __ . » . . .. - About 500,000 people have can RSVP to the society at 519-742- Alzheimer's disease or a related 1422. dementia. And the Manuli'fe Walk for Mem- . - Of that group. more than ories will be held on Jan. 25. stan- _ . ,.-, . .. _ , ___ . . ,. . M 71,000 are under the age of 65, ing at 2 p.m.. at the Waterloo while 50,000 are less than 60 years Memorial Recreation Complex old. For McGonegal, it's important to - Seventyâ€"two per cent of Cana- recognize Alzheimer's Awareness h Wm...†M DAISLER - 9m % m & ‘dians with Alzheimer's disease are Month because the disease is “"" â€w w l . women. everyone's concern. m... w my . ‘ “I __.__ s†Q "DE-L “PM 9 ll Mthii21215 yeaï¬, between 03:} a] LSeveth:n per centgfinditidu. W‘_" _ mi ion an .3-m' ion peope ' s ave eimer‘s in eir imme- Inna â€" “MICK am $11; .m i u m have the disease. diate family, and as the baby - PM “As it stands today, the number boomers age and come into the 50- w m hm£§ an a 90 inc: v v/ of Canadians living with plus age category it's going to have E m o a â€"â€"" m __.‘.1'.. Alzheimer's disease or a related a huge impact on the individuals. A _ dementia will more than double the community and the economy." - ‘ m “1:" @1135 flag _ - "â€" metro A within a generation." said Brian she said. Celebrating I . g . ~ g .. , astronomywith . .. . .- ~. g t Important _ . night of Stargazmg 3-; g i We all want our investments to grow faster while paylng less tax. To mark the beginning of the ' . ’ . '- l s VEhicle And we want to know that our money will be there when we need it. International Year of Astronomy. , | g ' Now. saving for what matters to you is easier with a GM Wood Gundy :gï¬";Â¥e:ï¬gs?cfy:ï¬ï¬‚:§gsgan$ . ~ , - . i . e RRS P Tax'F'ee saV'"95 ACCOunt (TFSA). invites the public on the evening of t’ r.» , . , . lan. l7toastargazin event. "Ar, 7 ; Beginning in January 2009, you can contribute up to $5,000 a year to a TFSA The year celebrstes the doom ‘ » a ' and watch your investments grow tax-free. Withdraw funds at anytime. for any anniversary of Galileo ï¬rst using a if a ’ reason, without paying taxes. ‘elescope 10 “My the "'8!“ 5k)“ / . ‘ f- The two-hour UlN event-begins at 7 , A Tax-Free Savings Account is one more way CIBC Wood Goody can help you P-"jr-ï¬n 1th PhYSICS PUIldln8-_ d b . . . . e ree event is organize y . achieve all of your financtal goals. the UW departmem and the K-W { "a .. , ‘ . Centre of the Royal Astronomical W Society of Canada. whose members 0 ‘ . Allan Bush will be bringing their telescopes. . . . . "There will be a variety of tele- .. First Vice Presudent, Investment Adviser scopes set up outside (0 SW? may ' '_ t ' _ , _ one the chance to see the wonders i.» " ‘ g . ‘ (519) 883 5353 1 (800).891 1004 of the night sky ï¬rst-hand." said . _* y» “a“ I -’ _ www.allanbush.com Gretchen Harris, professor of . " ‘ ’7 . - physics and astronomy. é ‘ ., '9 \ "For those less fond of the cold it ‘ . N ‘r CIBC outdoors. there will be a live feed «’5 . m r‘ ‘ from a telescope to one of the lec- . ‘ \ r .1 . , g l. » / Wood Gundy tune theatres inside." t {:1 ' ‘t The event, which is wheelchair ' I ‘ 7 k, - accessible, will proceed in all '. i not Wood Gundy is a dMSlOfl 0108C World Markets Int , a substdtary of oat and‘Mernber (le weather conditions and refresh- Cltents are advised to seek advice regarding their partrtular circumstances from their Dermal tax merits will be provided. and “393‘ â€"50“ For information about the event. visit hmzl/aqr‘uumtenm,ml.