0 - WAl'le ll) CHRONICLE 0 Wednesday. lutuan F 1009 370 Weber SI N , Suite 20 I l gl I Walrrlm, (hunt) N2] till! i19»58t+3lt.ltlFu «Wigwam n Peter WlNKLliR Pl'Hl lSllHt l.l)lT()RlAl, W , _ ME I VOwE To g . EDITOR exl 229 . 2 _ ' . . 000 a“. , 1' . editorialwwatcrloochmnicie ca f r. it foggy :, of {ti . t.» «v . / ' 13:3, geta. stunsqtlualcrltxxhromclcxa n ;W 32353? “ha?“ 3â€: ’.;7' BE LESS ‘ R l I ' Hit“. ' * " L â€sftsji'if' f Sip-"hwy ' “ a; £76†rennin-r ORMSTON ft“; . s ; ' . are}; REPORTER ext 203 , ‘ ’ ‘ V ._ g; _ ytimiston©waterltuxhnmtcle ca 4 ' i ' Greg MACDONAID L REPORTER ext 215 - ,- \ gdmardtxukltpwaerknchnmicle ca .' " “ ‘=:.~"5) ON CO UN C ‘ . . . , " ADVERTISING _ a . (Jen’y MATTICE: ell. no ,. ‘ RETAIL SALES MANAGER - ‘ salesthaIerltnshnmicle ca h my A ~0¢ sues REPRESENTATIVES it") ~ ï¬ f 7\ . _. A, , Norma CYCA ext 223 - - ‘ ‘ ‘. mycawwalerknchnmicleca é. ‘ V I <3, Jackie HAMILTON ext 228 Q a. 3)" ‘ JhamiIton@walcrk>ochmniclc ca ‘ l‘_‘, . ' ’. f, ifl Carly GIBBS ext. 222 t? .-$_,~,'.9\3‘ f ‘zfl cgibbs®waterloochmmcleca ‘, " - â€" “if 2 , ‘ v_.,‘<ï¬cï¬.., .,..,,.. 1 / v. ' " é , M a . . 1 ‘ ’ M . . '. \ . (“55mm fl \. . - a .,_,,/._ clap Siam-5230 ' ohl" Q.- _'.f',~' â€"- 4 ‘ _. '“‘ ClRCULA'flON ~ - â€" \ SIG-8852830 ext. 213 Canadian PllbllCZIlOIL§_Mall Sale Publication Agreement Number r; _.ie .._. 7 .. .. ., a, ï¬ a" N ._ ,, Â¥.,., .. _ 40050478 ‘ v t t , v . ma... r (“whichunmmu Thank God for Photoshop hcrASSN 0832-3410 9 ,,, ~r- ,. ~ mï¬ï¬t 7‘ k W ‘~~ "fl f a... Audited Circulation: M292 o t C u (in at 50‘ sea of old faces, and S opped 0 n 8 m 6.5 Charm offensnve menmnmmie H mm t Anamoseofyouwm ...._.<.. v am“), at me from my ‘ have received a copy ofour f you were paying any attention over the past few refrigerator at home. \\ ( )|\ l I ) latest family portrait proba» can a/ weeks you would know that the federal Conservatives And "Q l'm not talking . bly have marvelled at how A “v are putting on a charm offensive in time for the about the Pillsbury dough genuinely content we look. . _ release of their Jan. 27 budget. boy and some other characâ€" . . The very next question. Ikhwa‘flmtz'mmg" KAP‘I‘H'Iftwg That includes remaking Prime Minister Stephen ters tht's ilk that the food ‘ 7 _ mostly from those who have ifsdmtï¬m'LCtttda" ’ c I" A" Harper into Canada's hockey dad as seen during the companiesusetotrv to gtft . » kids oftheirovm, was how broadcasts of the World Junior Hockey championships us to sample their goodies. "" “aid†we got all three ofour boys to UNTARK‘PRF'SS (‘Ot'NClL being played in Ottawa. The self-described world's Those anthropomorphic ‘ -"~ ’ 1 look at the camera at the $112,112le, (an? " " in??? biggest hockey fan couldn’t help but wrap himself up in characters, like Mrs Butter- " ~ samettime. Summers 322mm; 3:31. the]; this bit of (Lanadiana and ride on the coattails of the worth and others. are hidden â€ï¬‚ let'sjust say that the her neu\papcr\ Any uimplalnl Canadian lunior team's ï¬fth-straight championship away in thedark recesses of ‘ BOB photo isasnapshot in time. Amt" "a“ 01mm†“Who'nil Of Monday night. the drawers waitin to spoil l You wouldn't have wanted to wads“: “Tul‘lflrfallxrfdltbt: 7.1.2: And that “a“ after meeting With local hOdtL'Y players. another NewYear'sgresolu» VRBANAC be within earshot before or If" tf: Tmught t“ (L)ntattt,pptc\‘ including members of the WaterlooWolyes atom double tion. M, , , . afterit was taken. (‘nunt ll‘ 2 Carlton Street. Sunt- A team at (he lOlh annual Bell (apttal (up. billed as the The faces that l'm talking Mendy lives than the tradi~ [think of the more than â€(in “mm" â€N ' Mg" m world's biggest minor hockey tournament. Harper's son. about are all the friends and tional Christmas newsletter. 100 pictures that were . , . Ben. scored the winning goal for his team at the touma- f "l wh d ided to send Those of on who have snapped that day only four (UiYRlOHT _ _ _ . amiy 0 cc f , y _ . . â€K “with“ "f tho WWW-ilk" are ment. and ms dad has been doing some fancy stickhan~ photos attached to their holt- managed to avoid thejoys of WC": usable. Nth bad for a print-(16d h, c-tipynghl and ma) he dltng of his own as he tries to keep his (nnservative gov- day greetinp this year, and reading one ofthose yeafly two-hour segment “d "mt 1†"mm" mm""‘"‘"‘" emment alive in the new year - ended up as a photo collage joumals that make even the And the Ph0t0 that we ""' highly A†“t"; "gh" 3" That goodwill tour continued in Waterloo Monday on my mfhgemtm door. most mundane things seem sent out came on the very Ema to iï¬ï¬tiaufftll if; when local MPs. including Stephen Braid, held a round This is one trend I'm more boring aren't missing a ï¬rst shot. it all went downhill It'llerIill you muxt 1“.th obtain the table discussion with leaders from the business commu- happy to see with the tire thing. after the ï¬rst IO seconds. pcr‘rn1\\_lon of the owner of 1h: cop,» nity. academia, the high-tech sector and mumctpal gov» ponderance ofdtgjta] pho- [f 1 have to read one more Even the mini-master "it†aha/further "gtmfl‘twfl UT" emments tography and desktop pub~ time about how cousin piece is an impressive work lit-hitch. mach??? N "at: The 8031 was to be a sounding board for those movers [ï¬shing out there augmenting loanne's kids are doing in Of ï¬Ctl'Ol'l thanks to modem 20. Watering. 0mm N2] lHR find Shakers and to See What they need froth the “900m“ the cool things you can do dance class â€" in the three- teChnotogy. . mg budget. lt suggested a Willingness to listen that has with Photoshop. Now page tome she sent to us this The truth Is that all three â€m“ "ll-WY been unheard of for sometime by federal potiuaans instead of the generic holi~ Christmas â€" I think l'll have boys refused to look at the l ' "r, it: edit“ “when“ And m0†than a few P†“c. Wants wmmemed 0" the day greeting we used to get, to send my own reply. camera without having szan}; AM m; fact that they'd never seen federal politicians more wept to see howeverybody Retum to sender with the something poking out ofvar- telephone number! we used only fa responsive to. the challenges faced by every sector of the has (hanged in the last yea; unopened newxletter inside tolls parts of their faces “kn" mm "“’ "‘" n“ t" economy during this economic downtum. Some of my friends have gott won't be subtle And the And our oldest son Luke $7: "331331" 0:21:31": $12: A" we can “V is that it,†about time. None Of the oon- ten 3 little greyer, while 0th» chances are she'll just decide has become a real~life incar- dense or rem: any contribution lot 5“th aim Of the fit" would ha“? 00mm if the em are ï¬llingout the frame a to email it next time. nation of Bart Simpson, not twenty at but taupe-a 1mm may government hadn't been a little tone dear. . . . ' mu, m The picture she included able to flash a smile without t" â€I'm“ by t" "’ â€ï¬ftwnl let's hope tht’ “mutant in our Pattie“ “Stet“ But it's the changes we see of her boys conveyed a lot some $011 ofgoofy expres- EQQ'ZTJ'J’JETEI “waiter: tnfl “it“ continues throughthe year 3° Canada ï¬nally in their children that are the more than her latest version Sic“ attached. SO by the time cred to Waterloo Chronicle, 279 mtheptflllmenttt "eedsm d'ae toudttimtt "twmthnt Thekidawe olWarandPeace. It allowed pulls?“ pmwmlwpguh the We?†3' N< SW†204 W"°"°"' remember as babes are now my wife'lhn and me to map togmp oto~ °"“"" N†m" toddlers The toddlers have vel at how much they look shopped a smiling expres- beoome little versions of like their father. sion on our baby Ethan from FAX their parents right before our Tara and I decided to join an earlier ShOOt. 5 5194869181 veryeym lnthcfestivltlesbysendlng But l'm still wondering ' " Thisisamuchmore outasimllarplctorialgreet- hOWShemademclookllkel EMAIL mavewnrytokeepup ingstonfewselectlamfly manulngcventhoughl mom-den withthediangeslnour andfrlendsâ€"lthlnkl mmashlngmyteeth. \