WM um I) tnnomcu - Wednesday. mum, 7. 200-; - 27 0 TH E CITY OF E Waterloo For more information, please contact City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2) 4A8 P 519-8864 550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 1866â€"7853941 , www.waterloo.ca i g * h I I 91 Concernlng a Zoning By-law Amendment TAKE NOTIt‘l: that the Council ofThe Corporation of THE City of Waterloo will be providing general house- ment Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. the (it) of Waterloo u ill hold a Formal Public Meeting keeping amendments to the City‘s Zoning By-laws Waterloo, Ontario, by calling (519) 7418522 or by on Monday, February 2, 2009. no earlier than 6:30pm. which WIII remove unnecessary duplication and make email at lfinlay.dty.waterloo.on.ca. ) in the Council Chambers. 3rd Floor. Waterloo City Cen- regulations more understandable. consistent. enforce- Louise Finlay. Development Services tre, 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo. to consider the able and relevant to staff and customer needs. In addi- (519) 747.3522 followmg application to amend the Zoning By-Iaw pur- tion the General amendements will also provide regula- IfinlayOdty.waterIoo.on.ca suant to Section 34 ot‘the Planning Act. tions regarding Home Occupations, remove the Agricul- . . , . . . ANY n ma attend the Public Meet: and/o Zoning By-law Amendment 2.08.01 lural A Zone Within By-law 878A and provide regula- makepausoi n!» I I ntation 23h" in r C it) of Waterloo - City Wide tions regarding QuonsetHutsi support of. or in opposition to the proposed Zon- General Amendments to Bv-Iaw Nos. 878A, 1108. I FOR f“ infomauon regarding the above mat- If'9 3’4“" Amendment. If you WIS“ t° make a and Iii-I8 ter, please contact the ("V °f Waterloo MW presentation to Council or would like more infor- '; M mation about the meeting, please contact Rose Clemens. Clerk‘s Office ‘ Telephone: 519-747-3549 we cm or a Fax: 5197474510 * wafefbo f, ’ ~ ' ' rclemens.city.waterloo.on.ca f .. I! ‘. ' A written summary of the presentation should be 3 THE CITY OF WATERLOO ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY ’ ; tiled W "I! 01! C19"! prior 10 the PUblk meet- . 0 mg. 3 o . en House & QueStlonna-Ire IFapersonorpubIkbodydoesnot makeoralsub- g missions at a public meeting or make written sub- ; The City of Waterloo is currently refreshing its "Environmental mowxrtxbï¬mzupiszungnwmo ‘ i Strategic Plan" and we are in the process of seeking public input. tic body is not entitled to appeal the decision of :3; Residents have two opportunities to provide their thoughts. Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. In addi- , « tion, it a person or public body does not make oral n Completing the Environmental Strategy Questionnaire 2:23:33: :3 wk mguzaavzw t on line at www.waterloo.ca between now and January 31 ", 2009 Waterloo before a... by-law is passed. the â€no" ; orpublkbodymaynotbeaddedasapartytothe Arte din th E - ta] Strata O n House hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal i n g e mnronmen 87 pe Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are f, Saturda_v,lanuary10"‘, 2009 I 10am â€" 12pm reasonable grounds to do so. 1 Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex I Hauser Haus - Susan Greatrix ; 10] Father David Bauer Drive, Waterloo * City Clerk, City of Waterloo i , a h It For more information please contact: \ i "‘ I lean Starchuk Anna Marie Cipriani REME “BER To / Project Manager Environmental Promotion Ofï¬cer Corporate Servith Public Works Services KEEP THE istarchukmritywatcrlmionca acipriani®city.waterloo,on.ca 519-88542le \223 519-747-8645 smeMKS ' r' I I I Join Mayor Halloran & Members of Council at the E e i x i 2009 Mayor and Councul NewYears Levee t » I Sunday january I I, 2009 â€" I I :30am to 2:00pm i , , ~~ , V . RIM Park, 200 I University Avenue , I " “IA k I Enjoy Free FOOD (while quantities last), SKATING, CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES, ‘ ' egg, ,2, xv ' ‘- LIVE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, HAPPY SPACE CLOWNS _ ' A ‘ 4-; . . . AND PERFORMANCES BY THE KW SKATING CLUB ’ I t L “ '5}; " . ; I. ‘v: - , FREE Grand River-Transit Shuttle from Conestoga Mall on Info: 5 I mas-1555 ‘ ' . ' Catering provided by Appetizingly Yours & Coffee donated by Uptown Waterloo Starbucks ‘ WWW~WATERLOO cA PIHHII‘ “977473700