WM Hull ) (‘HHONICLE - Wednesday, lama!» .‘ $001 0 ll »~ “not" if u_,,,__,“_ï¬,c fl. . ,, H'tt° th k l" ‘1 TiafC‘h†r ‘ ' ' " ' ’ ' i . l . . ) , 1 mg e s , mg tra1 3 you“) i " ‘ i i ill "1 . ' By leNlHJl 0mm» We . I “M“; a h ,-*' l " ' " l' ,‘ t lirmiu’lt' Huff ‘qug‘yykfl L," ‘_ a; _: j » 2 i" ' a“! «l L» 7. .._7 _, v- 7. . W. "m." . ,u__ ,,..-.,,,‘_i t Dan Mahony is one of those people 7 it?! ~ . “l. a“ l {5 ‘l a Free talk WI" explqre who can't wait tor the first snowfall . - a .'- a... gig budding a ï¬eld hospltal each year. i , - . ~ ' 1 Soon after he‘s able to grab his "24 In Afghanistan , t miss-country ski equipment and hit . »' the trails. V l nowledge integration Seminar Series â€" a free '1 his is a sport that generally ! ublic talkâ€"willbeheld on lan.9inWaterloo. ‘ requires training though, and that's The talk. Building Trust â€" A Story of Canada‘s just what Mahony and his wife. loan. ‘ ' ; l-‘ield Hospital in Afghanistan. isbyl.t.-(.‘0I. lim Kile. will be doing at laurel Creek Conserve» a .._,_ _ ‘_- ._ 9 medical doctor with the Canadian Forces. tion Area again this winter, ‘ ‘i.. w , _ ‘ - - . a, _ _. .._ Kile has served with Canadian missions in some "Cross-country skiing is fanlaStiC ’ ' » ' ‘ , ' of the world‘s most volatile settings â€" his latest in because you can enjoy winter." said \ Afghanistan. Mahony. who runs Ski For Life. a ski i He will tell the story of how he and his com» instruction company based out of the mand team built and maintained an environment couple's home in Tillsonburg. Ont. \ I y of mist Within the newly formed hospital, “You don't have to fly to the i If With examples and photos. he will illustrate Caribbean â€" you can be like us and J how they handled the many difï¬cult challenges look forward to the snow and embrace . ‘ and how "nothing moves faster than the speed of it." trust.“ Mahony is a former school teacher The talk is at 2:30 p.m. in the Clarica auditori- and principal who took up cross-coun» um, at the Hallrnan Institute for Health Promotion try skiing later in life thanks to his at the UniversityofWaterloo. daughters' insistence. \ For information call 519-888-4567. ext. 38153. "i was somewhat of a latecomer. l - ~ probably started arotind age 40." he . ‘ i “an“. . , _ A azz celebration and lied always been active and - , x ' can to me ï¬lture enjoyed many sports, ranging from ' ' "W ~<’ ' had? “it?“ and Wâ€? And rhekwas U l 4 " 7, f “I†"2 _ l ocal jazz musicians will help the Saints Go 23321190 9 0" â€05510117110 5 â€US “" a‘ V ' ‘* v‘_ 1 , arching in at the worship service atWestmin- ‘ H , b k' h‘ y d - 'â€" ~ ster United Church on Jan. 11 at 10.30 am. . d e eyen feganfl ta mgr 115k?“ 9 _4 Gillian Liu hits the cross-country traits in Waterloo. Classes led by Dan Mahony will It will be the Waterloo church's way of marking 7m ents out or mt â€3mm? 5 â€ng 585" get underway at Laurel Creek Conservation Area this month. Black History Month. Martin Luther King Day and sions after school and during the lunch â€no“, a milestone in the realization of King's dream with “f“: . . ., . . . . . the election of Barrack Obama. i just really enjoyed the sport enough snow cover south of Highway We spectalize in taking you right All are welcome to this intergenerational cele» myself, but i also enjoyed the teaching 40] to run programs there. Laurel from square one.†Mahony said. “But bration in word and music featuring the talents of ofit." he said. Creek â€" where they've taught for the we also can work in people who have Robin Habermehl on clarinet and saxophone. “During my last year when i was past seven years â€" is just far enough skied for several years but not really Andriy Tykhonov and Cynthia Hiebert on piano. looking at retirement, my kids asked north that it gets a sufï¬cient amount of mastered the technique.†and Sean Haberrnehl on drums. me What l was going to do with my snow Mahony said. And that's not Uncommon â€" a 10! Forty.ï¬ve years after hearing King's famous 1 years after retirement. and l kind of For Mahony, the season gets under- ofpeoplewalkin theirskis Have A Dream speech in person in Washington. half-jokingly said. ‘The thing i would way there on Jan. 10. That class is “lfyou want to put skis on your feet. D.C Waterloo resident Dr. Harold Remus. profes- love to do is to become a cross-country already ï¬lled to capacity. but if there's it’s a good idea to use them to ski." sor emeritus at lerid Laurier University and past- skiing instructor.’ enough interest one will run on ian. It Mahony said. president of the Canadian Society of Biblical Stud- “And then ljust said. ‘Why not?‘ " from 11 am. to 2 pm. Classes will also "I'm not saying that people can't ies will offer some reflections on that historic day. in 1998. Mahony's ï¬rst year out of be held in Waterloo on Jan. 24 and 25. learn to ski without instruction. but it Rev. lohn Lougheed. a voluntary associate minister the school system. he applied for a These half-day sessions cost $25 per certainlyisaloteasier.’ at Westminster. will speak about some of the chal- grant from the Oxford Heart Health person. including equipment. in addi- “A“ a .. _ ,_. , . .. _ . 1) lenges still facing that dream today. Network to launch his new venture. tion to a $4 trail fee. ;_. A ' ~ ° 1 l .’._."?:â€":' The service tom be conducted by Rev. Mary Sav~ He used the funds be received to Mahony attributes the popularity of $5 ' , "W" 5 ‘ 5 . if age. build uptan "arsenal of equipment“ Ski For Life classes to people in their "£1.93 » ‘_ ~ .. , , ’;;~,:_~ Westminster is an open-spirited. afï¬rming and that now includes 50 sets of skis, boots 405 and 503 having more time on their “"‘i. jig-4. a ' -.: . , It} 1 gal Ch“d_friend]y congregation of the United Church and POIes. Mahony also became a cerâ€" hands and wanting to maintain a good "f???â€â€œi “ 1 7 . . f‘i‘ a; of Canada that shares the Cedars (543 Beechwood tified‘teacher through the Canadian quality oflife. They also get a lot of par» , g, ., e ' if tâ€? Dr., Waterloo) Wm, Temple Shalom. a Reform lew- Association of Nordic Ski Instructors. a ticipants who tried the sport as a $7. ' . " ’t:§n ish con non, demanding, ongoing accreditation teenager. but didn't have much luck I; L .» ' , g . _ iii $53 For himither information on this service. contact process: ‘ With it And some people “I“?! trying "K , - _L-,,* , .. z. . . vi: w?“ the church at 519-746-6080. westmin@golden.net Ski l-or lJfC now operates primarily to stay active outdoors in the Winter. .;,~>_.1t,:..g,‘.;.t of, cg ;, 272951935.“ 4; j} ,. or www.w€stminstemnited.ca. throughout central Ontario. lhe Meanwhile, participants don't need zghajmfawmgj ‘t Mahonys have found there‘s just not any skiing experience to take pan. Mi“ if" ., ' , ‘ do“ . FACTORY OUTLET _ln" 'â€"l;- new Th Foam Store 3... m m... I!†, Ste _ e 519.748.1491 “F _ .. l Stone HOURS:Hon.-MH.Ffl-H E“ & m2 l . U‘M_ . E-mall. storo@customloam.com www.thefoamstore.ca N vw‘ ' ' j . “PRO 1 l . 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