Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Dec 2008, p. 14

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i 7 7 7 ll i4 ~\\-\llltl(1ll(MRUNK‘U» '\Vk‘(ll|t‘stld\t Urtriiilwi «moon 5 BULL ~ lLâ€"W MIL/W L‘ J 1mm m Tl“: he 1 Sworn! dllx iiitigriiiiistirc getting unilvmuiv tit on Lin ‘1 lrom 12:15 pm. to 1 pm at the Hm "I m1“ MIN" 1 ‘ tho Kill'lik‘lii‘l \\.iti1rloo Art (itillrrvl lortilul in llllllk‘d Church in Waterloo, at the corner of [he \V'aterloo (:(Nnnlunll) :\l’l\ ( your prey-tits tln1( A'lllfl’lll llll‘51llldrt‘, Ill [llt' rim» war Adult lung illld William strvvts. l'liv comm-rt will link Arpillera: lain-sin of l.llt’, in lrm Sill tit I: lit-g1 ‘ m priritmiikin r ( ld\\t‘\ run on lUl‘MlinN l)(‘glll- turr‘ r.i ’tinw. classics and on. from their new no St, S W’lfurr-rloo lor iiil'orimtioii (“all 'i l‘lr 8 . l~ l 1 mm PM ”“8 WW I’m 2“” rung Jun Ell :\(Il\l Illt'nltihlllp“lll1\l1k‘lla (l) [he group will also perlorm on lam. 20 tit 88674577. r Hit-l mim- in the 5quun1 present» [he l)|\‘)nir Mm'tloiizilil Roberts starts on lair 221A bogirir the church, [he event. which is co-sponson-d ' l'vrlorriiing Arts World [our20(19li-eiliiriiigt hi7 iicrrlvu-l titliilt oil painting workshop is on Feb by thi- Recording Industries Music Perforr l new i ultural pertoriiuiiiu-s on Ian, no 2009. 7‘ from It) .i iii. to 12 pm, for $21) (includes "more l-und‘ is free mm'mm m MY l lirkut» are $357920. For more information r all lllilll‘rlillNl Solid foundations youth art classes :th k\:'\1“,~\(rl (who; iiis~visyt~$m3hgp il int ‘197778715‘0 )rl-BUUv'JlT-flgTT run on l‘tit‘sdavs, startin lan.20,Paintin and "W3 ‘1 "”17? “’- or 1 3’ 21 mg “" i ) ) I ( J ) drawing studio for teensgpaint and mung art» “I m [I m [111T”01180.\(‘llLlU’llllm’lill llll Queen St. N l l (“STING a lab, paper and ((‘XI finial). farm” art workshops Opera Kitchener‘sThe Marriage till-igaro by Kitchener l'or more information (all 31937117 ’ and familv Sundays also begin in lanuanfi For WA, Mozart will take the stage Jan, 10 at 7:30 5860, l‘his show mil be followed by Author“ ”If N m n“,m,1nfi,’,,“mm{ on the gang“, located at 101 pm at the (28mm in the Square. Tickets c.tart at Pcrspct‘ln‘es’ on Home and Native land, from .\u(lillOnS for K-Wt‘hililn-n‘s Dramiinork Queen St N t and its programming go to 52" 1h" We”? “mull“ ham?“ Andrew ["9“ '3’” '5 "’ Man‘h 32 I" m“ ”m?" "lg“.mna' shop‘s Anne “(Grow “am“ "RN”! M“ m wMMtkwag oru‘a or call 51975796861) andsopr‘dnozbiindra kicker. will be sung in H than artists explore tho Show: (arms (it mm lzin 7-9 and ll ”WW an, roles mr km“ ‘ ‘ lt.ili‘in mth Lnglish stitullvs. {he performanu litilll)ndll\lll that mm dtlt)\\(dnddai .-\tlllil\ ' .y and girls aged ('lgl'll to 11: wars with \(llnt‘ stow MUSH' 'meml’orary ;::i]::‘g:l)::;r::id ;:::‘(:‘(T;:S‘:;'J}ll :‘i;°';£‘g(h” "\“’“‘ “ hind ;\‘ "(it"s/:12“ lhlnfif’ "hiking?! “WINNER Book “A” appointment a! 51117 1""(lor 1 800565- 89" Formore information I SW!“ (1 Strong! 100‘; \lilk ”114;; I" 10 H “”1 73f,3586»ex[‘ 1 mm >1 - -._ - , A. . rum \inti *pr l- _ . w pu 1C i~ encour- ) ‘ . { King Street'n'lo. 5;, Uni\'('rslty Ave h, Vl/aterloo, ““1 “WWOpefflkllfh¢*ll¢‘l-t‘0m- aged to \‘l\ll the corridor Mliibition and look at l .\R l 5 VM features live my gm” nights a week. Wednes» :hc- dlfil‘rt'nll THINK: Hungary uwd Ito surfigst dais and'l‘hursdavsfron16130-E-l :m.,11ridavs iiimzins re 4 ions ins m amine x J!“ (- from "1 30-11130 4m and fiaturdaijx from “30- m m m , r , < natural WW” m , '1 p 1 r l» 1- (Illlrild (irebel University (.nlleges Noon Hour m m m m m 10330 p,mr V‘s” kingstrcettriorrim. Concerts get underway in the new year on Ian, l‘he University ofV'Vati‘rloo‘s Earth Sch-mos H With the'l‘oronto Percussion Quartet This is film" m m Museum is open daily mm] 930 a min 4,30 Rude Native Bistro and lounge. 15 King Sr. 5. followed on Jan 21 With Musm for (k-llo Alone. lhc Emu" Avodon Museum and Archiw of b m, Admission ,5 {Mr I“, more ”flormamm Walerlrxr. presents. l‘im [ours onTut-sdays. For And on lan. 28 the law trio of Michael Wood. Grimes presents from Hirflway Places (open (all Elliâ€"880456.; at ANN). more information (all 519â€"886-le Kenn Muir and Teri Warren will perform. The l'uesdayfl‘hursdayl at the Burt Matthews Hall ' series runs on Wednesdays at 12:30 pm. in the Room 1016, at the Universtty ()lealPTlIN) until [m (Ionrad (Mabel Unn‘ersit‘,r College chapel. l1‘h.28.2009 l‘or more information (all SIS)» m Admission is free 9%.4414 mnmm II 'I- l 11”" gm" J {\htifk-“Llslygnfphonfi prexi;r1t~ Fenland the 151%: “h l ‘1 V ‘ ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" B rt f 'o ,4 c i - non y prot ui'tion t at starts 0 - '. ymp om. presents 1’, want on m if” l7l-2.30 pm” mm halldsrnh at‘thltles Em, 7. Barn“ at Hr?! limit? (.hlurrhlt’cprper of m M A. m m e p a 0 ‘ i . ' ' - - i ‘ t ‘1 st 1; . ' 1 ' (ginnirig‘ail p m, it 1111 Queen St Ninth n gun I ran s rot in rroo r15 0 it"? ‘ ‘ ‘ 1. ‘ , _ A on me scene on” Admissmn it S]_), 5.19 for adults and $50 $32: for mori initirmdrion tall 319. will v.0 or lht (anodian (Jay andtylass Gallery presents ‘ , K , for a family For more information call 519-5781 1800â€"2653977 l)rnamenta r Glory Boy: Ted (ioodden; inns: mania)?!3:336:31}; ‘LP‘I:::;;:£‘:QX‘I':1 1’70 l~ ~2 'F-R‘lTT (‘liristincl)avi,;(1rint0s Mums/Silenced Tales: 1 i “ ’ ' ' J m 800 h) Mithcle lapoiiitc, Reflect: Ianva [1.10mi at 25 dates, “"1"“ and I“ k” pram h” l“ ”I 319 88" ‘ Mm CITY 3“ W (mollnv 5‘ ‘W‘dlt‘rloo ("ill 31917404882 (1187‘ or 9mm! Minimumirriri'rloor'hmoldy m [Hm-mm m m The RoValt ll\ Nix Quartet Will he in (unit-rt 7" ~ - ‘ ~ ~ ‘ ~ 3 1 '1'" ‘ 4 ‘ “*TW" ’ Mmrlaochronlcle.“ I (Autumn. (,Rrissiiom) if ‘2 3 I f 6 l f1 l U. - ___.â€"___. ‘ N 7 ,, { , ,, , N lull-Illinâ€" clues Acnoss ‘9 l 1 . l 10 r l 1 l Athenian philosopher r :7 7 , ( 1 , 7 , ‘ l 6 Basics ‘11 l ‘ l l 12 13 14 l l l J ‘ ‘ 9 G praise (1:19am l l l l 1 l 1 S l \ 10 Redirert G ‘ T J I T ' 16 17 ’ l ‘7' ' ll Angelic l l 9 l - \ no ”perk?” m island 1n mp rm m on» 35 i 4 r 1 l 4' ,9 ,Y f r 20 2, 1009 W p I 15 Public executionfirs l l l ‘ l O u" t: r 4 . , A . 1 - . , i I Am and l x 22 23 I v I I 18 Mmrran Shawl 1 ‘ I ‘9 ta'omrllllfirv 7 1 . y 7 , 1 i ,, , J ll'icliitii You the ”an” I 2:1 ‘7”an m“ 24 l ‘ 25 126 2 1 l l I ‘ _J . I, ‘4 '1 = .97: Show? ill iihnrrrllzlr‘ , . l . . J o . . , w ,. N , 28 l t t 1 $ . . - l (1 HM 1,llrlalnPl ‘ I lnhl ill lllL 5i‘ll‘silll. 51¢“! I 28 pm,“ harassrr M. ‘ i . ‘ I ’ ~ l . 29 Airliianrw 29 :30 \31 32 33 l ‘34 I HOLlDAY HOURS. Yf'qrz I 35 Sm’itrnrl lnlrrilanr: l, l l l l * l . a 36 13tli_ww1rsn'rirrnlh 35 l 36 l 37 I DEC“ 31 9am‘4pm ' I 38 1r‘ in armed marrow ‘ 1 l l l ‘ I JAN. 1 CLOSED i I 4n the highasl mini: ‘38 ’ l l f 39 40 l T 1 r41 W I 42 DIESSPG 1 l l l l l l l 1 l ' "m I :2 1 l ” 11 l 1 ‘ 1 a l ‘ ‘w , .:’,1::1Fl fircv : I “'33“ ‘ . 4?; i E I 4? (ll an mow sink ‘5 «5 l T a l l l l 1 143 1 lllll{i\(7lzl.|i ‘I , z . 49 m. in.) war. l l l 1 I l l 1 l "'1‘ “ Real?» rush ‘ ‘ 1 1 7 l . ‘IHI I tennis _ g? M45380; 149 r so 1 l 1 l 1 MA in“ 1104 695 HANNAH“ ‘ ’ ' a l l l r l ‘ l , r MA HEAVY ”IV" 52 Enllghlen p ‘ ’ 1 All 60: l 10 w 9 1,, t ‘ 52 l ‘ l 9v 2 in : in :13 95 8299 , if 1 l 1 1c tin 101 13 as “"5“ ' } 69:50?” A i A l p 7 l l i) ran : in mm 7 u ac . _ fl '_ f7;7i71"¥“_7‘;7 ' 7’ .7 J ‘HN’ 7' l 2 w”? 0f Jacob J11 Atomic ’89 37 Counted on lifll. n til. ‘ p ‘ H'Ulf‘JUAUW ‘ 1 3 Assumed name ?0 No {SCOlllSlll 39 35 ”.0195”be grain. a . i t . n . u "'0‘ "It" a 4 4 Processes leather 21 Drunkard 40 Blood group fl: :_ ' _ ' ‘:"_‘ “I! ("uplwngu . v, «or... 5 Manned beyond 25 Acrttzen oi Thailand 41 Grey laced shrew a . ,. '. '. .I. .'. ‘. . A ‘ ,‘ .‘ , ‘ a“ 6 Access to pressured air space 26 Had lrom confinement 44 People who cannot hear .5: .:. . [.3 ‘ .“H.l.\‘l ‘ i ." I.“ ‘ 7 Women‘s undergarment 27 More beadrlike 45 Gaborone airport code -.°r' ' In» ' ' . . l . l t . , «CV11. 1 1» - , 1L . l 8 Co~lan9enllablirl 29 melpalntpotymer 45 Relevant to us .'.'n _ . [.0 I {if} i ‘39“ p'lC8§ m lowfil , 10 Spectacle locations 30 JackP , / talk Show host 43 waet “q C ' I‘m-â€" VV , 12 Gm forth 31 Nocturnal masked mammal 5-351 ‘a D">D‘IAI.U.-‘| . .. . l , l . ‘ ‘ - - r I v l , ‘ 355’.rl:l3r'1;l§l N m 1 13 Removed lrom power 32 GWTWsMr Wilkes :....°:: :z‘:.: :...:_: m _ ' 14 Manila hemp 33 SE ASIan peninsula ‘.f°‘.fy .f.j.jyf. (”my ~~ ~ - v ~ v - - , , - , 1 16 Point Midway between N and E 34 Mammalian enzyme W n M81 '3" m ,, l

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