WW7 W W 7 WT. > 24 ' WA] HllllllCHRONlCU: - Wednesday December 14‘ 2008 o o The effort has to start early to be an ellte gymnast, says local glrl Continued from page23 have been trying r0 adjust to a new mother Helga BlieferrMerkle serve the young gymnast well in scoring system that awards perfec “Unlike a [0[ 0f Em the proud mother believes the coming years She‘s been lll gymnastics since [run more than dill‘rculry ‘ her daughter will adjust fast. If Merkle doesn't make it to the she was a year old and knows rhe "l.‘\1c-rklel used to do a llll (if gymnasts, She practices “th puts the hours in and she Olympics, she still wants to keep insand ursol‘he r ulirr , l igh A lilli *ulr)‘ moves h n n r v . . c " carries it [hr u h," Bliefen-Merlde (humming. "I lust: think ulr' him}: :1:er dud \‘he liars‘m “(A m on smallerl nun; llOlU She L0"!p€t€$. said. †g “l want to keep guing m lung a». no! stressingnul,†she will Much rm limiting sure In gel to the ~ Helga Blieferl-Merlde â€Unlike a In! of gymnastx she l can," she said lhnl quality has l’lllllt‘ Ill hand) hundxtunrl and std} \lmlglll and rm he'rrluuglm-r'» (mlmrlgregrmr practiceshmv she competes," “l want to ill least gel ll sllmleu lately as Merkle and her cum hes lighl a! all “mew†will Merkle‘s l'huI competitive ï¬re should shiploullï¬. college." i 9% l E i“ §§:§':T§‘§El "’ sin-sass i v . _ a i - _ 18.â€" A, : Sgéiéagis \ a" . ‘ , . “:g:%§;§_s '. , , ," 5.».t “ u ‘2 D<::-3£'. “" .. ‘ "'1‘3‘93' . 3'" ‘0. if, a. giaéég E ‘ ., A _ a E<§§sl V' ~ A ,. ‘ " e 8%ssgzéi 1 -’ i _ v. ' , :5 “ gig-:1 5% r s V x “1%,; a.- a*' * a §1¢35-§;5 . .v --. .» ~ 2 oiséï¬Ã©sés l , > A , w . cuss,“ â€a 9 1.1.3. 1 a was: 5;; I , '“ 5:12;: ' .. â€a." {96 M‘s § 3 ziéséiig \ m - ‘ . " ; (I ‘3': “itâ€: 53 : éiéésiéz l ,. A W WW , ta i†, . g . 2 9 gsg§§g§§ « I A» , .93 _ . . ‘ x \ a r E = g . ~ I , - 9â€"5“. g giggigéig i :4 g ll>~A ? 4‘}, at?! g Eggs-53411 ; “I â€"».-â€"=â€"=~ A. ‘ in . - W , S's-a 5-3 7* E 2 Eggs??? \ , ; . "' a 4;! w»: “r†‘ we 3 a $35,323?! ‘ ~» * grit-ï¬r A . câ€" , - =5 1 mam}: r .‘ A = . V: 17â€"; ‘ My?†{â€" 3 3 éï¬fgiajgg l â€" “ W ’3‘ u . f! l ‘ E E gag-5,3 l . , shown '_ â€3 ‘ a W W {is}; a 0 Egg]??? ‘ ' Q ‘ -* W“ E «c 3‘s}; ‘ "."m'? " ngggigfii" “we!" V R a < a {3% ~:- g 7.353;}: ;. 1 ‘ g r- ? gzs‘EJ‘EW \ ‘71»:- 3 garpggggl I > ‘ ‘ I ; ® 09 MAZDA3 HOLIIADdIthmgl-‘IFERS E g l§§i§§§3 i W" ‘-°_ <1 >11§=§ ‘ "an: MSRP $l6.895 UP E g i§g§g§i i Price Reduction S2,000 T0 fl'm E o igéiiii: ~ . "H. E - °~]S 5 Purchase Price S14,895 on selected modelsm a; 3 flag}; ‘ mi 1‘»! i ttttt itï¬tt tttti 3 5,9135%} mmwmw mmmmmn' tfluflfï¬u. I: D lï¬ig‘gj I \ 9 § â€" ~ , [‘5‘ g = a?!“ l § _ . .â€" v \ s; can: ‘» w %v a" ' ‘ W‘ __â€"‘ 1 0 gigsggél % “a ‘ '. .9": it »_ ’,, £53133?- ‘ I - Q) â€" “ "‘ “x" l» _â€" Q “a: ‘ rutmm'w‘m" _,mm.‘w,w m‘y‘hmmoishmm ~ ¢ : 2 1311; ‘ /-_- 2 THE ALL-NEW a g 3.333;: g i I I I 09 MAZDA TRIBUTE 09 MAZDAS we: 09 MAZDA6 :37: i1 g. gig: 3“ i ’â€"‘_â€"â€"“â€"’.. â€"‘â€"‘__ ‘ _.. â€a l MSRP S23,450 MSRP s20,795 MSRP S24,495 5 flags} 3] ‘ Price Reduction S900 Price Reduction S800 Price Reduction 52,000 a g 1; ijlsgi . . . ' . . 7’ ’7 . 3': *5 , Purchase Price S22,550 Purchase Price S19,995 Purchase Price S22,495 g ‘3 g; :53}; I M ~â€"-â€"-â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -â€" a my . l s a f See dealer for great lease otters. H giliï¬gil | WW , WWW , WWWW W WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, WWW >- a < :3 : EXPERIENCE EMOT/ON/N M0770N AT YOUR LOCAL MAZDA DEALER. ZOOM-ZOOM. FOREVER. a g £§¥*Ԥ!§ l « TO LOCATE A DEALER NEAR YOU, VISIT WWW.MAZDA.CA OR CALL 1-800-263-4680. x 2 E J1EE} W W . __â€"_â€"â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"_