WA’l'ERLOO CHRONICLE - Wednesday. December 24. zone - I! - ' “W FROM TOTSlo TEENS AND EVERYTHING IN BE?‘.‘.‘EEN Hosting tips for the festive season , _ ' . ' -. f‘ l . . . . . . . , . . ‘~ 0 o A Q ‘ LL80 is offering its customers advice this holiday Guests drink more when the bar is open, so either \ we. a .' , i season for celebrations that will be memorable for all hire a bartender or be the bartender. And remember. ; ' / t the right reasons. measurement is a must. , I "In addition to providing a posttive dropping exper Serve high-starch, high»protein foods to help rience and helping customers with product selection ensure no one drinks on an empty stomach. ‘ and food matches. LCBO store employees can offer ° If Mother Nature is on your gift list this year, i party planning tools and recommend attractive gift [1180 can help you host a "green" party with a range , . y ‘ solutions,“ said bCBO president and (llit) Bob Peter of organic and earth-friendly products in lightweight ' 4’ i? 2. . "We encourage everyone serving alcohol at their containers, as well as reusable shopping bags â€" .. 2.; I ‘ 5x; 1 holiday gatherings to use our responsible hosting tips which make a unique and useful stockingâ€"stuffer, } “:5 ’ = 3: i to help ensure guests get home safely." Don’t forget to bring your own reusable bag when you â€1'; OFF . 9., While the full list is available online at shop at LCBO. and following your holiday celebra- _._.;., I. .7 4;: www.lcbo.com/sr. here are some of l.(jB()‘s responsi- tions take empty beverage alcohol containers to the . ï¬g laden & . ’3 ble hosting tips: Beer Store for afull deposit refund. g . - [two it , f 0 Plan .ahead to prevent guests from drinking and e in the spirit of giving this holiday season, LCBO ' “a" ; driving. You can do this by discussing designated driv» encourages customers to consider making a donation DON'T PAY F0 R 6 MONTHS ' ers beforehand, keeping cash and taxi numbers on to MADD Canada and the province's four regional : . ~ g .. hand and preparing for overnight guests. Hosts children's hospitals during December, either using the ‘ ‘ .. 7_ [1 $57 t should also be prepared to take away car keys. donation box in stores or when paying by debit or it, . t t ,i' - ‘ ‘1 ‘ 3“? I W I; _ If you're the host, please drink moderately. or not credit card. Last December. [1180 customers generâ€" - ‘ 11;; i at all, so you can act quickly and avoid problems. ously donated $337,000 to these worthy causes. I 313 mm 31. I 1 ‘ . All guests â€"â€" not just designated drivers â€"â€" should \\ \\ \\_ H H' h \i“ [if PU [A \ ; Ni v,“ H up. I be offered an assortment of alcohol-free drinks. The ‘__‘_‘,,, _.__v.,,. ‘.n_-__ _ _ __ . _ w ‘ LCBO has many delicious “mocktaii†recipes at . . ’ '3 < wwwlcbocom/sr. _ i ; 7 Beware of fraudsters oxmg ee 2 e “I “ms 9 i o :3 ‘ C i pretending to be SAVE O STORE . it I“. i t - . , , 1 insurance-company O W I D E ., - , p g t. . i ‘ -;‘ ’ g' - - \‘n . “u t‘ representatives Every pair of footwear is on sale, NO EXCEPTIONS a V '4; insurance Bureau oftiiinadii ‘lltt 2 is winning time 3 JP 1 ', sinners to avoid disclosing financial llliill’lllttlltln over ‘ ‘- the phone after several consumers received calls trtim fraudsters pretending to he insurance industry repre~ 5 I ; \t‘liidifll‘S. Nolw New . ’ ‘t onsuiiit'rs [midi m $59 1: .i « ‘ ‘ really need in xiii}. mgr ’: 71195???†hint." mild Don l‘llrgr y: . (1711515 â€'1†([0 won, vutepresidt-nt of , , tintario â€it ' ll'hfln’l’f’l â€If“ " l hese (on élfIlsis , .7 hang f0 mil do whatever the\ . a '. ‘ haw to do to get \tiiir ‘ g â€"†h"""""‘ itihilltltli iiifurniiition.†" I \i‘l it [ltt’Vltll'lH tit {hr t "Marin “w “in†â€Am“ to lâ€â€œ""“" “H'W'l'â€"mm,“ he trout the pililt'\ ‘ holder s insurance V Maw "aw (llll\[]illl\ .iiitl demands the llllltlt'tilillt' pilunt'llh In w go ‘x: ire-(lit turd. (Ii tin outstanding amount on the client‘s ' . . prl‘llllllill. â€it‘ I tiller threatens to i am vi the pol“ \ if payment ' is not lt‘t t'm‘tl 1hr (JUN haw taken Did! 4* .it toss the innntn. Ititht .ititig .iti ilYfltiHl/t'ti t tll‘it' ting might he ' tit \uitk the bottom llllt' l\ lhiit um should newt divulgi- himnt ml lilitll'lndlltill (luring it phone t till UH] did not I initiate and your tllNlltiilil l' tttttli)».ill\ imulii lli'\l‘{ ask \ou in.†said i urge-Inn Am tIitisunier who thinks lill’\ nun haw been Mr ‘V “ â€aw a gt-tt'il tot this form of fraud l\ ,isietl to write down as .1" ’ . ~ :1: â€r: till“ it information as pt)\\lilit‘. lllt hitting originating in I "I f†‘ phoneniitnlwt. .iiitliallthi-llfl .it I H77 IN lll’\ â€".. " at . 1.. ' , . a ease ,, . . a t THE V _- , * ‘ -. U\ - t are t ' FORBIDDEN r“ (it are We Can Help I~ \, .‘ ‘ Mon Dec 2208 Sim .l.iit 3 0‘3 . 1 RAM & BLAIR ., DENTURE CLlNlC a. ' 28 Young Shin-ff .\\‘,itt-r|<)rt w I I ( ) 1‘ ' I) l a l{ y. "' d d " . (519)884-9298 t5 , J 4 “Q 3 See the l ’ KEleYS Denture 2 . Specialists 589 FainNay Rd. 5., Kitchener 519-748-9333 m (beh.ind,l_<.e|.seyf$)..._.__........... .. .. i ‘ n_.__ .W