W 6-WAl‘hRiUtJ CHmNICLE'We-diiesday “member I? 2008 lâ€"rw “WM ® HYUHDRI‘ S55 ("1â€" C. L, s “i am lty offers J :.-- some WEEK ~ _, - N“: g ‘T 3750 * gggggggggig overnight ‘ ' igir g Q “with , s B li‘f’fmst’nm, - "‘ ’ i339? ar 8 to since , ,, ,- s , W?“ M , , gt g 5 gig uptown t 5 segments m “mm" - a g ï¬g?! reveller l ‘ 5&2 iii-95 S "-=,‘ . . 5 ‘ “ t ,. 1, g‘ E??? 5; BVGREGMACDONMD l ' W,‘;:-_i_W ("h l g N ‘ ii? "' “L Elantra L , :, gigâ€"3g {Elli % k A it, Q 1 i Vi __ _ , . i ' §8§g§§ 53 e City ofWaterlm) is opening ‘ , A“ (it, , 5†fm\ . an ~ 4 MM ‘ _ , g 353; $5â€? 20 free overnight parking f w 03 “a 4 ‘G ; __:_ ~ ,'~ Leasmg ‘ -' ~ ;~=§3 spots in u town Waterloo for . a a“ 35 § , p l . ‘ k A» , Winston s1w‘zwa , -_ g“ i 235 a drivers who are too inebriated to l m l in? a drive home : , r F528 Q ~ I . . > i % _ n-n-mo-am-tmm t;- g éggigeggg h The City Will provide 10 spots in .... "ftgi‘eiif 1 {a 3,» 3] ,, In ,- an 2. .; A? u , 5 g g Q? gu- t e Regina Street lot and it) in the _ a 1 gs'wieie‘afï¬tï¬ 2 giéï¬Ã©gï¬ig north parking lot at Waterloo Tomi um" x m». 4 ï¬gâ€? E isswggg _Square in order to encourage ï¬nd- ' t \ â€"... â€my: _ e fares! u mm re?) , "Iiiâ€"7.17?“ » 4-34: h ' 7 ‘ 521393252 mg a safe way home’ said Conn. la“ « « ..« ~' “ 1†* W , . “a“! a 3 2 3 Mcleant . “mom f , 51 Accent L 3Dr E agzégggi “i think this is a reasonable com» ‘ Swmm- ‘ . , f 5 g 3 ; promise in the short term," he said, u ï¬zz-w $9 995. â€"â€" ' , ~ , ~ » , . g “Nu- gszggéggge 2 35“ â€at?“ beavaflalbte from _ Fu-n . g : a.m o a.m. ' w . H .. . 5 §§ ‘ unti lan. 3. n: a s a $169 13“: 12.075, _' ' 5§§§§§-§§E enough time to get through the holi- m m 1 i an... M, _“_£m_~ â€_ _â€" ,, - ) :_ 95.- 5 day season. After that, staï¬will craft m m an: nun.- ‘ â€" M : 5 ;;§‘§§§§g almond policy of how to deal with 4â€" ' - etssue. f, _A- h Q. My Sonata GL stunâ€"a.m if??? “35, paladin interim, the uptown - i ., 3&3??? _ e is open 24 hours a day’ and _ «a, , - A E g 95 ' ' a. w ‘ 1 a g; costs $4 for overnight parking. The L JM‘ “x, $17 995. .. h- mâ€. 265335??? city is embarking on an advertising â€". ...‘ V) , ’ $2“_oq._ 8 095i." £35; r; eampaign to encourage those 5 ,. 3:9 1 a. m -“â€"tull_:pl “A“..- £539 5}? imbibétrlig to park in the garage 4â€"â€" . - ~ â€a "- - <6 - we“ “ “MM \ gï¬wiï¬gtigg The bylaw department will also “I Egiiizgégi be promoting alternate methods of A ‘ a _ - .. 5: . transportation home. One program Santa Fe GL - 4 RAW - x 3 Egg r“; of interest to the department is , , ‘ ,. g ' 3 if? Waterloo Taxi's policy' in which they †fl . 3 g gf§ Will dnve both the customer and the $289 ‘ 4-1*:E" 5 % file £52: % customer‘s vehicle home for a stan $7 , "g ' dard cab fare. " null-131.375 mwww - A - gwgggggogg The city's move came in ‘ . tun-nu...- g gag-Egg; response to a few complaints about _ v , _ rf‘ WW WW ,, “H §§§§§§g§§g drivers who left their vehicles ( , 0, f i‘ % 5 Shag uptown overnight to avotd drunk ï¬gsggiézg drivmg and were awarded with a ; _ ‘ a . Ii . v A m “HEM n m " , Llâ€. tram 2g 3 r Egg ticket. “it's not a huge problem but it if h n m 3257: 4 1‘: if fggli’vgt is something to be proactive about." ‘ â€" I â€" nh-.-..--â€"-*†I A. 4553155; said lim Barr): diret‘torofhy’law 1 Mï¬ï¬wm '“-n§fl:~- 5333523, 8} Barry and his staï¬ will be meetâ€" amm-mm-im $3 :~ kg? ing with uptown organizations and ‘ "mm“ g 425; 5 bars to formulate a plan. < ,_ - -vâ€" Th“ ill b me . . 10910me mum. 33525353 mgmfe‘fwgzzzzzgzizi 5 , . - i ‘ 3-35 howmany’ifanygwillheneed m'm iii}; ti gig ed in the city and whether or not to , “ï¬nned,“ taut ttdmyhytmdaica ® HY†n D n l E 3 ï¬g? extend this program past the holi- mmmfl.__. $3 359551 3 day “m†gig g “1 As an added measure to (â€tub KlTCHEMR WATERLOO cm gif ES??? drinking and driving, parking in the Alpine Wundoi Sumac“: Hyundai C _‘_"| l I Hyundai . g E a; uptown parkade will be free from _ 44 Alpine Rd. 525 Davenport Rd. 1952 Eagle St. N. l a? 5 * mm†"" N“ “a†"V“ “m†â€w Kitchener, 5197424400 Waterloo, 5198862625 Cambridge, 519-650-5080 it Email? “mm“ â€m“- " l _- 7,331“ x,_ at †7:3; 5 £3 ’ ~ 3.335, ' fl ’ . a > i ’ i ;' l f?" 5 7 t is" when; a 4." (l 1 ‘ t» i v Q J n ‘ ‘ 3 at A): h ' 7,517 ; ffâ€, ’- ~< ‘ ..' g Y R ‘ . ' L. 1h fa ‘ L; ' _ l ' } “rt" '> 3 If“ N5" 432: ' , g .‘ it.» i"? . »â€" “of; ‘ THA ‘ ‘ SAVE . " we glitz l _ , t. . 4 5 s125 $25 , 52502 . . f. A,» '. _ . 5:1“ 5, “, a Qi,?’:-§,‘ ffiigï¬" §' $400 ‘ ‘ 5 mm new“... mum-mit- â€an“, r, u ,, mum mm Mann 6 a. , _ v a. A , t Mme-won't am a“ . ‘J < . ,; it . 4 M : ¢ ; M“ . ‘V‘Q'V I ‘ i .. _, be. an; ~ ‘ ~ a“! h, V «were! ,, may? ‘ «- â€who" “ A "$5 95 again >; may , we» a: m «Jim‘- - .- , if; 5&1; â€f $51.1“. ' - 1315 ?- : sew ~ - ‘ “algal? liliwigriéï¬â€™wï¬ . ~. _ «k. fut, an â€a , ' m .. r,“ v ' ~ i {it . it at?“ 3 fw "f'f r“ a t . g :-‘ A" ' lifegj'é‘f $0391 ‘“ I ‘ .. '~ «vfwgr’fggsié [my an“ at 5. “534.175 streak, 4, ' â€it i - '/ ' ‘ ‘ t †fr ' 2 A“: 11 C -»"' ‘flf -,- 75?- 55:5, "' it‘m‘ 7‘ ‘ inï¬df" in? “3° N" If} â€3 " > ' ‘ ' i , <3 - “‘ ï¬fhf’g‘r'f'i‘ " 5, ï¬s‘?‘ {f ff’fl'ftd" ‘. " slyly-f a 454" , ‘5 l}: of“ ' $4; M 1: / if » ~ " j , u ,~