i 7 7 _ , , l WATERUX) CHRONICLE ' Wednesday. December I7, 2†G 25 t ‘tl L I ‘ y it)? ‘i 51k n a ‘ ()l]L‘ til the lltlllLWl llL‘lll\ III lhc xturc lhlx pllL'llL‘l’x mugx and mun CCtiâ€"lrlt‘lldl)‘ water ‘ holiday \Cd\tln I\ A lIllt.‘ til urriiiiiciiinrutivc hfllllCN m ‘ l, ' Andy Wurhnl plcct'x “thh feature a picture Thur wldilllL'S\ steel watt-r hnitlcs aren‘t \ ‘ til" the lllllltiu\ Jflhl and uric (ll hh mun) only guild tur ynur hcdlth and the autumn Q “ Ll quirk) qUips riicnt, the) urine in ii number tit colours and / \ l I . Wurlitil, Alwyn ii lit\tllIfIlC in mint Cltr putt-inn \ n j clcs. ix mm llLt\lll_L‘ i hit wt 11 rcniiiwuncc in That diiyx. popular smaller IlCllh include the rcgmri tn an exhibit til†hix wurkx h upcri- Ll funky little cake xcrvcr than in the \hupc or {i}, . ‘ tug at the Kâ€"W (‘hilr .,, r- _ a high hccl sht‘C‘ l" ‘ n l drcri'x HtU\L’Ulll a ‘- ‘, m Thu “Cut product _ 1 On the inure tradiâ€" l ‘7 wnuld mah- a per» 4 l tinriul \IdC,l.ll]d\L’.1pL‘ lif,» feet gilt tar the . ï¬t l mm Andrew ('tillcti‘x l t‘ “ l'unâ€"lmcr on your uh - lint til “no ~in Phtrlt)» l t- lixt . 7 m > _ _ 4m /////( //( ' graph» clcglmtl) depict t «\ / A ) , ‘ ()nt.mu\ hmtcrluml in l; , 7" ’Tis the Season ’ ~ ‘ ‘ ' ,. l . . , , , , . ,. l settingx \tl\‘l’\ Lt\ Nguâ€" t W." Framing and '. - q a ' . L r - r 5} if uqum Park and gauge : Art Centre now has , ' . 4-4; '7' 1 a i, Lnulilr) ’ all of its unrque _ Q. fr“? 5&9 “ ‘ ‘ 'l'hcxc uriiqiicly l Chriwtmas tree l, (‘.iri.td|iiii phntogruphx ', ornaiiicntx (in dis- _ ; .iru giclccs ll†(dlth l play, Each year. ’ _ . UNlOUE E:_iT-:';E l .llltl arc gunriinlcvd to 7 “cf-i the “are chooses * If it"; St'ee! E l l.l\l ti lllclllllt' Sn \plCL’ 1 f' " _= to carry nnly the ‘ , , up lhnsC him: wallx - in 3 _ 'y Q mmt dixtinctnc. 7 » v . an) ~rylc _mu‘d like » ‘ ’ ‘ striking timamcnts with a painting nr ' ‘ â€AA“; t“, f gt , that you won‘t we Prue or art lmrii the , a ‘ â€W†~.~» ’ J I an)“hcrc else. 0 [52mm and An (on, , , , as ' [felli’gï¬fs‘lfi‘ilé All I Want For Christmas Is Chocolate ._ l , , f _ , ,'.,,,.,s, a. f-‘ifrâ€"r.{“::«j warm and xhinc from the Bon Ben Fautory And More! 7, 1/7, _;/,4§~,,,j “Ag/“5; ES}? fr?" min your tree , ‘ j , fl ; ‘ ,. ;’.__ p z' a _ "W? 3; yw'aflg, ‘ 4 4 ‘ ‘ M s on FM min alm ur- ; â€t%f?6 fl' f;’£:.',:.’ ,. 3“ mm the Chocolate Letters R22. 3‘ ' NOW 3/ IO t nos 3 Wide axwrtmcnt - ;_‘-. A,;",(“:-'A",£i $5 ’,.l; “I!" ï¬gs Framing and Art “l "mill†Ell" ‘d‘iuh‘ The store carries unique works by artisam. (‘Cfllfc 1h“ Christ» . z , _. Us?" “A? including icwclr) and max and anfly thc A ' ::;-:i:‘f â€FAQ % ’ pottery ll l\ carrying which and UHIun ,1“3;irr “ 0“ ) more unwary-made chclcr than L‘\L‘( hcttirc ~ prtrduch the wire primdcx - and ï¬nd a gift " 54 ., f» . r, ,, Q. _ qgw-r AllClirlm indudim~ L) ndd ( arts lll’k nt burguiux xilur that Will LN heytind ( hnximas Dd} _ j“) A“; i a“ 5, _ ) jewelry“ made from rcuyclcd â€IdlCrIJlN such "We wlue our cuxttimcm and want in “w; , llv » ' ‘3’ "7 ma as silver xervmg trap cnxurc that they trcaxurc their experience F. :J ' ~ ‘ ‘ 0-i A. ' ‘ mm ) Every item men minim with intnmiatinn With ux." Heidi mid “We want our cusinmcn q. 8 ‘ ' ’ 7-H ' ' {pr ' A * _ ) about what type till \Il\Cr product it\ maids In he iu~t as eluted in a year ax the day they Y. X " ,. , x!“ ‘ 3 ' ‘ x j y ' from, he ll a butter knits or a platter gut II " 13 ‘ , , to ~ - . ‘ ' I '. In addiiinn in icuclr). thc \(t)I’L‘ dlMl (arr Framing and Art (‘tntrc is located at 456 ' A a , ' new many xmiillcr gift item» including gluxx Phillip Stu-ct in Waterltxi » 24 ' . A‘ ' l k.\\llm( , 465 Phillip Street _. = ‘ , ‘ ‘ ' ; W Waterloo nuns. ' v w' - - o 53191338 5051 the Ben Ben far wry mm. ram noartcentrexom , , / . . A, , . THE HANDS OF EXPERlENCE ï¬andmdc cancol'atu. d? {r f » up“; Munday - I â€(luv to - u. mum ti ' 5 MES Phillip 5L. Watcrluu. l'urhddlc Plaza ll 5 I 9-888-0 r (9. a \~ \l.ii‘l\ l\\.|iii Milt, l\\t'li|\ \(ill'\ll‘(llll rlti\\ nutruilllit mun ‘ 't' ' lln llit'llilil'is \1vlll|lt|lll(ltl||lllllllt tirlt~n<n tliil, . , tl|~i,i|miiittt \ 4 ‘ My You don t have to «no! xix _ , r to ï¬nd auntie jawollory â€gag 1:.\';[)I()I'('. Dream. Um m '(‘l' - l " 1 Earthwinds has sterling silver and precious g ' ' _g,. , . “Q l stone Jewellery from around the world. , ; Q ’* ï¬x» 14‘ ‘ a -§ '\ 'â€" J , 'l x‘ 1 ' 'l . Silver and stone ' a , ' V. sets from fit†may“ runs , â€Tl :. - r. ï¬rm i “Him.“ w» if, it“ 1 l ’_ A - I‘ll. “twin“ llllll‘li ‘ r L i,. u- wig; r l' ., M q, 4 7 »' a hi i i/y‘ ll Mn,“ i mt! â€ii ,, , ; n a -,,« {Alrlfltlh‘rlll'lrllll tlr'lldll it i Hill \ -’ V 275,95 ‘ r \ .- ’ t .. ll 4 \ lill\ riri‘llii'ritrlr h r\\l\l Vtill‘ will 1 ï¬ qr?!“ ‘ - fl °° lrl/Ili/u‘ r/il/rm lufr‘r/rI‘yr. umr’uxi’iirrrlmr ‘ & f ‘ “it“ llIII/.'II\//III\'I I ~ pie {3 93991“ "W - Q _ - __ . i a“, v all) 8- ll) 0 a , flkiï¬ 4) Kmq St SouthiUptown Waterloo “ I 3 ‘ , i r x; x l u , 5 l 9 746 0737 ‘ ‘ t ‘ . l to Ontario St Stratford -â€"â€"â€"_-‘_‘:_‘ ~ ‘ 0 t ' .._.. *'â€" bimple Fair And Green “02720695 v- -:- 5) Havel