â€"â€"_â€"-â€"_â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ï¬ , , . WAl‘takLl it) CHRONICLE - Wednesday, “member 17,2008 - 23 m """"""“'"‘ U ‘7..,A ,. , . , ,, , . , .M_,_,H_____’ M, A o'co x a O s h 1: Chuck " , .. 0 ms mas s., a: Small busmesses must learn to “swam“ E"°"" ' S . . f cown-“lg“ .., > = o o a: w . INFANT! , com ete W1 1 - OX stores â€Ã© 4: s z “You“! l g “at? , , - ADULT! I {N mm- we “in“ abut†suppliers and disâ€" r" ' ’ ' "" f " ’ "i must change is being deleted or tossed lfyou é l s b | giving your customer a trihutors may he ‘ l l ' \ \( H l I) i your thinking treat your clients as if they are 8 K "' ’f§ ‘ l evel of customer “Wm. open to giving ‘l ‘ ‘ v V ~ \‘ l from short, each special and important to 5 \ . ‘ :“ â€ï¬‚ a l that will wow them. you an exclusivity l BUS] A [385 N term/one time to you, then you will have them 5, _ ~ “r" ‘ I â€m Week we’ll “mt at in return tor your l l long term/for life. returning to you for life. 5 4 "v " other ways W“ (an keep Fm" locust-d promoâ€" ‘ l What 1 mean Think of these and other a o ' a i 44 . {a ' l . CUS(On)Q|\ from going to will tion on their line * i by that is look at ways you can be different ? ‘ c. vhf 7 4 l ‘ hig~box ("tilllpt‘liltlrh down the Shop the l ‘ your customer from your competitors in E - j, - “fl“ _ ‘ | . street, world to ï¬nd l l who walks into order to compete as an inde~ a j 7k ‘ . .. f . l l in today's tompetiuve these unique 1‘ l your store as a pendent business owner in . ' , ’ 1K ‘ | 1 market you have (0 stand out lines, and you . y l client you want to our bigâ€"box world. 2 , ~ \ 4 l to succeed and survive, "you don’t have to l . . J butld a servtce g T | l want to compete with the big travel the world l t s“ l relationship With _ ‘ , a gymméflm I ‘ box and chain regulars, you (0 (it) that. l l that W1“ last the" Roy Weber LS an advisor with J, . . w I must design a marketing Attend as ‘ W ROY l lifetime, This will the Waterloo Region Small 5 . ' . ’ . 1 ' | I l strategy that will differentiate many product l WEBER } take some work Busmess Centre. He can be 3 f. ' ., h. ,, . ~ | | you from (hem trade shows as L_..._.# a._7.7~‘_4 on your part. but reached at ruleber@cu)timrer- a, f 3 L * l“ l‘l" l * J | ‘ Because of their volume you can. â€you it will pay off in loo,on.ca 5 no..-----.- ‘ . _» , , » d , k ’Wh dwh h l -m z .. ‘ MARKET SQUARE, DOWNTOWN punhdblng power, they W1“ ont “OW ere an _ en ‘ e orig run WI repeat l l KlTCHENER . 519~571 J 89‘ usually be able to beat you on they are. ChECk (“it [his web- 53135 and referrals. t Mon » Fri t0-6 Sat 9-5. Sim i} 3 price and selection. Soy you Site that lists all major trade Get to know your cus- need to discover other ways to shows across Canada. the tomers and what they rv,g i...“ compete with them. United States and the world like. \ l ' Here are a couple (if sugâ€" searchable by industry and lhen set up a system ‘ gestions. product line: tradeshowcalen~ that wall make it easy for 5 top In Today & 5 Ge 0 u r 15 , ï¬rst. look at your product danglobalsourcesrom. you to keep in contact . g , ' v ‘ oï¬ering. Consider going onlinc and with them when you H r) m (A D at o r & G ift C 0 rm 6 t‘ ; g ' Search fur unique product searching the web for new have a new product ' '~ lines that may not have been suppliers and product lines A come in that you know . C‘mdiï¬. Home (5 - C m l’l at mil": Dv ( u r . picked up hythchighâ€"vohime little time invested looking for would he to theirltking. . L 7 7 . Cl 1 7 y _ _ > V , a reign?“ and can he t‘ound in those unique products will Make it tailored to each amps 0“ " ° M " ' m ‘ ' 3 5" ‘ hv F most olyour competitors pay oil and help you build a client and not a general ' Wall Decor 81 more ““' “’“" J 5- stmï¬v reputation for having those promotion. , . ' i 5 lfyou can negotiate a terri< tittt-Atit’rarkind items. As consumers, we get . ‘ torial exclusivity on the W‘Kl' Another thing you can do enough promotional - ' . , 7 it“ uct line, all the hotter, lt does, is develop it client relations entails, mitt-mails and ' I l » : n't hurt to ask, and smaller program. lhe ï¬rst thing you llyers that inst end tip ' " 7 . ‘ \ Lo al h b all f ti ' l ’ C C am erc S orac on . I» . o 0 a w , in crumbllng auto industry ‘ - â€to Greater Klit‘llt‘llt‘l’ Waterloo Chamber related iohs [he tax liaise on which muniti ' ,» of (‘ommt-rtt- rt-tt'titly joined a group til palities support essential services would col a __ g ‘ '_ Ontario mayors in calling on the provincial lapseagznnst skyrocketing costs. ‘ H, 17 ‘g' 7 5 , and federal governments to pitivltlt' imml» "Thousands of Waterloo Region residents " ' dime assistance for addressing the (rt-(lit ( ti are dependent on the auto industry for their sis that is shattering the auto industry livelihoods." said l-isk. fâ€"‘\ ‘ ‘Waterloo Region is now home to i now We ask that the Hntario and it'dt'rtil gov 182 Weber 57. N... Waterloo 5 ‘ Q _ a a 5 _ 58 50 (ld s most manuim hiring llllk'nslvv economy t'l'lll’nt‘llls turn us in supporting manutactur- WW " d, ' f ., G, 9 MM With one of every tour local itihs iii the st'tâ€" t‘rs during this global ï¬natit itil t'risis." w" r D 7 ' J "J tor l‘tirtht'rmort‘. within nianufac voun Home FINISH'NG CENTRE luring. one ioh of four is in t'llllt‘l automotive parts or tisscttihly - , "Itiat‘ntiti is not an option at the â€t -'.T “ s“ 15 . .. “ ""* ' â€rm, . ,,_. ,u\ N"; k . r ‘ ' ‘ u r it 'f'.r‘._:§.:-‘\,,_, present time] said loan lisk, pri'si ‘ ' " b - ‘» t ' "1, â€˜ï¬ â€™~“ ' .~“ . .. '. ‘ i'.v ' , }\ Li“! ’ “j‘ " " _ , . mm “W“ l“ â€l m "rm“ â€(h > ,. ' We all want our investments to grow faster while paying less tax. t’llt‘l’ Witt-riot: ( hamlit'r of ( om , 0 . w. , u , _ mm“. . . ' ~ 5 veh|C|e f And we want to know that our money will be there when we need it. " lhe t‘hoit e is between support v“ _ 4 " 9 Now, saving for What matters to you is easier with a CIBC Wood GM log the auto industry V\ till i‘ ~ ~ .. . i' 5 . RRSP Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). repairable loans so it ( (in lead ( and A“... â€r ‘- - J Fr" e ' "a â€m ‘?f â€l" l" ""â€'““ ‘li‘“"'"l‘â€â€œr ' ‘ ._.g: ' i ‘ Beginning in January 2009, you (an tontrrbute up to $5,000 a year to a TFSA â€r “Wm“ "W“‘W‘ “m “L “ r‘ h " and watch your investments grow taxâ€"free. Withdraw funds at any time, for any impacting hundreds of ( onuiiiuii \ ‘ ‘ ties and thousands ol iohs " ’ ’ [935mlv WllhOUl Dating laxeS‘ On Nov N, the Ontario Mayors / _ (Or “WWW? lnwgmwm “an.“ > ‘ A Tax-Free Savrngs Account IS one more way (ch Wood Gundy can help you that every lost automotive inh Will _ _, achieve all ol your finantxal goals 1 result in the elimination of seven 4 7 l V l ° \ . Allan Bush First Vice President Investment Advisor 5 c, ' ‘ (SW) 883 5353 ' l (800) 897 7004 f FEET HURT? , f ,_ ‘ i“ It: ' www allanhush trim l WE CAN HELP . " y . CUSTOM ORTHOTICS ah , 4 , ) _ & FOOTWEAR _" y l , ’ l 7 l It CBC ~ Complete 1‘ r ‘ ‘ ' - - 7 Wood Gundy Foot Clinic . f‘ y r. . 751 Victoria St. S. , Suite 105 ’ l 08C Wood Gunny m) a attrition of if im World Markets int 3 Slihslt‘llaw of NW and \lembet_CiPF Kitchener . ' [Merits are aimed to seek gown: regarding their grammar riiriimvanros ‘mm their polSOflal tax 519-579’9223 and legal amisots - , ,, . _ __â€"__.___â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_