W, , . l WA‘i‘iiille) CHï¬ONICufl ‘ Wednesday. December 17, zone ' 2! _. . A a a- F‘fli‘ï¬f T‘f'f‘fl'ï¬i r ~~ fâ€"M-wm -~f ~â€" _ do; ~ ~ 1 v: Q . . :‘ Does aTax-Free Savmgs Account ï¬t into Let It SHOW 5; 5- . 2 Hx‘lo'Wli \.\ri\\'l\il<1\l\\ maximâ€"Z g your ture retlrement p ans . \\l) y n it M W it it it rm. 5- u “at All liiif\l\d\t‘\ iwvwcrn ‘wu fit-X A ll\‘ ‘1'n..‘irir ._ m 5 he lederul (myernment's Fm†,._. "f ’ " ’ ’ ’ ‘ the $5,000 limit in total} reaches age 71. .. E. ';‘ Toew laxâ€"Free Savings r \‘ \l\l \" l The RllSP contribution KN A R T 2 Account i'l‘liSm tax-saving ‘ ‘ * Y ' i maximum is determined by in retirement planning, aTax‘Free ; , â€":~ 3, option for ( ianudianx more», ‘ N1()N HY r your earned income. Savings Account can be a .//,¢«‘«¢C£¢,L7 , 7 E into eiiect in the new year «~ 3 ‘ i tin 2009. for instance the good option: ‘ ’ T ’ > 2009. i g ‘ ' ‘ . rituxjmum RRSP contrihuâ€" 0 When your RRSP is maximized. r The question is. is ti il-SA i 7. “ tion limit is $21,000.) Because the income is not taxed, a TFSA . l a good addition to your i g l ~ Generally. the some will likely deliver better returns over the WWW.WflterlOOChr0n|Cle.Ca l future or current retirement l 1. l investments are "eligible" long term than other non~registered i planning? r} A l for either a TFSA or RRSP ~ investments. NE CROCK The answer it “yes," When 1 u l these investments include But the tax~sheltered. tax-saving, S! 0 i you make it a pan of your l i mutual funds. publicly-trad compound growth features of an RRSP MEATS & C H EE SE overall ï¬nancial plan that i ‘ l ed securities, government still make it a much better choice for . includes your most imporr { % bonds, 0.le and segregated long-term growth. Our beef it all from Canada grades AA. AAA tant tax-saving, l!tCt)tllL‘~ ‘ , funds. - As an incentive to save that “little building investment â€" your i l 0 TFSA funds can be with- extra" for retirement, especially for those SPEC'ALS Registered Retirement Stow ' r drawn at any tithe for any with modest means b'ecause the savings - tugs Plan. purpose will not reduce the incometested bent on now “| Dec' 20/08 RRSP funds, on the other hand. are ï¬ts. . Here‘s a quick comparison of typically not withdrawn until after a per» 011121110 Com Fed s lheTax-Free Savings Account son enters retirement. is a'l‘FSA in your future retirement Boneless Sirloin Tip Roasts 3.99,"I and a Registered Retirement ‘ Withdrawn amounts can he put back planning? Savings Plan: into a l'lfSA without reducing contrihu» Your professional planner can help - - RRSP contributions provide an lion room. you answer that question in the most 01113110 Com Fed $3 immediate tax beneï¬t because they are - Unused TFSA and RRSP contribu/ proï¬table way. Lean Stewmg Beef . . . . . . u39/lb. directly deductible from the income you mm room can he carried forward to $4 49 earn. future years. ' - _ And it's important to note that conmâ€" 'Withdrawals and income earned in a London BrOlls ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ab“ butions to a 'l'FSA cannot be claimed as a l'FSA Will not affect eligibility for federal ... . 5 tax deductidn. income-tested beneï¬ts and credits. 7'th column, written and published by Smoked Pork LOH] Chops . 4.99mi, - Withdrawals from a “ll-SA are not These beneï¬ts and credits would lnwstors Group Financial Services Inn. taxed When they are Withdrawn by the include the age Credit, Old Age Siecurity (in Quebec M a Financial Services Firm), Deli Sliced Oven Roasted investor. beneï¬ts or Guaranteed income Supple- presents general information only and LS Ch k B 56 99 RRSP withdrawals are added to meat nota solicitation to buy or sell 1C CD reast ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - ' All income for tax purposes. - There is no time limit at which a any investments. 3 0 The maximum yearly investment in ‘l‘l-‘SA must be wound up or convened to (17mm? Russ McEachnie at 519-886- Pine River Old Cheddar . ' . 8.19/lb. a TFSA is $5,000. a different investment. 2360, ext. 241 or email him at (Although you can have more than RSPs must be wound up or convened Russell.mteachnie®intestorsgrouprom l'lll \. â€U†. / ,, (1.1, Mr) \.' ill-h “no “mum as “mg as you d" “m “cm! by [he and â€f the year When a person for more information HNn kin: \l. \.. Ni. .lil\ till; «5 it»; «their. in . * _ - . . ' - 4 r I .. re xl n 3" ‘ . 3.5 . ' We: 0 ' W f , I ‘ A ,, r. ,: “if" 51: .â€" 1 "a? ‘ 3, ‘ ’ A {â€" ‘ . - ‘ fa, ' Q ' \ \ Kb 1 it†“ ' ‘ , . r i I \ . . l . 7 ‘ , '. ‘ l ‘ .7 i i â€was“: V SAVE SAVE Ignite NlKEf:f,_: V "0115, SP: 373†W ,_ ' Embï¬c‘él ‘ ’ ‘;.;_i ! Sumo 5900 ‘5; ~- Speed LD 3 Driver ' its "MS“: 1 3 Fairway Wood 1 00 VE 00 â€we†~ ' 00 V5 200 329999 325 400°0 ,, . 125 312499 » Oâ€: 9199 " OW; $3248 ‘ 0719; â€5.1195 ' . \ mag 231; ' i . ‘ i 3 10 Fairway Road South, Kitchener, ON, N 2C 1X3 0 wplï¬qwngzflt . . , , , I