w 7 as - wit‘iizmoo cunomcus ‘Wednesdayr December iii 2008 THE CITY OF ‘ water loo For more information, please contact: City of Waterioo 100 Regina St. South _ Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 P 519â€"886-1550 F 519â€"747â€"8760 , _ Tl'Y 1-866â€"786â€"3941 ; www.waterloo.ca I m f FORM 1 KEY MAP 1 PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990 l NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF ZONING BY-LAW BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION a OF THE CITY OF WATERLOO H “a 1«a TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo passed By-Law No 08- l44, on the lst day of December. 2008, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.. 7s 1990, 3 AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal 51 a 049 Board in respect ofthe by-laws by ï¬ling with the Clerk ofthe Corporation ofthe City it 2 ï¬rst)†of Waterloo not later than the 30th day of December. 2008, a notice of appeal setting 13 out the objection to the byâ€"law and the reasons in support of the objection, accompa- 1? A med by a fee of “25.00, made payable to the Minister of Finance, as prescribed under Q0 the Ontario Municipal Board Act. lf you wish to appeal to the Ontario Municrpal T 3 Board a copy of an appeal form is available from the Ontario Municrpal Board webâ€" 0 SIIC at www.omb.gov.on.ca. A 7// AN EXPLANATION ofthe purpose and effect ofthe by-Iaw‘, describing the lands to m /// X which the byâ€"Iaw applies is attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection 99 m in my office during regular office hours. a brim “y DATED at the City of Waterloo this 10th day of December, 200K. $06) 22k // Susan Greatnx x (‘ity Clerk 3 NOTE: Only individuals. corporations and public bodies may appeal (1 Zoning By- ‘ ‘ Law to the Ontario Mumcrpal Board. A Notice of Appeal may not be filed by an umnâ€" I???†my“ â€(2p a V“ 5 _ corporated assoCiation or group, However. a Notice oprpeal may be filed in the VJ“ “5 â€3 1 f“ name ofan indmdual who I\ a member of the assocration or the group I EXPLANATORY NOTES Application in Conjunction N A X36 EXPLANATORY NOTE XX By-Iaw No â€PM“ amends By-law No MIX. being a Zoning Byâ€"law controlling land K ' ‘ use development wrthin the (‘ity ofWaterloo The purpose ofthis byâ€"lavi is to rezone ‘h the lands known munictpall) as 435 King Street North from Institutionalâ€"25 “INâ€"25" ' N to (‘ommercral Three-25 “(342V with site speCific provrsions. and to amend the 7 existing (‘ommercral Three~25 “(fl-25" zoning on the lands known as Part of 42| my a Parcel ‘A' "35 King W North A King Street North by adding SIIC spenï¬c provisions M - Parent '8' - Pm “421 Klng and Norm _. . Paragraph l re70ncs 435 King Street North from “IN-25" to “(fl-25" With Site spe- _____ --.â€"..- eific provrsrons, The site specrï¬c provisions allow anctllary product ~....-â€"-..â€"..â€"- ""'"“"'-"'-"'"~' assembly to a primary office use, and prohibits certain restaurants. Paragraph 3 states when the by-law comes into force and effect. parking factlities. and vehicles sales servrce type uses H f f ‘ the , 7 , , 4 , on require unher in ormat'ion or have any questions p ease contact Paragraph 2 rezones Part M421 King Street North by adding Site spectï¬c proyiâ€" .y _ srons to the CXISIIng "(ll-25" zoning. The site specrï¬c provismns allow City of Watertoo Manning Depa fit at 519.747.8543. ancrllary product assembly to a primary office use, and prohibits cer~ 1°“ Cotter MOP RI’P tam restaurants. parking facrlities. and vehicles sales r‘ servrce type WWIOWI “NW-05 uses, City of Waterbo â€"________________â€"_______â€"_____.____â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" WATERLOO: AN iLLusmr ; ,. A; i g, . - ~ . A , ,é “- L’ffl‘ 3; . ff†5.†a,†, . 1 857-2007 by Kenneth "Cl-309W" Gt y, , * , ~ _- ‘ ':- ; AVAIIzA. â€2†£534 KR} A if. v ' i i .' . â€f . v .\',z‘e,;. ,_, -; N“. a ;.t," . , . ' ' w mm t‘i" . ,. "’ ' 31:1;- -. 5:3 . flea? 1,1 ~ w L“ _ a ‘ J . “if . l} .’ ~ @ we “ "3‘s.†â€We . i . 7 ~ : “as“ H a, ï¬re: A . ~ w i w , - " Q: 4 35511? -â€" - .. « ' ~:. A ’ t ,e_ s $3“ka , i I I 3 Q 2 3 “in 52“ , l 3 ' l â€f“, i I “' ‘ ' ‘ 7 hp: T! , ‘ cf * .. 4’ '