W ,, , WA] hill! “CHRONICLE ~Wednesdayt lkcernber 10. 2008-3 ~â€"~~~~v~m~â€" ~¢ww~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" »â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€" Drivi 11g to the basket 0 O O . WCI Vikings’ Kurt selected as WCSSAA senior girls basketball Most Valuable Player ‘ BVBOBVRBANM ‘ That drive to be better manifests itself in 5 tiiiriiiiit [e Maj] the gymnasium where she spends a couple of ‘ times a week perfecting her three-point shot helby Kurt ï¬nally got the medal she was \ i and the rest of her game. Shoping for at the recent (ll 53A senior 3, , ' ' p, “She's probably the most talented offen- girls basketball championships, it rust v; "’ I -‘ \ sive player in the province, and deï¬nitely the wasn't thecolour she wanted. A: ' , \ most talented three-point shooter," said That tells you a little hit about the drive -â€"â€"â€" . a; A s Ramon, “in one game this year she went nine , that saw the WCI Vikings basketball star -__ ~ a†for H from the three-point line in the ï¬rst named league MVP last week in time for the ; z ' ' ' half. WtiSSFu't girls all»star basketball game last f P m ) “That was a pretty incredible performance Wednesday at Blot-vale collegiate institute. f y 4. â€"- she can deï¬nitely shoot the ball" 5 “Yeah. it was pretty nice to “in the bronze, â€â€˜ A“ On days away from basketball, she spends htit there's always next year too" she said. , her Sundays throwing a softball in preparaâ€" "We want toget better than a bronze" ‘ fl, tion for the outdoor season still months l‘he Vikings hron/emedal performance " ~ , away. at (ll-SSA helped Kurt match her older sister it _ 5, “l've worked hard at both sports. especial Lindsay's btttn‘lt'-llletl;tl win earlier this “A A ly after taking a year off from fastball," said decade It also included a lipouit perform~ 'f ’ Kurt. "Pitching is all about mental toughness, ance the younger hurt had in the semiï¬nals » "' basketball is more physical, so it gives me a but unfortunately it i tlIllt‘ in a Vikings loss. , different perspective on both sports." \nd men ti nee-k alter ( lint‘hing the I And that hard work has continued as she's limit/e at â€W till (llllilrll) tinals‘ kurt said she gotten older, She was identiï¬ed from an early \\t)lll(l hare rather had ii better team result age as a special talent in her two dominant than some of the good individual numbers sports But it was her talent‘ plus hard work she put iipat the tournament that have helped her achieve some of the it you don‘t \\in ll duesni leel like any things she hasinher respective sports. thing" said Knit “l‘ni not out to store to “She‘s always trying to improve and also l)t!|ll\\dgi|i\\(' l‘s\dl\l my team to our help those around her," said Ramon. “She's “l laying a lug grime is int in but tshen it done a good job of being a leader and helpâ€" t otnes down to n inning or losing l‘d take the ' _ 7 ing some ofthe other kids develop as well.“ tsin overam1htiig " ‘ V “if the game was easy anyone could be “shi- realh tame to the rt’illI/itllUIl that good at it,†said Kurt. “You have to work at new not tit't t'\\tll'll\ in great shape ll she‘s anything you do. like life itself- you have to st tiring it points and nobody else is hitting work to get what you want, - the st ore sheet." said \ ikings head tooth ' “i might have a little more ability than Doug Ramon “We iii-ed tour or the kids hit SS some but i sttll head to the gym twice a week ting lllt' M ore sheet illlll getting ( lose to dou w to get my shots up and still goout to baseball tile ï¬gures 8 practice in the winterl Anything you do “ those are the games where she‘ll be dis 2“ comes from your work ethic. and you‘re only trihiiting the hall and getting a lli|\ in the an {3} :~ *. “- â€"::;i,. a as good as you want to be." st oiiiig lltat‘s \\l\.i( was llilllllt‘llll1g\\llt'll “e a ‘ $63 Kurt plans to return to the Vikings for a isere heating the best teams to the proxint'e " . _ s‘h ‘w ï¬fth year before havrng to decide her basket- So “hat driu-s turn as an titliIi-tiu’ Antone , ALL’ “be“ ball future. lhere is some interest plafv’lng in is ho knows anything about the mo sport , ., "N a the Us i but she seems more intrigued about sttii “ho also tlortiuiuti-s trout the pin hing " ._ going to the west coast and perhaps suiting rnoiiiid in girls sotihall Willi thi- (tut-lph up for lit/s Simon i'raser University some (ti|llll\ kiio\ss it s alii ittt the i halli'nge day. \\llt’tltl‘l that s the llltlIHLllldl ( liallenge of I » â€l've only been as far as Winnipeg," said heating someone one on one \\llt’ll tiieing '. ' Kurt. "Rut my sister went out there for fast? the put hing rulihi-t rit lllt' ream eï¬ort it takes â€,. hall nationals arid saw the campus and said. in lr.iskt'tlr,ill to bring home it string til titles ‘()h myGotL it's so nice" like \lll‘ has sim e touring the senior \ ikings * ’ "I‘d like to go out to Rt. and stay in (arm as ,i t trade lll student lli folio . da. but I'll take what i have." \s an athlete ton ttlHut‘tN “it“! to get lN'l Kurt also played in the W(.S,‘sr\t\ allâ€"star lt'l ‘siud the 1h tear old ( ierll' I} stlirlt‘iit ll game last Wednesday at illuevale. where her Hill don‘t you slioiildiii he there too should red team lost 65â€"56 to the white team lhat |iist plat rei nationally team featured players from Ktil and Sir lohn D 1 ‘\it personal timi- l unit-s liorii lll‘lllll A. Mat'douald, Kurt‘s Vikings teammate ‘ thallengeil and that thrillenge hit rite WCIâ€; Shelby Kurt was selected as the WCSSAA senior girls basketball MVP and was honoured Rebecctt Dietrich led all scorers with 20 right ll] high \t hoot is to \\ in more than W", the award last Wednesday at the league's allAstar game held at Bluevale points. The game also raised $2?(\ in support hron/i- medals †ninnknnxt MUM ofovarian cancer research. f- l i l ? i f l HOW 58 e Are YOUI' ASSEtS ‘-“ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ .f"‘"“ A; l O _’ ‘ A?“ 4 today more than evet it takes proper plilrlllltttl and (Utlï¬lillll riionitorinq l)l all your (manual assets to athieve llncll‘KIdl t if; 3. t setiitity It up he tilttlltiiltlllltl Willi no ltl‘ilw triyristmerit options and risks Protetttnti your hard earned money [2 out ‘ . t business Our ll‘ int til llflrlllfltll â€print, liitw‘ it†The H‘Willlti", and knowledge to help you develop the riqht plan to lit Ag‘ ‘ ‘ your tltiltVltlllitl needs (All tit, today rod lets put liltli‘llll‘l it plan that works for you ‘ § i: r \ 1. fig; D b. '.. Phone: 519-886-2360 x241 Tire Plan " it} , loll Free: 888-886-2360 x241 â€mint-s I H ; : _ “WM I -‘ 2 “Q; Email: russellmteathnietminvestorsgroup.com Gmup° r w i <,,i t WA it? ' "t“. l ,