777 7 7 7 7 l WA I'ERMX) cunomcu: - Wednesday. December 10. 2000 - is 0 O 0 Body d1ssatisfactlon part of problem n the surface. one f†' ' " ' ' active on a daily basis are p t . might think that feel- i “v! 4 l( < l ll \( ~ hard enough without this 1 ing poorly about (mt-5 ‘ - ‘ form of negative thinking. " . 7 7 g physical appearance is a pos» ‘ lN 30 where does this “383‘ l â€i' ' ' ’ itive motivator for weight 1 [Siva (lhilnkjng 519"; from? ' 2000 SATURN S“ 4 I". 2000 CHEV MALlBU loss In this article I'll ex lain i ure y can't exp ain nega- t H , “a 3- why this form of ‘hmkll‘f; l tive thinking in a single artiâ€" $213:ng speed Mi." A $123me an N . l / couldn'tbeanything further ‘ i, cle. butlhope 1° shed some - 5, rid g j ' “i 4" com! w; m' Ilo from the truth, l light on negative thinking a' co " in ms , " po [0 up, a ys :' i imagine a woman looking i - v and body image. _ WM†mm!†For-um may» in the minor prior to heading ‘ In its simplest form, body f ’ out for a big day of meetings ‘ image is how we perceive ~ ‘3595 as is a! â€3990 certified at Hosted 5392 as is All 55952 certiï¬ed 3. e-testetl with colleaguesand friends l Glad feeall about our boils g _ , a; (a, g . - , ‘ 1 ; zv 7.13.1, xii-£2 ' so! _ 7 Her pants ï¬t comfortabl ' ‘ P YS'C appearance. 05‘ l .. l ' ' l 9 H l f A l l l l l l. ' l (something that can make or l people have some aspect of - 2004 BUlCK RAlNlER CXL 4X4 2002 BUlCK RENDEZVOUS 11 break her day) and she thinks l DREW their body that they wish was St I (â€40051 A x- -a. A: ‘ ' All Wheel Drive r» "‘ ' ‘ about all the good choices l HARVEY i different 42 mm 6 W. “to a" com 7 A " St. 4 GM0057 â€" she has made with respect to â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ A â€" â€" ,,, ~ gersorially l'gbewilllirfig to ' mm,jsunm;,,_ â€idea '/ - ~ ' - 3 (12:2 ngaogi‘, at: 2mind, a eatin and activi over the tra emy atest airstye or ,. Whit! hail w; p ro , . ms - past fgew days w the one that I had in high school. ~ M0, â€it,†I, g > » " WW Family She looks at herself one more time in the Bl“ “0‘ liking some aspect Of our bodies l' 3 MM my" mirror and says. "1 look great today." does not mean that we can't be happy with ‘6974 as is or 8274 certified & Nested it. 56982 as IS a, 58392 certified & e-te st ed 5 Now, imagine this scenario. 9m body and have an overall Def-"ire body is: ass-tr he; it xhseshassl h ~' 3:5: The same woman stands before a mirror “11336 if": i getting ready for her workday. She has tried Now, before you think that my goal here \' 2002 MAZDA TRIBUTE ES 4X4 s; 2002 VOLVO 860 All Wheel Drive on four pairs of pants and every single one is to convince you (0 be happy With your St‘ ' “4005" l - ‘ i he; 31“ ' 6m l k‘ l feels snug. She begins to think about all the current weight and quit any attempts at 30 “m VG- “W 3" 0°"d~ 2 4 “Tag" am“ , . ~ ' 4-1» ‘ food she ate at the holiday party on the weight |0$5t if is “OK Having a POSiU'Ve body {é leather, sunroof loaded, til m ll59 agrkrsrllsn too ‘ " " weekend. ' image can help you lose even more weight is 135927 ions _ Forbes Mo Family l Her husband walks in the room and says, or at least maintain what you have lost, 2 Forâ€: M" Family ’- gt Prlcl "You look fat in that dress How could you'let â€OW SO? 3? on?†mm†s fle M“ â€I r . f yourselfgo like that? How do you expect to On the surface, we often think that ifa ;; 8582 as IS at 9832 certified 3. Hosted 53:3 ‘9972 as is or 11,272 133an a. eâ€"iested i"? be taken seriously looking that way?" person is unhappy enough With her body ï¬iï¬iï¬mï¬igï¬lï¬ï¬â€˜o iï¬Â» “awï¬Ã©ï¬simtfԠ9&‘0‘21 "5 3 How does this make you feel.7 Most er)» weight, She Wi" he guilted into doing some» if.“ z We think that her husband should besllrung thing‘about it, lbtpens know that this just is ,- St ' i202? TOYOTA SlENNA CE it; 3121003 thNDA ClVlC LX 4 DR. b'h'l th b.?'lh. p , t if «r not! cease, ‘ his _"“‘°°6 ; 320 of iffy digit; hut‘fllz:()b1l§:r:)f‘llh:i)rr12tilt Feeling down, physrcally ashamed and 3 3 lg‘f‘z V6 3010 if 17 m"; 4 CW auto, - 2,3: “Mama. as†- , ~ â€we l, v -« t flu is. » '« l I i h Unfortunately this kind of inner dlalflgue hopeless , certainly not the feelings that m:m7£'m †S; , gitiiyï¬lfgfï¬gggï¬gï¬ia"? '" W’P'“ â€h“ Lijii'itlf‘aiffï¬â€˜ifggï¬ï¬tgfl $3,533??? l s10.995 as a or $11,565 certified t. “that s10.493 mm t than Billing health? and being physrcally Continued onpage I7 3 ~ , l, vé" “farm , N“ â€f $3 at???†“this?" waig 2004 AZDA MPV . 2005 MAZ A Bl UT 2 4 h: w , 2 . . ..,, ,, -‘ 7 PASSENGER “"' ‘ - ' “l i; St ' AP1227 Q, ,_ , " " ‘ y m . “View â€2†“I“ - “i i 254 IAP‘ZtS ' .~ - ', 231m view/lama ' â€" " f‘: ~ . A .. l, , . . . , & â€a, at 1?! 2 «its all cond power group a»; - _ . ,_.,, . Q t â€f g , 5 30 litre V6 auto air 47. 4,1 alloys 5658“th ‘ ' z 3 ~ - a 3 cond l power group ' h " --“- ‘ '~ _ 3 , A» 55“ a†, , : alloys 66701 ions - . » “2; ~ f 9 This ! E “0.494 centred a Hesiod “2495 uniï¬ed & “we“ ‘3 . â€w: â€fatal" , ‘a’5’5ï¬, ..v- M ~ l_ We , ,. .,-. , “t l _ , ‘ l l. .. .~ . _, ,_ . ll ,. A â€Kâ€; a ’ j $332†' Vll“'i'*fi'r<».’~"?..~‘fv‘$f§l~.§“it the; r ~3 A at».- » at l a. art-gs, , l f. . : ,§ ofâ€; a»; if}. ‘V ,» ; ' ‘i' 2004 FORD F150 FX4 4X4 .' 2005 NISSAN X-TRAIL SE FWD 1 ap ens Eve Year ' - . - t w F W . --’. ff i *' StIT00058 .~-.| _ ' ‘ StITOOOGO ~ - v t H ‘i' , ,.~ w.., ll ,‘ ’ ~ ‘ Reqcapilaire srdei â€' 25mm 4cyliautoi ‘ “ ‘ , . A ' 5.4 knew/8 auto any . aircoritiipoweroroup ax. " . a ' ' ' powwow alloys alloys 36i088ltms All; ., . ' 58,504 kms no ‘ . ~ ‘ “3,694 certified 5 Hosted ‘13,595 certified 5. Hosted fl 2007 MAZDA 3 GX 2006 MAZDA 3 TOURING ED. , , a Si JAP1277 l ; "*' St â€mm ' rib w ',Q t, “ ' x’, zoittre 4Cyl auto ' 20|rtre Sspeedatr _ {in h r, ,, air cond power group - cond i power group i g . _ W" j; A}, : 50,773 kms K\, v res. loaded me‘ A1 5&3 â€ï¬g! A a; " p - 7434 kms , i» v -f n, “fl ‘» ‘13 787certtftedae-tastad l“ 495 ~ ' a , f% w i '|- Ƞg u t r . certiï¬ed&ttestnd 1 But don’t take our word for It" 20 MA 3 A l l 4 I l sworn HAICHBACK 2006 MAZDA 5 GT AVOID SCAMS Md DWPOlNTMENT St â€ï¬n?†, St â€4,12“ q. ,_ . . l» l - as“ "9 an" a“ “I; r“? w Sm: Learn how you Will receive £3223; my“; mg - 3.52333 ‘mjgm g warmer «290 or onto rs ‘ t ‘ at 57 234 k 1 A“ i You will learn the 4 most common tricks alloys 34 101 kms -. 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