W W, l 20 ' WAl‘HlUX) CHRONICIJ: 0 Wednesday, December 3. 2008 _WW_WWW__W~W_WW M_W-,_.u»,w~-WWW wawm.-.wWWM ' I ‘0 ill/Hag w 'll ll] 4»â€" 777 .3 , ., m : ‘ 1 3/ T" UAWâ€"L ‘ 17971-1†l l W , . . m} "I 341'" SM! Waterloo. Tickets are SlO. $5 I child or $25 the Centre in the uare, Kitchener, Tickets are l Ill ta e l pe ‘ KW Children's Drama Workshop presents for a family. (all 5l978867 1471. $20-$75. Call 519-578~ 1570 or l~800â€"265-8El?7 Miracle on 34th Street. starting Dec, ll. 7 pm. Wu†3 pm. l)ec. ‘3 and M" 3' the Registry KlngStneet'lHo 65 Universi Ave. E., Waterloo, mm mm! Theatre, 122 Frederick 5L. Kitchener. Tickets features live jazi four nights gweek. Wednes~ m mu! , The Gilbert and Sullivan Ensemble presents are $l7, $12 for students and seniors. $8 per davs and Thursdays from 6:30â€"9 pm, Fridays The Grand Philharmonic Choir presents Harv Christmas Tapestry and singalting, Dec. 3. 7:30 child. For information call SIS-72573586. ext, 2. from 7.304130 pm. and Saturdays from 7:30, del's Messiah with UPC Chamber Choir, Nola 1 [1111an the 5!. lat obs Country Playhouse, 4Q \ll'l'S VBMS l 10.30 pm. Visit kingsti'eettrioconi. ï¬ene Period Qrchestra. Deco. 7de gm)?“ _ Benjamin Rd. li., Waterloo, ltckets are SIS. l‘or . the Bis d Lo l K’ S 9 first United (.hurch, lGWilliam St. W, Water I more information call 519774777788 or I7888- Rude Na (man "959' 5 mg L f " loo. Tickets are $35, $3150 for seniors, $10 for E 449-4463. g Waterlorf). pr 955"“ gumsllguéggggoes‘jays' 1"" students and children. For more information l mm mm . more In 0mm ‘0" C - ' ~ call 519-578-6885. E The KW Art Gallery presents Family Sundays Solé Restaurant and Wine Bar, 83 Fri) St. W., m "I "I HIE ‘ , _ I)“. 7, 25 pm. featuring handsflfl art 3mm. Waterloo, presents the Jason Raso Trio featur» Theatre on the Edge presents live improv com» ties, stonielling and drama games for ages ing Jason Raso on bass, Enio DiReto on drums m 3 ' x . edy every Thursday at 8 pm, at the Button Far» four-12 viith an adult at 101 Queen St. N, and Rob Hannam on keyboards, Dec. 6, 9 pm. The kW Chamber MUSIC SOCIETY presents tory. Atdpiission is $5. For infomiation Visit Kitchener. For information call 51967975860. to midnight Call 519.747.5522 Lireaclsg‘cs. zrgstggns’; lgrygtri‘gizmgé‘g} , mnv. o era, â€"7 . , . . - t , < [â€" , c MaxwellsMuslc House. 220 King St. N, Water- > 3 w * (MUSH‘ onfemPorary loo, presents Matt York. Pat Robitaille. Thurs- students. Call 5‘9 886 16'3' day: Mike Erb. Dave Mansell, Joel Kroeker. Fnâ€" m m m a. . . m 7 \ day; The Guys, Run with the Kittens. Saturday, The Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra Drayton Entertainment presents Forever Plaid m m Tâ€" . ~ .7 presents Handel's Christmas with the Grand until Dee 21. at the Schoolhouse Theatre. H , , . _ . l ‘1 l N (. Classes l River Chorus. Dec. 7. 7 p.m., atVlfilfrid launer Albert St, St. Jacobs. Tickets are $37. $20 pet The Princess Cinema presents â€Ed laglesmith ’â€"-“â€""_â€"’â€"_‘ U - ‘ - F0 . 21] Tall ‘ . Dec 4 7.30 m at 6 Princess 3‘ w Waterloo ., 4 ruversttys [TBSICT Recrt l .Tickets are thud (all 1‘888'449‘44Q3 for more â€"0â€â€œ? T k. ' ' 5%.. d 30 ' h" d F ' m A $15-$20. For more information call 519-7447 tron, ic ets are iin a vance, $ alt e (mt. or 3 2 w more information call 519788461â€, “Th it: MM lod' h _ 1h ll 8 8' e erry e res presentt eir annua o 7 1g, Ysg'ir;_:'3};»;z‘ . 1 Drayton Entertainment presents Cinderella, a n m m m , . day show Dec. 4, 2 pm. at the Waterloo Adult * "* " “a ‘ “’ “ traditional British pantomime, at the St, Jacobs The Starlight presents Run “nth the Ellie“ Recreation Centre. 135 King St. 5,. Watefloa cm In A. m m Country Playhouse. Beniamin Road. Waterloo, â€'1“ PM!“ Penny, Dec. 4, 93pm†3' 4’ ““8 5‘ Donations to the Christmas hamper fund are The Canadian (Jay and Glass Gallery presents Tickets are $37. $20 for children. For more N-- Waterloo. “Pk?†are 5’ 3‘ â€"3 20‘"- For appreciated. Ornamenta 7 Glory Boy: Ted Goodden; lens: information call 519774777788 or 178837449. more Information (21151978854910, . , . y 3, ,3 3 Christine Davis; Comes Mums/Silenced Tales: 4463. {u t . ~ » a 7 , a 1 "~71. 7:7-7; was ‘2’»- ‘ " Tu Michele lapointe: Reflect: Tanya Lyons. at 25 I , ’ ‘ Caroline 51.. Waterloo. Call 519-7467 1882. s _. 4‘ . 4. “mm Am“ " †mmms Martha Wainwright Parkminster United Church presents the Bren7 MI I“ â€I" ,. ' da Uchimaru Singers with the Cambridge Lost and Found Theatre presents A lost and De“ 5. 7 pm. at 137 Ontario 5“ “When†Girl's Choir. Dec. 5, a pm. 275 Erb St. w†Be part Of Found Christmas. Dec 1 l, 3 pm, at “we“ are 52250 Call 14168708000 Waterloo. Tickets are $15. $10 for students and th Emmanuel United Church. 22 Bridgeport Rd, ~ ,. 3 seniors at the door. Call 519.745.3729 01] 8 scene W, Waterloo. Tickets are $20, $15 for students Please let to Irriowo/ any upcomingam and and seniors, $5 per child. Donations to the "a m flmmesent la?! M e“ enllrlalnmen! emu. Include proper spelling. food bank are also appreciated. for more infor7 Emmanuel â€Pm“! Chm“) PW’WmS Heather , 0 h t â€Def 6 8y p T232 ‘ Deco w t dates. times andn'tlrel prices. Fax us (115/9886 matinn unaware-1570 or 1-800-265-8977 Dale Dec 67 «430 pm†6'22 Bridgeport Rd-Wi " es ’3' ' ' pm ' pm ' "' a 9383, oremailedr‘lorlalOunterhxrhmnklaca. WWW-waterloochromcle-Ca \ (illR().\‘l(Il.l-l (:tttissu‘oitii III. I...“ .7, ,4_._ 7 â€7‘ A,__._,A-_~ 7 . 7 V ,‘A . 7. s A .l CUES ACROSS 12 1 Peer of the highest rank . 5 So Am camel relations 17 t i \ mm III-ill ill-II 12 Modernized at Sll ,l ‘ 14mm IIIII IIIiI W l6 Named gem WM ‘ I 18 ,3. 7mm foolish 2‘ I 1‘ a wk!†19 Anoient kingdom near Dead Sea 8'†77. 7. _ ‘I )0 l 21 Political action commmee ’.- ’ J l , . ‘ F'- a . 1 § T 23 Roam aimlessly ‘ |‘ IT '13" ‘3} ' 7 - ll†25 Peach state ROOM 2-, ; in turnâ€, -3 - . r 33 gzï¬â€™cemmnwooa , T “I - “AI â€alums * A I no 29 Lowesmmlm“ all 7 T T . 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