W , WA'l'bklUU CHRONICIE ' Wednesday. Decmlbcr 3. 2M ‘ 27 Cl ° M 'ah (1 'th ' F SEC "S u assrc €881 presente W] a thSt 20 LBS. $13.50 a» a†’. Continued from page 25 Just one of the fascinating aspects of brilliant young Korean~tlinadian who 40 LBS. $27.00 ‘33:,“ 3. . Working with an orchestra specializing in made her local debut with the GPC in . ' w A? been performed otily once previously early music is the fact that everything is 2006 singing the Mozart Mass in C Minor. 0 GropelTUIl ( 5 _ "r" during the history of the People's Repubr performed about a semitone lower than Daniel Taylor is indisputably one ofthe . N V81 Oran 5 527.41 - “' lic of(Ihina. so there was a palpable our modern concert pitch (A440l. great countertenors in the world. Every - . Cl 9e 7, . , '. - :6: ,~ ’ â€3-!“ sense of excitement in this city of four The rehearsals With the choir are prov» local performance by him is an event not ‘4, 0 Page Oranges Ip" “ " - i, ‘3 . '-, million. ing to be most interesting. The singers to be missed. Tenor Lawrence Williford :5? . V r- f N is ‘ ’i to )v The Kunming Symphony Orchestra have all sung the work many times (sev- made his spectacular GPC debut last 31;“, O '6'), O U i "-1, . was enthralled by the music. and thrilled eral ofthem know it off by heart]. and spring as the Evangelist in Bach's St. lobn W . Dec ' to be playing. at long last, an iconic work they’re ï¬nding that singing it a semitone Passion. And baritone Alexander Dobson Fnday ' 5 7 pm. to 10 pm. i about which they had heard so much. 1 lower {A4153 makes a huge difference. is a rising young Montreal-based singer Saturday Dec 6 9 3-m- [0 5 [1m- i was deeply moved after the concert when Muscle memory is an: amazing thing, who continues to garner rave reviews While supplies last. i a number of them told me. in halting Your voice gets used to Singing a particuv wherever he goes. English. that during the Hallelujah cho- lar work at a certain pitch â€" a difference Hearing this perennial favourite per- ‘ rus. a number of them hadn't played very ofjust lialfa step means having to work formed in the splendid acoustic sur- ORANGE BARN l well because "our eyes were so full of the music into the voice all over again. roundings of First United Church in I water. we couldn't see the music very That said, we're having a splendid Waterloo on Dec. 6 at 7:30 pm. by a stel- MlLLBANK 595.4337 ‘ well." time getting ready for this year's per- Iar choir and orchestra and a quartet of l It‘s true that Messiah continues to formances. brilliant Canadian soloists will most sure- i thrill and inspire audiences around the Because this masterpiece is often per- ly be the perfect way to usher in the fes- -. rm world. formed by a large choir and orchestra. tive season. \. BY GROUP OF SEVEN Now. some 115 performances after I‘m especially looking forward to the And this time you'll hear it with 21%0éfl N U TC R AC KE R that HammondAinfestcd performance in crisp. bright. transparent textures that are almost exactly the same size of ensemble 3° 9 ' Manitoba. I'll be conducting the Grand possible with a small choir and a small Handel had at his disposal when he first E Philharmonic Chamber Singers ~ with orchestra of authentic and replica instruâ€" performed it in Dublin in l742. Sun Dec 28: 2008 g 35 voices â€"â€" and the Nota Bene Period merits. So it's a time~honoured classic pre 2300 PM & 7:30 PM , . g Orchestra, Kitchener-Waterloo's orches- And the worldrclass solo roster is a seiited with a very different mist .] W . g tra dedicated to period performance. coriductor's dream. Sookhyung Park is a hope you'll join us. Tide“ Stan NE W1 g . , at 533 5H0 ~ 3 Local arts groups are holding a food-ban k drive a... . s The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. ".»\t this special time of year. this initia- and enthusiasm of more than 1,900 car- ijgfxffgfnfnzu‘JW" 5 Kitchener‘Waterloo Symphony and the tive encourages us all to share some ing individuals make it possible for the Cm,d,m.sse,v,(e:o,me 5 Centre in the Square are joining together goodwill and thoughtfulness in our com- food bank to meet our community‘s need Waterloo Region Purchase :5? to spread goodwill throughout the com- munity," said Alf Bogusky, the dITE‘CIOFV for emergency food." was“ “â€5153“ Wide munity with a food drive in support of general of KWAG.» Food items can be dropped off every Chm") ""3 N““""“' *7,- the Food Bank ofWaterloo Region, According to Wendi Campbell. the day in the Centre in the Square box ofï¬ce mm ‘ Patrons are encouraged to bring non» executive director of the Food Bank of lobbyduring regular business hours. “8’ W perishable food items to the main lobby Waterloo Region, “Volunteers are the ()r. plan to attend the theatre's “To“, of the Centre in the Square throughout force that makes the food bank effective December events and drop off your ‘ ' " the month of December. in Waterloo Region.“ donated items at the same time. 1,5): (km 519 5784 570 As a thank you. KWS is offering 55 off Meanwhile, Ruth Friendshiereller. For information. go to www.centrc- {CI/l lisiilhxj'w lingo†gtfefds'z‘g â€I the price ofany remaining concert in the the food banks manager of community squarecom. wwwkwsymphonyonca or m Hm Lu" mm A" in. n ‘ “Tm. â€toâ€; u 2008»2009 season. partnerships. notes that “the generosity www.kwag.on.ca. ' a"... m. â€In, “I. "g, aâ€: 20'.†., n in u n 6"7‘": $- ‘3 -' it 0/711? "u†I I!" . a . ‘. y. . . . 3. , . L . . . ,3 ‘ .. ‘ ‘i ‘ ;1 ‘ - ‘ 6 f 4 l?- ‘ 12-. , o ’ c 01' ~- ~ . y . , "(a - the & 5/ w . , J l t '1 25 /0 mm" m“ l ln-stock fl 1 Accessories - Christmas I ko" l Decor - Wall Art ; - We are proud I . . candles errors to be a Wish Tree y y : ... . . , Lamps . And Much Morel Location for YVOOlWlCh \f, .. ’\ 3P . Christmas Goodwill l _ fâ€"«y . j) women-uncann- NoMghproauroulosJust . .. productsatcompotlflvcprlcu. . . '«J‘. «.il m : KitchenAId BOSCH m . 1".““flct‘ “ 1;?» â€31.; LG IFRIGIDAIRE . furn'ture ;. r: 1.. . .‘ ; is 519654 "ism ‘ «for... b. “I. l x...'.' tioiriviiiitu.‘ m: i -t i I . - l 7: .