Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Jul 2006, p. 26

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Susan Greatrrx, City Clerk - - _._-.. Fr. ..._ \ ul'ulldllt'll Floor. Waterloo City Centre, I00 Regina Street South pursuant to Section 34 ofthc Planning Act. All interet mg. please contact thc City Clerlds Office on or after The City of Waterloo proposes to amend Zoning By-l; than My metres' but less than I 0 mptrrwsc in h.,i..g,. .., *- - Residential Backyard Policy Study Report On Definitions and General Provisions Regarding Decks TAKE NOTICE that the Council ofthe Corporation ofthe City ofWaterloo will hold a Formal Public Meeting on Monday, August 2l, 2006, in the c, Floor. Waterloo Cuy Centre, mo Regina Street South, Waterloo, to consider zoning by-law amendments with respect to definitions and general zoning pursuant to Section 34 ofthe Planning Act. All interested individuals are muted to attend the Public Meeting For further information rcirardmu the rum mg. please contact the City ClerUs Office on or an” TT-H.,,, it ..etwmr . '"' mm a - -~ _ - -» Formal Public Meéting Ifconccrns arpse regarding this protect sr ith the municipality. a person or part) Environment make an order for the pro hm ironmemal Assessment Act lreferru Irulix idual lun 'ronmental Assessments the address helnm " ithin 30 calendar A Mic _--_-,..--..... lo prmule for the safc mm ' lent ol'pedextnunx. cyclists, transit buses and passenger cur trull'le " uhm the 'C',,",',".'))',))', Netghhourhood the City ol'Wuterloo ts propos- mg to implement Intersection pedestrian signals, curb c'htcnsrons, pedestrian refuge. etude signage and pa) and drsplay machines. l'hese works are planned to be under» taken mu it number ot"ycars lhe estimated cost ofconstrucuon IN SI “[000 to S I (15.00“ 'I his protect " helm:v planned under Schedule B of the \lunicipal Class Environmental Assessment process (June 2000) Subject to comments reeened as u result ol'thts Notice. and the receipt ofthe necc'ssary approvals, The (My of Waterloo mtcrtds to proceed u nth the design and constructions ol'lhls project, The Project File Report is znullttble at " w LitpyrtLctlvstrrn cu Department» Public Works Roads and lrull‘le TratLc Studies Ccntral Ilhcrt or available for renew at the following lueamons City of Waterloo Sen tee Ccntrc Crty of Waterloo, Clerk's Otfice 2t,5 Leungton Court lst Hour. Waterloo City Centre vP Watcrioo. thN lot) Regina Street South N2J 4R4 Waterloo. ON Nil 4A8. Monday to rrsday Monday to Friday 850 AM - 4:31! PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Ph: 7474mm Ph: 747-854q Interested persons should provide written comment to the municipality on the proposal within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comments should be directed to: Ms. Christine Koehler, CET City of Waterloo Service Centre ' 265 Lexington Court Waterloo ON N21 4A8 Ph: Sub-7418629 Fax: 519-886-57tt8 c-k-tSLU-erectus-tio.-, “1335;975sz v - - -e'.._- - w Class En‘ironmental Assessment iiiiiiiiik, O for the Central/Albert Neighbourhood Transportation Review Notice of Completion p41 City of Waterloo THE CITY OF Watiiiiitoo all or part of thc appeal and or make a wmlcn or verhal representation either m support of, or :II. please call 7478743 pnor to Monday, August 2l. 2006 at Mam. $0 m summary ofthe presentation should be filed wrth the (my Clerk po of appeal ofa decision ofthe Corporation ofthe Crty ofWatcrioo m r J wrttten suhmissions to the Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo befor any questions or comments about the report or proposed zoning regulations ordinator, Tel: 747-8773. e-mail: mwadeOcity.wa‘erloo.on.ca Ln Waterloo ls propos ms, pedestrian refuge, planned to be under, on h SI HUN)“ to lIBI Group H i - ---.- "P""""-" Notice Is hereby gncn that an application us being made to the Council ot'thc (Ry of Waterloo for an exemption to the City ofWuturlnu Noise By-law 378-79 whrch pro- hats amplified sound between the hours of5:ig) pm to 7:00 um, The applicant Is the Walerloo Arts rcstrval. m the City ofWaicrloo who Is rcqucxlmg an excmmmn m follows: To permit amplified sound from 10:00 a.m. to " l2. 2006 and Sunda). August 13, 2006. The Waterl holding a festival to raise money for Epilepsy Wat 'e'dt,ei.t,t,e,'.t,',o Park West in Waterloo Park. The and perm ming artists, childrenis activities and u The application will be presented to City Council on Council Chambers. Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina a time to be determined. Anyone wishing to speak I tact the City Clerk. Waterloo City Centre. 100 Regina 519-747-8549 no later than 10:00 a.m., Thursdav. lulu 2 l5-I‘U-6349 no later than 10:00 a.m., Thursday/y 20, 2006. bucstim regarding this event should be directed to Phil LeConte at 519-896-033g, ' _ ___ ...~ "s'wFrbrV _ “mun. k rry nun. lit, S You are responsible for having your payment in the Revenue Office an t, the due date. Please remit the stub from your tax bill along with your payment to: City of Waterloo _ Revenue Services too Regina Street South Waterloo. Ontario t12J 4A8 If you have not received your tax bill please contact Revenue Service S19-747~8718. Payment may he made: I, Hy mall: Post dated cheques for both 2. Through bank telephune sen Ice - ple AAt the City Hull after hours dermal h William Street side entrance 4 In person from 3:00 am to 5.00 nm at CITY or WATERLOO - 2006 FINAL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAX DUE DATES July 20, 2006 and September J, 2006 _' " ,,_..=.-...-... . u... m. ”mu; In luau: yo tth the City Clerk prior to the public meeting r" City of Waterloo m respect of the Zoning Bylaw Amendment does not make Hy of Waterloo before the proposed Zoning By lam Amcndmcnl h adopted the WY-voor-Xin-eine-rl-osmosis, Did You Receive Your 2006 Final Tax Bill? lable for review at Dave e a deck and create a general zoning pronsmn that would required rear yard setback. 2006 at mam. so that'xhe Application For Noise By-Law Exemption rum urrrcntbittrcmiihnhi_nt,or,,. km“. rwtrt I . . . .L ' ' ,. Iall after hours dorms" box Incalcd In opposition to the proposed Zoning n Monday, August 21. 2006, In the Council Chambers, 3rd ect to definitions and general zoning prousnons for decks further information regarding thc ttmc ofthe public meet- am to 50) pm at the R, 'lopmertt Services, 2nd Floor. Waterloo Crty ( - - __ i.. -'"-w..' w-ulcllVU III Anyone wishing to speak on this matter should con necessary arrangements can he made oth "tstallments: July 20 and Scplcmhcr please co.ntact your bank lerloo Park. The festival will.i,nclude sisuat activities and workshops. www.city.waterloo.on.ca [ro a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 6. The Waterloo Arts Festival will be Epilepsy "iaterroo-wenington to he For more toformatton, please roman City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2) 4A8 P 1519-8864550 F 5199478760 cwnuc Counter, City Hall. loo Regina ut mo Rcpma Sin-ct S July 24, 2006 in the Street South, Waterloo at Street South, Waterloo at Hy-law Amendment allow decks greater Services at' Questions to place you entre, I 00 or before at the 3006

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