Companies lransponum an): across. the 0.51 bunk-r an- struttttUed mote than cw: helium IIS customs and hunk-I otmiats an, now The end result can be an immune paldmurt secu- rtty system nth a potential fut tuihue in the flaunt A ll too “he" huxnn-sws Id to their mum“ trs- tems as a null! ot' att mm» dent mthes than through a xwlrthmqittt-out plan. fume-thy LKML W. of Waterfoq runs an eotoroomeotalty sen same We! (my. For mformataoex call St%722-2S2s or ml um Itthttqhotmasuom, Before investing money for security have a proper audit conducted Waterloo teen is mowing lawns the clean way I!" lulu "nun Fur the (EMA? A sound investment would be to haw a compre- hensive security audit and The bottom line Po mm- panies must have a secure facility and a process in elTect that insures goods entering their facility are safe. and that they have been thoroughly inspected with a solid. "rritiable paper trail. damping pmu'dun-s that allow companies to Fast- track shipments if the ship- per "was certam stringent sevurtty program BUSLVESS Employee and visitor identification, anti-theft policies. building and site security, response times, lighting. safety in parking areas and monitoring of shipments in and out of the facilityamcovered. The comprehensive \‘u‘urity audit provides busi- mm with a current snap- shot of their security pro- gram, and highlights short, falls and potential this. analysis cottducted by expe rienu’d professionals Cichti's application was one of l I that was approved in the region because he had a well-tttought-out business plan and a reasonable 29 who want to start their mm summer business. "The idea behind this program is to give youth the opportunity to experience entrepreneurship. gain some skills and see if it is some- thing they want to do," said Roh Clement. who adminitr ters the program in this area through the Waterloo Region Business Enterprise Centre, ‘I had heard about the problems of pollution from gas-powered lawn mowers and tools. So I saw this muslin-xx new as a wlunon to that problem." said the p3, yearold Waterloo native. He applied to the Min, “try of Small Business and Fntrvpreneurship summer company program, which provides business training. mentoring and up to $3.000 in funding to people between the ages of IS and That's where he got the idea to start his own small lawrrmowing business. but he wanted his company to be one that puts the envir mnmenl tirsa, unng his 14.â€)va Dhcmu-n high school and umu‘nn). [mm thy Inchtt spent several months ruumg lawns tor a local Lindxmpe mailman) One of the Ctrst steps of h Inn": Dunn» for "rt hrorucle Lighting levels in the immediate area adjacent to fiurveys are conducted during regular hours of operation and at night. Dur- ing evening hours the goal is to monitor and record activ- ity such as individuals entering the site. cleaners. shift employees or unautho- rind employees. and vehic- ular traffic. the audit is to identify. on an architectural drawing; sectr my devices including cam- eras and access control points, "l was a little surprised at tirst that people tended to be more interested in the con- venience aspect of it rather than the environment. but I realized it's nut common Some of his clients have acknowledged his clean approach to lawn care, but he doesnt think the majority chose to the his services because of his electric equipment. He then tried to get the word out about his new company by passing out fly- on door to door; his their tele list is now up to 25 west- side homes and one church. "There are still emissions created from the power plants that power the elec- tricity. but that's a fraction of the pollution," he said, As xell, the mower had to be electric to prevent the high emission rates from Traditional gas-powered mowers. lhe mower - whuch cost $500 - is the most expen- uw electric one on the mar- ket. he said, but it was worth spending more money because the corded models are too awkward to manoeu- lachu uwd the money he washed up front lu pl" chase a cordless, electric lawn mower and equip- mem. mcluding a "Humor and blower. for his new mmpahy: Clean-Cut lawn and Ptoperty Maintenance, chance of success III the summer. Clement said, Many recommendations cost little or no money. When the audit is com- Recommendations are developed through careful analysis which involves interviews with staff, a phys- ical survey and interviews with local authorities such as the police and fire depart- ments. the facility as well as around the building perimeter are recorded. with particular attention given to those areas that may foster illegal activity, Although Clean-Cut Lawn and Property Mainte- nance will officially close in "That being said. I still use the electric, cordless blower and trimmer, so that's one thing that did work out." As a result. his focus has shifted away from the envi- ronmental push to afford, able lawn care. He is then left with no other option than switching to a gas mower lo finish the larger jobs. "Once the batteries are kaput, they're out for the "You cant take the batter ies out and recharge them; you have to recharge the whole mower. fAnd the batteries only last about an hour. His main problem is the short lifespan of the mower), batteries. Running a business the environmentally friendly way, however, has not been without obstacles, "l think I will make money lmm it. but I don't know how much, in terms of an hourly wage. it will be. But it'sagood Stan." No far " been hard to fig- um out if his fitlltune job is turning a profit, Hts clients also like his affordable prices. I'm-um to have a lawn mowed ranges from $5 for a small one, up 10330. knowledge that gas L mowers can pollute a lot lay awn Ifyou would like more information on security audits, or any other security concern. roman the writer at Jhendryeieuliironbro thers. co Recommendations are made that consider basic security as well as indicating what would be required in order to enhance the level as required by the customer. plete, a document is pre- sented to the customer that allows for decisions to he made based on accurate data. "So this gives young peo- ple who think they might be interested in opening their own business the opportu- nity to try it in an environ- ment where they are recciw ing some funding and train- ing." . Meanwhile, a large per- centage of small businesses fail, and that's usually because of lack of knowl- edge and experience, he said. However, this program is designed to teach young people about entrepreneur- ship, which is particularly important in Ontario where small businesses are the backbone of the economy. Clement said. "That's not to say they can't continue the business, ey, after the hummer. In fact. I've had a couple that have gone on to become full-time businesses that do employ people," he said. Companies that start up through this provincial sunr mer program generally end at the close of the season as it's an educational. not a launching. initiative, Clement said. "The great thing with this company p, there is a lot of ilexibility I could have a few clients and have it as a part- time job. or I could keep going with the full time." early Scpu-Inlwr so Lichti can return In llllncnily In Winnipeg, he might rrsurr mu the company next htltrt. mu.