"Krtchtuter',, [wen "cll blessed and no†endowed with uppmlunllu-s lur llmn to gm this muwuln [nu that would be u-n‘ "tte-sided bb "us Is an uppnrmnuy tor sums; muwum mom-y In thm to Wan-mm Pt Whalm hvllm (w hr has Woodsuit gullcn Ih. Homer W said Too early to favour a site, says regional chairman The company will seek approval to create addi- tional parking on lands it owns on Park and Mount Hope streets in Waterloo. adjacent to its Canadian headquarters. These Lands are currently occupied by a number of charities, to whom Sun Life Financial has made available vacant In my no“ In months, Sun I.itc l marwial's ituter, loo "tlice at AY," king SI 5‘. will hr unummmlulmg uddiliunul cmployves as a result of rm‘rumng and the move of some roles from other regions. Sun Life rinancial will seek approval from the City of Kitchener later this year to expand its parking facilities to help meet the needs of the Company's growing mnployoc popu- lation in Waterloo. Sun lite Financial growing beyond its local borders Special "m wmu" Breakfast Buffet ': and the art dt ', dodqux'd to Alison,†Whales :HURSDAY, JULY 13 It's the 1430 King Street North, ST. JACOBS (519)664-3731 "We've been very pleased to have had the npportunily to donate these accommodations to local charities in the Waterloo community for the last six years." said Vicken Kazazian. vice- president of 'human resources and business The value ol' this dump lion to local charities has [won approximately S350.ooo "dale. Sun Life Financial will consider ways In support the charities in their tran- sition to a new location. it "tM ("If the Irtult'tu silt' III ttttttd l)l\l\|0ll bot thc tiatcrloo Rt'gionul Police \vnnr hunted at [hr Inrnvr ot I m and Albert urn-ls. .. “It' httildutg h In In." velous condition, IN alrtuuls a heritage-designated 'tttts, and will be declared \lllpllh hy the region " early 2008 "he" the police uulgnm the place," Whaley sand. adding that an addition to an rusting building would um I053 than I'IInsIrIII‘IIng Financial has extendvd those agreements In six years. hottscs on " rent-free basis NIt1Ct' 2000. I he charities, won- unglnally granted uw of [hose homes tor a pl-rmd of two years and Sun Life season to relax in the great eula'BorS With delicious food & beverages on Benjamin's patio! Regular Breakfast Menu available 7 a.m. _ 1 1:30 a.m. (519) 664-2286 1396 King Street North. ST. JACOBS Welcome renowned photographer Carl Hiebert enroute from Vancouver across Canada on his vintage 1949 McCormick tractor! 8 a.m. ..- 10:30 a.m. See our menu at; tww.sttdcotss.com Independent assess- menu of the houses involved cited problems that could not he climi- mated even with signifi- cant investment. The houses on the property will be vacated by the end of 2006. Tentative plans are to seek the necessary approvals and umthlete the transition project by the end of2007, is a logical evolution. Wc lake pride in the attractive green spaces we've mam- rained around our Water, loo omce. and as we plan for the redevelopment of this properly that will continue to be a priority." auppurl scnu‘vx IIs we anticipate growth tit our Waterloo location, ln\'l‘\ll- Killing the puxxlhiliu ot yunwning the property In accommodate that growth Parking wouldn't he an Issue. he sand suggosung Watcrloo could camh build tits also and the urn-a IN rich will] k nunnlh. \ur rounded by man) mummies Including the uploun. Waterloo Park. the Nrime In Immune and the Centre for international (nut! num‘r lnnmauon. "minimum! homage hlllld mg that would make tor, hmmlllul museum Ft \lrul‘lun' In duuhlr up the CPatio... Current puhlu "rluars In: on “upon! \ln‘rL "tsl Mt “hon 81mm lthalt" mud hts Him. " suppmu'd h) "ttcrtuttiottitl ly mnnwnui mum-um rum Thanks also to Our community sponsors The 2007 Summer Games wull be sponsored by the C) place an the weeks at May 28 and June 4. 2007 Actual to 10m us tor another season of competition and thtterent events We would like to thank our sponsors City of Kitchener Woolwich Township City of Cambridge as well as our dozens of volunteers who helped make our games a great success Centre Wellington Township Victoria Star Motors Luther Village on the Park Hallman s Retirement Homes Central Park Lodges Varey Social Work Services tor the" t'ge't,s, '2tl'tt,r'lr"t Polis; Sausage thtli-slrcxrd Roast Beef or Pork Pine River Medium Cheddar m: tiilhc Nassau, "ho Wds " Ln mum.qu lwhuul thc \cdgmm Muwum, as txcll .|\ mam arch"vs III Ittstro "III, mnr tot ux to ,uarl pulling nu! cultural "PP" Extra Lean Ground Beef T-Bono Steaks of/ty vlvhi()nUp! . ttStKttNtt - It...“ In -¥N&L.ty= t o - THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Mon". July 10 - Sat. July 15 RASPBERRY CUSTARD PIES! Cgy, I.bititr'fii5iiTii"1 (5") 664-36†1402 King St. N, ST. JACOBS genevous Support 9:0an statt and tttcthtses to make our games another great success Waterloo - Wellington Senior Games Committee oompehhon and oompansonSh-E) 103;?!) would like to thank our host Its: (:I'YUO w ijiiaiihoo Wilmot Township City ot Waterioo City of Guelph the City ot Guelph and wall lake Achye Sonnets 55* are welcome "Waterloo \ (nailed m mam "ondcrtul uppmlu mum tor 'sports mun-w In Illlll‘ ut. do the unu‘ tor rulluw “ ummu {INS “lulu $2.99ttb. $4.99tttt. $7.19!"). $2.99Ilb. ".99tttr. $2.39lttt. st Id