me TOOlSHOP any tau. Cee, Sim SYSTEM. cod 9u9cmas $1200 gf'g "69888 nil-a Ntmtst "gtfr, _ 't?ae,'l'htehs, mans: POOL TABLE h-gh end who wood. I m slat? Mm 3' aCCe%orte5r New "eve! used Cost $5500 seg $1950 CaM519)r2i?A077 Comerf r LOGS TO VALU 531: 'l'4flk'e1i', your own Norwood Dorian: tfa/it {aw mdl Log sinuous also and die HOTM‘soa 'nurie, sen A I 1015 (),rtt' HOT “II, ve'urbqsned mm cedar yum excellent can who", complete m New ha Wrll oelwef $1700 1519) 5800495 Best once best quatey All grapes and cofprs available www thecoverguy ca mm mu aHGG, 1800573|363Exl zooc MIME“ In dur "me countenoo mm chma smk and chrome Moan taunt Ramal Maple vanity While. 58x29 m wamelled steel tub 5200 on a Cat 1519) IM 2086 Beck Afplionce We SEVWEE al makes ci al memes Call, 7424001. m, GE, Mute dean, greatcoooton, 3drawers, a emstame glass sherves, 27 X 65 ' m SISO obn Elli/STOVE and wsher and Owen Adm-vat cream coloured Sb00tor an Call BIKE. Gills N m mm Ham new (bl91 7464305 RADIO. STEREO. Cassette vecovoev Asmakevs Sears, 1'6X4 $20 1519)S78PC36 black leather pumps Stzeli $200 tr 0 (5|9) 5782036 1010 51983679331 I 850 Issyanae. l SAWMILLS from tty, $3495.00 WW? your [065 T, l MA r, ryryel than Good common >15 (519)885529l HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Named: cedar autsade I918852609 CLASSIFIED 39d Ar9i 1866652683 1000-1195 hessy 2006 novel. We! new mrnerucherrvtred room set. trvciossev. tad guest, 2 man! stands cost iabiib biiiyCsg $1306" r33; 5195725557 too rrrttresoithkt Wio, nan-c" ’e§'1’25"NE~"HBF-§ a: “manna†beautiful chewy we» bed, g new set, all dental con slum-m New $8000. 53an hceSlEKX) Newmhox free nelvvevy 61915738801 EVERYONE APPROVED . Get a fully maded MOG Computer mth an Intel P4 an: From 99 cents/dar Includes every thmg you need 512 MB RAM. 17 m [CO Flat Panel, Wo tiows It? and a free . Punter} Scanner/Comer for the hrst 500 (was leak tor con among) 180079! 1174 A I 1017 “SEES 40 yearshr aye, Murray .. lecovdmg, mauve sound equipment, Ho-h and stereo comm" Hammond or sans Any common. no Mor mode. mums Cal mmmputevs " 1030 ORGAN WANTED 00w models such as Hammad [mum Conn, Leshe Hakim. etc Cal Roger 5196584509 l8009410393 A NEW PC ONLY 99 cents/ DAY WANTED: tyd Tube Audio Equifxnent “3150' 0091 Anna andis, WATERLOO CHRONICLE 112 Bonnie Cres., Elmira ortalltiiiNi551 Reality Bytes Inc. 6730M AbsoOula Transportation 1 200- l 250 BED: KING. tunury plum top who mattress set New In Masta Worm S1500, selllov $595 Call1519l57275557 was M18TE A MEI" EIWSRQ cherry set Double pedestal "Ne. buMthAch, g’cmrs, new, SM n nous IS $8500, snafu out; 51700 ($957383)! mNtKa SET A Inga" Cherry, II mete set, M may: tatge BufteMtutctt mm: Cost58000.Sea $1700 Cal(519l 572 5557 BED. MEN Lunar, Dvllow topmattressset 30rr wan New m plaslvc. Cost $1050 se|<5375 (519)722-4077. A BMlrhttir0ueai' ovum: loo mattress set Brand new m p9ste: Cost 3850 Sac†We 51 " emrfrrrs9sr MG R00. set, Mosh EV. buds eye maole/ctterry, tmfteChutct, lame math 2 waves, 6 thaws Al shape 51500 blSy5NAjl89teve I or 519 M90295iaar) Cups saucers sdeerware pocket watches, My cent was and swat Mats Waterroo, 5Mb0t5S-S6r6. Computers I m" 0's Manes? m C: " t FF Lawn i Garden I BUYtT.sELLtT,RENtrt Qt: All Antiques 3 RAIN BARRELS ‘11 ‘JLI, h A )0 Wanted diam: it†'i'd My? 8: Cash Paid ::‘:n'2;."m.uses Cap Waiema Mame Classmed W895 5230 82lo7’96 Botti patents on sue, CICEI len'. In"! young cmen Rascdonotfamc (1ng S125 Calls 9887 20 Be; 15t9t2890648 d., (â€Whey 26 Vet checked Dewormed Parents on we Walged $500 (5191 633369? [karat pets and hunters imrreiy ofcoiows Mates and Females Shot and dammed Nominating, malergaem $450 (5) ) 669425 HST-V shots. dammed. $250 Weekdays can 5|962l-0689 Vet checked dammed, " shots S300 519884-0786 Purebred, no papers Comm ml mertes and ms Farmly used on tarm Vet checked. firstshols‘deworrned Ready new $250 (519)6624077 Traiourea vet chec hrsttitaots.deworme0 s. (“922912581 Cantata hmes Classmad Ad phone 8955230 Mon Thurs " 7 Fr, 8to 5, Sat 9 to "ot9n for your coo vemmce. we accept Ihsa. MasterCard Classuheu FAX 6231261 “E. ELECTm. Red, Al magnum Pyr old $1500 S9ss1rer?. In pljtce y'ou (519)664-2953 Sporlmg Equipment warm 2 yr I519I5761725 1irh"eiss,'e,liiijs' Australian a Shepherd Pops Mitch/colic Adorable Mole Shih Tzu Pup CrossFups Employment 1 350- 1 399 1519) unframed Vet checked and a! stmts to one, tamey [any thdroeterru'eamMyr?. mam. l men Aeadattle July 28. vet checked. mm I519)5err81? 4J3 oumycme. W. excelenl m lads Newâ€: so M1, " his! come t sew: arentsCKCre dam cleared M alt than: can cans 5700 504974720 'eWereo_etp_c.ttc. 51971631455 Ist-shots vseleft,cetsl', Ready to 0 ase cal 5193f} “as wasVrdtioainitcrteeidr mGk and brodtes. ms: shots. vet checked. ready to go $450 [5198433186 13"iFeeks old, hrst shots, cute $350 1519] 83iS585 Cimootm. CKC reg d, shots, "has. health tr/rl?,) home mused St 0 [519] 3763724 Mofitge, CAC mleOC'MDDedA, Quilt veadylo go u T tr's'Nf/lfl'z'flt Boxes/ttlack lab cross. 3 males. 2 females. black tetth Mme markings. 6 weeks S350 Callt51 1392 7042 RttNNG [WT for ades held boots and 0.30090 boots, sue l. brand new Retinal. sue 7, brand 'r, Wane: "0mg boots, we , Vest and marries, sue 10 F all chaos and ttatt chaps. meoum Assortment 010mm small eems $400 for " o h 0 [519l7479800 Gooseoemes, Black Cu rams {he "Ms ot Brant Berry Farm highway 24 South ot Cambndge, lst voadonnghl past Brant County sagn 519-4481‘96 Horses l leestock Farm Fresh Products RASPBERRIES Cocky Spaniel DACHSHWD Cock-o-Poo Red auto/RM 16o4NtSSsl1TtNN1TS0 shaky S 750 'N It no May - Needs new hates, ttestest oi SIOGO obo Cl (5I9I 6223670 "ss W Luv-u LS. 2geut St r'lll,', 'ttY 5. vs We: be (5191530035 (10?: breed $500 Cigtatter 6 519 4231262 an?“ and Lnocolaies Ma tureferyytee ayaAat8t Rs: 0 I!†MERCURY Same Red" aonc at (hot dale Guar armed Cal SIS-"10.68 a with: mMMcu}: nrsrshots, very stxratued, health cert S395 [5191 6982784 I “weeks. lust shots, dammed $200 Call (519) 647 2284 oe" regd Guaranteed (519)3239139 65652228 nrsT?ooer, vet checked, new parents leg d, tamdy raised Ream to " S4 75 Sumac! Nan Bvuoanhec. 926 kog St N, Wat Itresde St 1x00 s tarmer S market) No Sunday sales Yea. tam mud. m checked. inst shots Ready to go S295 Cal l519l I PETS Piss Vet checked, hrst shots. dammed Cute, e: when! makngs Parents Wynne mm alarm s Call 1519) 6690750 Mon in 8 60m Sat no tore9a m NoSmdayCaIIs mm, parents on sale caili519t8299002 “(Wrecked test Shot Causnsuous† Gddenltettiever Gdden Rdrievas RetieverPups â€may best buys Wm Chrome. 1905 PM) Areostar, cargo vm [Icahn mechalcal (matron. no rust. sumac (17' 25106015, is is St 00 Ca0t519r57S5990 a519n63091 if#52iirruNiiitu health .iuavantee CalliSlQ M3 3918 MaCttea cum. lemala we! checked shots. dammed m3!!! no Call (Sl9l Nordktgemc. 4 males. iam ly mused Ist shots, t'gg7frrigWi'o'"Jg she no . re to o uly I4 580%) Jrll'%rk/) Mag: iemales, bandit we! checked. shots, maimed 899939â€, Jute 5375 Gdrireous colours. trot tailed. also spotted Bengal $250 Cal ' 9? 3477251 Puaren, CKC reg d. hrst shots and M'Dchlpfed Call after6p m 5198? 7576 Reid. trrst shots. we: trachea dammed. champ sure. nomavsea $450 I519t 4484587 m mwoom com ckeTee o. top German hues HID health 1"21'ffef, Fe mates at $ 200 Deose (5l9)284»2355 382265 HE vedfexcenenl pets. good talkers, beam-ml (was 5196i?Hi?40 3 Field ternate, Ion haw Smo 1519I272048g If2ttpr'3aggtgt H! Call l519l 33561 lo (5192917296 Ifi9i32i??t :KC" reg d . mid Snead-"g. ome mused sums. cameo - TTEMS _ $50 or less SELL IT FREE! $2,000 at less SELL IT FOR $6.99! - YARD SALES - $14.48 with FREE yard sale kit! Wheaten Terrier Buy it, Sell it, Rent it! MT†WWW†SaintBelmrd SHELTIE PUPS ROTTWEILER 895-5230 Call ttr details: Monday - Thursday, 8am - 7pm Friday, Barn - 5pm Saturday 9am - 12 noon Shih-Tzu PARROT Yorkie Fax: 623-1261 . can May taurt 227 "-larRtr,Caotttridge, “indium Call No- to MON 18665120766 mm aockcars Cd Shuttle Same Mauve From so dam OAC You can choose from great cars' 60 venues mmeoaenom wkgaé A t ioti e iliiiaes'g'iiv I Most cars Lam-ted to SL mammum IUWJG . taxes See managev 90v detmis “came-m 519573990 5136503551 and his A t t .5:,e.?:;“ I Oil Change Easy Quick Approvals Be sue to check Waterloo Chroocte Classhett Semen tofod the most recent lob nosmgs m your area! 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