III-IIIIIIII - '.' f i) You practised restraint yesterday. il "fl, S) _,JAlh'i . i Cd ‘ E ITS'a '828ra1Td' in. h Ill, , “yaw; / r _-r' LANWir.UT, SPEAKERS . ' _ /et---s's, v I ' -e , I o1fWcwaterpr00t "tsto, _ - -- y -.-._ .. , J, I) I q 5 Woofer iii.?ltti _ “‘ "'1’" ___ _ 1' ". . _-r-rj, Looks/Me SC (’95- "'et 'iir,ir?c t .'", _ L -------- -- j, 'r-r", a tcock , Q each at“ " + _ - * s..' _ F'; 1r'roWm0. REPAIR Kl'l' 't J ' Io-w. ", :.~;,~:;~:=~‘~ 2 9 329 3 q * I _. 2:33;? . ' _ AP,' .' , _ 6 N . 'Oketunfv dorms" attiq1illl?. , s " ""t'-: - 1 4 C9r, "s, 'UO'" , .. m B " 0 t t Serving you for 25 Years _ Black or S ' 95 805 Woodlawn Road. MIME ON _'. new . ' Phone: (519) 822 9200 {661% 351 ( â€in"? 9.9 _ ‘ illlrlill1rNlMmlliMiME.mMt . 1iMaglkglMlMiMimiMMit CI Kerttels also employs mu developmentally dtallcngnl young adults and mgulatl) offers wlmlcsalo products to charities and schools for their fundraising effdrts. "lt has always been my belief that community involvement is a win-win situation," said Dutchal. ‘l'm glad to say that it has pmwd to be for me and my business. I am. proud that throng: my store, I am able (bulimia! hom pg! 20 mun") and help charitaNc organizations such as the Women's Crisis ticrviccs, RAltir Home Support Set- vice for the elderly and the Food Bank of the Waterloo Region. Community melt pays tttt "IF 1ttttt"ttttttttttttt _. Ibo t mnmumn “urn marks teport. 'Mattuiactur, inp, lnduun (hamdonxlus'. in the “Medan Region. po"tts l0 thc sognittrant xaluc added mnln'hulnl In the manutacturmg 'rector locally“ saw Duh" lrnnam. l In": t anadak lu‘hnnlum Irmnglv llk' “Value added Ps a mm!» urc ol huu much value workcrs gencratc 1N“); the land and capital equipment Anew study tvleased last week show, that the manufacturing want In Waterloo Region added more than $7.! bullion In value to the local unnnnn m Alli The total value of shtp, mum m the "pools manu tacturme, want m the num- period “as \mth Slti.9 hul hon Study shows manufacturing makes huge dent W's?“ -tiropiixA9i9'hu "' iiciiouccsccttt The $2.500 gold min was awarded to Straight Stu-ct hem Scum a tuit, service ewm productions mm. for their suuntary ef%ets with the Auheimerls Society. Sc Mary's General Hospital Foundation and As pan of the Platinum mutant thc Wotttctt's Crisp, tierviccs of the Waterloo lit-Kim. an “(mutation that prosidcs onn‘rgonq sumo es for abused “11an and their childrrn. was awarded SLSKII on behalf of Kennels Popcorn and Yellow Pages Group The xaioe added In the manufaettmng pun“ Is a mute suitable numuemem tor captunng eeuuumu‘ hette4it as the highet the var ued added, the stealer the econonue cotttritutttott to the regional autumn "new are a numhet at knob that affect thc tesel ot xaiue addtxl. pan-nthrh the an“ News of the "tanutucturutg Ptthiss Saiue added th at»! aitcctcd ttt the tcx cl “I sophtsttrattott and sktils tequmxl to pmduu‘ a prod net. lradumtully the Wale to "ink a Pos""" ostttrtttw mm to my local nmunumn In 110mg an my husimmo, has impmwd stgutticatuty both in Ptttrtts and m nmmlv.‘ cmplou-d In produrtton," says Paul kmfdc. pus-dun of (immunity Beodtmak and author ot the studs lawman). xaiue added iododes the “uttcn' nigh and ttte mun" [mm up: tal/equipment lullln-d ttt pmdudlun 'Corporate social tepottsittiiity ts haunting a business tmperatixc in Canada as “tow and mum autumn-ts like kerotls Rip» cunt and Straight Street Fwnt Sane“ are “imit- ing the imptwtann- ot" giving back to the cotttmuntties they sent-3 said Artttie Mar sotais dinttut’ of “mute “mum cttildrvtt's charities ttt the "urvrloo Rvglun sumo “an dottated to tit Mary I, "ospttal linuxlalmu an behalf ot' Stung!“ Sure! I xettt Sauna and Yetiots Pages l mum Plum aod mhhu plat ml tuatuttacturttttt. funn- tttrt' and rcluted product matuttacturttttt and dorm“ uuupnk‘ul apphattst nun» [mm-m tuattttfacuartttg mundnl mu the IN ot top Ithm\ Ot the ttt m‘uur tttattu taunting tttuktstrtt's m tattad.is [“11"qu tttatt glr. tttcsc mp mft Industry xn‘uux actottttwd tUr an; [IN mu ot total value added lhe studs fuund that Ill All! the total \alue aided by the tmrtsportihtto" “an" mom mdmln wax mu $2 2 billion. (animal In the fab "rated tttetal Induxuyx S934 null-nu and the loud Indus!“ \ 9At2 "Ml-on and communal“ of manu- fainting to an eNNwtomy' ts dammed In terms of num~ bet ot pubs IIFINIYI. Serving iou for 25 Years 805 Woodlawn Road, Guelph Phone: (519) 822 9200 www.guelphinfinitinissan.com . info@guel| thunk-mes of has than 50 employres that demonstrate ed an outstanding umtribtt- tion t0 their communities - digitiz- for a cash prize to be sharmi by the Compa- n) and the charity of their choice, A local panel of community leaders judged the entries and iderttined thewintm cxttttttttttttcsatiotts fur Vellum Pages tiryup "As a partner wtth Cuttautatt bulttttssts, Mt' “uni to z-nuumlgr com- p‘nncs to continue In take an acnw rule in improving their "rttttttttttities'" lhe full slum Ix available on [Inc at http. xxtvstech. umnglucum / Publica- lions Rvseatvtt Reptsrtscfttr tttts indnsu) acrottttPs fut only 4.9 per cent ul lulul tttatuMUcturtrtg firms in l mums 1tcttnologo l nan _ When " comes to an.» menu by manufauunng enterpnws m 2003, [he xalue ot' uulpul for the tratvsportatiott equipment mduury "as un~r SAT bit. hott unnh ot product - in! per will ot the rtattotis mu] Julian-ms ul manufac- turvdgoods m the reg-on These Industries com. bun-d mum“: [or mm 60.5 per can of all muttutuctur. mg farms in the rrglun and ml per cent ot employ men! (ii) a mm LEAKS 's_', a V DRIVING YOU CRAZY? I X , ‘ 1 a ii ‘ Si â€on! h 'Net,")', m mm. In: P mm xâ€: CC ' ' F “TEMP m TH E TI LLEY HA1 1440 King (lt, in RM, 91. hat M)4)(2/li)i)!l lnxurul Against Loss Hans . chcls Rain 11’ch tttx ncr's Manual t nimble & Pacthlc Excdlcm tA" Ptmu‘liun (autumn-d ti tr Lifc Not toWcar Ihtt [Mk Clothing For Men & Women oTitue . Paw In»: - "winch . Autumn OHM Callahan Head 2Toe “mt MIME“ â€Whitman hit-MYEMIDm-s unnum- WIPE)“. 59"