Members Of the puth are invited to sit in the shade and cnmy this renewed public park. The Waterloo Horticulr rural Mummy is celebrating l I I years of service in beau tifyingWaterloo Society members onwyed the hard work of planting and will continue to maintain the gardens. The (lity ofWaterloo pro- vided many of the flowcrs, and rcfreshmcr1ts for the opening. The garden is located in front of thc old Carnegie library building which is now an office for Habitat for Humanity and stands across from the Waterloo public library. ames Graham. president ofthe Waterloo Horticur tural Society, presided over the opening of rho gar dens of Carnegie Green last month, Members ofthe horticul, tural society and local rosi- doms enjoyed the beautiful day and celebratory speeches of the invited speakers. l'hc new garden was financed through grams from the l'rillium Founder lion. the City of Waterloo, Iluhilal for "umtsnity'arld the Waterloo Horticultural Sm‘ivlv. The Wraconteur Awards are given annually by the Waterloo Regional Arts Council to honour art-a writers. Uptown garden now open In addition to awards for fiction. non-fiction and lunlvigm- said the pur- pow of the rally is In help the puhlic hecomc more informed aboul the wcsl- side lands before council votes on the proposed rezoning of the Vista Hills. Clair Creek Meadows and Greyerbichl Lands from agri- cultural to residential areas. The problem is the wet- side lands contain a recog- nized recharge arm and thc headwaters for Clair Creek. and they hack unto the (‘tthdll' folks ubuul what G. moraine is, how it works and how delicate that par- ticular ecoxysu‘ln is." said Louisctu' lqu-iglw. the sptuial events cu-urdinulm for Citizens for the Protec- tion of the Waterloo Moraine. the group hosting the event, pultlir mtormation Aug!“ and rally will he wk! on lhursduy In the hopes ol sin mg tho tut) I, “ml WHIP lamb Rally to he held against rezoning oi west side T “annually this will re m Immunonmsnm lot HIM hmuuh' For more information call744-4552. poetry, there are special awards for cultural journal- ism and a hook length work published in the past year. Some of them will he geared towards children. including one by geologist Peter Russell, who will teach "By getting them out physically. you can some- times arouse more aware» ness." The even! begins with displays at 6:30 p.m. at the Waterloo Memorial Recre- ation Complex in the Hauser Haus. Lanteigne said the dis- plays will help the public learn about the issues sur- rounding the prhmosed sub, division development along Wilmot Line. "So many people are not aware there is a problem. I'hey read the paper. but they're busy with their own lives and it doesn't really register. iutvirunmcnrally Sonslllw landscape. hcr press rvlcitse said Public 'dwart'nehts around this whole situation has to be raised, said Ginny Quinn. a member ofCitizens for the Protection of the Waterloo Momma For Instance. the public w.ill hear about the recent problems with water rush, ing into the Wideman Road expansion site. she said. This is an issue that many people think was an acct dent. but there was a lot of scientific data to my that was a potential risk. kids how In identity tirssils, From T In 8 pm. Icctures, will he held on a number ul lupin. like how it moraine works. "Basically what Wt' wan! In do is In pvople under- stand the issues." “Yodr Kitchen Store " 75 King St. North, Manon Town Squat: 550 King St. Noun. Conestoga lull CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE Watch for GREAT specials never offered before PLUS - super door prizes DAILY!!! Cuisinart 4 Slice Toaster" Brushed 99 Steel 1sgtr '52 10 Available July 15 ONLY se' '24" July 12 ONLY 1 thPt. Cheese Fondue 24 Available 519-746-7734 LAST 3 DAYS.' Giittpos Cuisinart Smart Stitk Hand Blender w '29" 24 Available July 13 ONLY lulluwing thc lccturcs, participants will omburk un a walk for the west-side lands. which will begin at the complex. go through Waterloo Park and then return to the parking lot. V Quinn said she hopes people will leave the event with a greater understand- ing of the environment, "You we the trees and they're there. bul what hap- pens when they're mu "ho "t' want In make sum folks arc aware ol what the poiouial tor building along the wed side lands is." Cuisinart 12t Coffeemaker um 'SS" 10 Available July716 ONLY 519-884-4181 July " ONLY 'ZYLISS" Salad Spinner 994 $1999 "It’s the whole vnnrmr mom that thc rally will try to make thc ordinary citizen aware oi," tlure South City Centre Stanley Park Mall 304 Stone Rd. W. Guelph 1005 Ottawa St N., Kitchener 51 9-821-21 36 519-896-2300 Please contact your Uniglobe Discover Travel Consultant for details or to make a booking at one of our 3 locations Bangkok - [long ttttttt mopping fxmwganu November 20th - 30th, 2006 $2289 + tax GUELPH Presents its First Annual Parkdale Plaza II 465 Phillip St, Waterloo Discover Travel s , 9746-8747 A DIVISIO‘ WATERLOO Ihe m'cnl Is trec, [ml cash dunmmm Ill support ol [In-wrung tht. murmur are welcome. Iunu'ignc said KITCHENER