Only One Place Can Give You The Strength Of 4 Million Women .,. ,m-MMm-m‘ JGti,G'iTi."7iiiiu, on In... “may Mtg: and SAVE 20* on A New tape [2lTiTT)) SALE (Illa our our Human-NW ram. 2H Luther Village on the Park WT“? l A r Join Hullas Travel this Februur) as they return In the Middle lint and experience [he I'iplcndors ot Egypt es, waterfalls. rainforcsts, volcanoes and black sand beaches. Bullas sends their clients to Hawaii year-round but have organized a cruising Hawaiian holiday on the Pride ofAloha'. Expe- rience all this magical island has to offer as you spend MAUI untorgcl- table days aboard Hawais most hos pitahlc â€(can liner, Hawaii has become the most desired of us. destinations by Cana- dian travelers. This natural paradise features lush valleys. tropical beach- Bullas Travel is starting the year off with a Far East Fantasy Trip led by Veronica.This 15-day journey of dis covery takes travelers through Singa- pore. Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and China as they cruise aboard Oceania's newest ship - ms Nautica. om so Different Styles! - - Bring In ll Gently Loved Purse for Anselm House and Smmhkhulha! Bullus Travel has an exciting year ahead with dozens of group tours ye and customized indr Beth, Brad, Gate, vidual journeys Janet, Lynn, Maureen planned for popular Robert & Veronica and exotic locations Wish you good health around the globe. "We and happy travels in 2006 are sending people worldwide," relays Bullas destination ing Central A specialist Veronica Kerr. takes off for ca - their experi- enced travel spe- cialists are pre- pared to turn your dream vacation into a reality. Ever dreamt of going on Safari in Africa? Walking along the Great Wall of China? Perhaps it has been your goal to set sail on an Alaskan Cruise? Bullas, Travel has sent travelers to Africa. Asia, Europe. North and South i. (i America. Oceania " i and even Antarcti- a V A Around the World with Bullas Travel Business P11 f1le U "‘ -'e __ and Lm, mm yam-Z; I t" Cry, - k . ,_ t' ‘V It: {P , bl f! ('ilvl) r n h M, hon tours Mrtmt V " . Ct i' Bullas Travel is receiving more and more requests for Russian dcstina. tions. Due to popular demand. Hullas has two 'Waterway of the Czars' tours planned for 2006 - unc for May and a second for Scptcmhcr, "Hy travclinp, to Russia ()ulsidc ot thc punk summer months, we .m: alrlc to nth-r our trasclcrs incrcuibic ~.n'- ings.' rclays Vcronica Guests " all stay uhuurd a Hunting haul and cruisc thc \ccnic rivers. canals and lakc,, Bullas Travcl .ire best krtoss n for their annu- W al Complete South LT, Pacific Tour led by ' Bullas Travcl Presi- ‘ dent, Rohert "til- _ ' las. After \isiting , Australia. New 'iiLN, Zealand and Fiji .’ [jr/ over 55 times, the South Pacific has become like a second home to Robert. This year's 2h-day deluxe ad, Gate, adventure departs on t, Maureen February 19th. but itrs Veronica never too early to ood health start making inquiries avels in 2006 about the 200" trip! Discover fascinat- ing Central America as Bullas Travel takes off for Peru, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. This 15-day trip begins February 20th and includes an overnight stay at Machu Picchu - 'The Lost City of the Incas', and a three day cruise aboard the M/V Galapagos Legend through the islands where you'll experience island life': and see Sea Turtles, White Tipped Reef Sharks and Spotted Eagle Rays up close in their natural habitat, This I5<lay ancient civilizations mur includcs a sun] night five slur Nile cruise whcrc you'll he able to wt: the Valley of the Kings.Arut \imhcl ' and Karnak.