The university's director of community safety and security originally approached Neighbourhood Watch with the idea of bringing this service to the campus. "Hopefully the students take precautions and accept the advice we give them," said Gassewitz. The program began in September 2005, when about 100 dons in the uni. versity's residences began receiving crime updates from Neighbourhood Watch. They. in turn. pass the news on to first-year students. "So far so good," said Marietta Gassewitz, the administrator of the Water loo Regional Neighbour- hood Watch. of the program. which follows the traditional premise of neighbours tak- ing care of neighbours. ( :anada's first on-cam- pus Neighbourhood Watch program is well underway at Wilfrid Laurier University. WLU joins Neighbourhood Watch to offer one-of-a-kind initiative By lawn-1| Omsmw For The Chronicle ’Mbst redisruj, an alert about wallets being stolen in the library and athletic Seven alerts have already been sent to notify students of a range of crimes, from a man exposing himself to laptops being stolen. "So we can't be the eyes and ears of the entire cam- pus. We need the assistance of the students and that's what we're trying to get with the Neighbourhood Watch. The on-campus security department is only staffed by 12 people. " Ihe more information that our students get in rela- tion to crime and concerns in the area, the better it is," said Rod Curran. Meanwhile. she hopes the University of Waterloo will also come aboard. "They have residences too and they have very young students who are coming from home where they have been very.well cared for and now they're free as a bird. And, yeah, they're targeted." Gassewitz said the pro- gram is still young and it may need some tweaking in the future. buikiing.was circulated As well, a common prob- lem in the residences has been students not locking their dorm-room doors, said Curran. "We're just telling kids to make sure they lock their doors and make sure they let us know if they see any strange people in the build. ings. It's just awareness we're trying lo get across." _ The program is put on in partnership with the WM) students' union, Will com- munity safety and security. the Waterloo Regional Police Service and Waterloo Regional Neighbourhood Watch. Lid iii,; 1irl'piiiiic 1 Fa '.-"'w " .7- I ' - in... Kitchenor - 227 Monika: Dr. “9496-9668 Wanda . 10 Wyman ltd " 519-746-6627 Per Covering Centre mm I Li M . ' Extremary war-mama aune1rtytle1h1vsh, fttrvtrarttEttairt-tu-rtott 'lr'i17iir,',_i,t!,,t,v. ',. é. = :dreee Solid Baum "U"W',-tt"t gunman-n no as“ sun Sum warm on N2) AAdr 5191351550 SALE PRICE $.99 Swim} Fi)' strft