Ills humble studio. Watermark Photography, (HO Slnnehury Cres,, in Waterloo. has a husinms name that is a play-on- words. utilizing the name of his nt-wfnund hnmo of Waterloo in iksFre'iaTi6itii "With my other business. it came to the point that I found myself more of a manager than a photogra- pher." he explains. "I was going out chasing off work or them that I didn't get to do as much of what I enjoy best." It's qum- a drastir Change tram his uwn intimate Mit- dio hr rum in Waterloo that h1- manages as the compa- ny's only photographer, [lt, had mailings-(I his own "ummvss,, rinc Iim-k Pho- mgmph}: In lht' UK for almul lf! “an. ulnngsnll' tices mhor him-d phmugnr phi-n in wluch he managed. Once the dinner and speech came to a close, Aitken describes the moment that he says made him feel "about 10 feet tall." "At the end he started leaving and all these people came forward. so we just kind of stood in the back. Just as he was going out the door, he half-smiled and then came halfway through the crowd and just shook my hand," he reminisces. "He just made you feel so special and to just be sin- gled out like that felt so good." The special occasion cre- mod quite a stir hack home [or his personal business. with many more doors tun-Hing fur Aitken after nt-ws Irroke nut that he was hirvd as lhe presidcrul, pim- lugmphl-r. "I k. was just ll real gen- tlemart." Aitken adds. “(Inc day he was there to do a big speech in front ofa hunch ofhigh-end business (0119(- lnrs. We photographed him hol’nrchand but unless he touches you, you‘re not allowed to touch him. but instead he came across and took hold of my hand and said I had permission to do as I like" lulllm to get the wls was t'xlt'lhlkl‘. having u: under- go stavral utttrity checks by the HIl and being inrhiddcn In discus, what max hair pening unlil he mm cleared by security from men UH, whvn he did men the prmidunl. lu. wax, '4th In dcstriht- the man as nothing Inan than a real prtsiessional In work with. Continued from page 26 Photographer takes top prize "l wanted something that sounded like Waterloo... " - Gordon Aitken Photographer the quality of work hv pro duces. "l wartted something that suunded like Waterloo and something that rings of quality. and you know any thing with a watcrmark Is normally a good. quality product." Ailkcn's clientele in Watcrloo has been expand- ing. his business celebrating in third anniu-raary this running February. He con- Mum’s In tinny doing what he does best by specializing lil portrait and wedding photography. and capturing keepsake memories through Bath and every one of his photographs. 'hlurthdaie, Auto Bud 'alilili Complete Collision and Refinishing Service Am Alben Street. Waterloo 88