Workshop looks at the 1ttttttttl'ttt of trails What‘s the link between the grow- ing obesity epidemic. municipal planning and the price of gas? fhe answer is being discussed at an important workshop this Friday at the head office of the Grand River (Sunscr- vatitm Authority. 400 Clyde Road. Cambridge. The Waterloo-Dufferin-Wellington 'l‘rail Links Committee is holding a full day workshop to explore these vital mnnectiuns for healthy cotttmurtities, Continued from page 20 a thvrmometer inserted diagonally into centre of meal registers 155 F, which should he 12 to 15 minutes, third ofoven and mast until Save an apple for your sweetheart Transfer to a platter and let stand. loosely covered with foil. 15 minutes before slicing. While meat is standing. heat butter in same skillet (handle will be hot) over moderately high heat until foam subsides. Add apple 307 IAN( Arm R ST. w. KITU {[NER 744-1109 wedges and saute, turning occasionally. until tender and golden brown, about tive to seven minutes. Transfer apples to a plate, and then add chicken broth and cider to skillet. Bring to a boil over high heat and meanwhile whisk together cornstarch and water in a small bowl. luhn Bellini. president and CEO of the Trans Canada Trails Foundation. will be delivering the keynote address. Also preseruirtg will be Hugh Handy. senior associate planner with the GSP Group; Dr. Liana Nolan. medical ofri- uer of health with the Region of Water- loo Public Health. and Louie Di Palma. director of recreation with Ontario's Ministry ofHealth Promotion. The Workshop will provide partici- pants with opportunities both to listen Remove from heat and stir in vinegar, measured salt and pepper. Ind any juices that have accumulated on platter. Cut meat into 1/2-inch- thick slices and serve topped with apples and sauce. Chefs Note: I add a shot to excellent presentations and In any tribute lo promoting the importance of trails and the linkages between them. "Trails provide an inexpensive way for individuals of any age lo enjoy physical activity and to stay tit," notes Lawrence Murphy. chair of the Trail Links committee, The workshop is $40 for the day and includes lunch. Anyone interested in attending can call Julie Picker! at I-800-265-7293. For more information, or to contact Chef Ricardo, e- mail rich@persan- ' or visit wurw.persorurlchefHcardo.c ofBrandy in place of the two tablespoons of vinegar. Enjoy! C MEkfls%1rAb"r'ftEsE Boneless Blade Roasts Fresh Pork Sausage. . . Roasting, Chickens . Assorted Pepperettes pkg. m 15 Deli Sliced Assorted Meat Loaves . . Pine River Colby Cheese. _ . SPECIALS on now to Oct. 22 thu beet " cut trum Canada gnaw. AA AAA $6.39ilh '2.9%, $2.79nb. '2.2%, '4.50 s3 S9, h.