Kids aged 14 and up took part in RIM Park3 shinny Hockey last week before the school year started yesterday. The rink is open for those wanting to practice their hockey skills throughout August and September before the regular sea- son starts later this month. ttttle, “Kw; ADVERTISERS apiréctaie it when you tell them,..) ggwiyour ad In the Chronicle. faihifurd (stir) 664-3301 Heads up k j. W MrSTerrpNF'" , l tif gtâ€, 'if,' ~1- 'IW"""' ENDS f - rll.EltniltilttMhrT r'li'iiii'iltiili '."_ _t"""'Gcautees-, Mullins . _ CErt2ErTE2cI2ENWps'LrEE'EE= F; tad (A’TUN CARPENTER PHOTO M2l King St N., ST. JACOBS SmREHtNIttS' Mon-Thur. 8-6 'iriri'Cririririr2ririTiiij Liuuuiarx'auuut,l Fri. B-9 Sat B-5; Sun 12-5