Issues they discussed include stepping up the pressure on city council. launching a petition to gauge their customers' reactions to the potential loss of free on-street park- ing along King Street, and asking city council to defer any decisions on a new public square and changes to the subdivision plan requested by First Gulf Development Corporation. And while councillors like lan McLean still believe the proposals for redevelop- ment of Waterloo rown Square are key to revitaliz» mg the core. he said it was a decision that would affect Waterloo for a generation Thursday to voice their con- cerns over the redevelop- ment proposals for the Waterloo Town Square property and how " may affect their customers. Meeting held tme plans tor the COPE Business owners discuss parking issues and civic square design bhtntss trainer Sléve lngle. d partner wnh Dr David Ramham at the Optimum Health Centre, Talks continue over future of YMCA facility s1reyts, pam and “right Aie1ie::iic'r,ra,'r,t'ii' workshop In Waterloo has expressed lunher "ueresl In raking over 1he uulrrluu YMCAruohty. WATERLOO CHRONICLE BY Boa Vnnmac Chronicle Sniff" Continued on page 7 C Test Drive One Today ... BY Inn CoNsral rr,, the! [tumult The All New 1052115 for Ge Town Square 2005 “1‘32; .. T ' e Jr, _ - , KN t "T --, p, 7:777" . _ , . T, r m liiim 9 Pd IrleBtl 77 T r at“: 69W ua" at' : F Fr / Pri 'ttli = . ' “‘ B. " @2433: A. _ _ Urt?fT,"e' :13? ., V , . >4 Tr""'. Jf .1 L -- " 2 ,3 . _ _ " " 49$ ._,ii7d, . , " 12’. lr "t if. ' "'3’ f-E. - F . 1;}; king: g a, _ , 1 f _ " i, ' _ a“ g c, "sir,')', E_ _ t $71157 {A t"? _ "» _ P' " g r "ss-dy, _ r l ‘ V . _. 4, am ' tl .3, Bh' f ‘ Emma Lincoln, 3, of Waterloo matches how maple syrup is made, Silurday at the Laurel Creek Nature Centre, More than 100 people came out on " Ct rainy day to learn the process. The ISO-tree sugar bush :5 used by both school boards in the region as a learning tool, mud thes .m- currently m -explo mlwu disrussmn and tmartcial trumhmg" wah the y alum! LIL ing over the Lincoln Road timess centre, wtuch ls, sthudult-d In close May I "As an mlvnslun of the hush Hess mods] we have ut the Upll' mum Health Centre, we have been exploring the addition ot a fitness exercise component." WEDNESDAY. APRIL 6, 2005 . WATERLOO, ONTARIO Serving your community since 1856 A sticky surprise lngle said they've been meet mg wnh people hunt the Y In explore what could pulvnliully happen in terms of d smooth transition. Ingle sand "No it was swimming trom " [yusutev, 'sense We VIRUS looking al, and alsu from the uunmunuy sude In he ahle lo keep the Y open un luu‘nln Road" "» l hey're open to the discus, all!†and they 're doing an analvsrs oi what "ttt Costs would be It we were In outright purchase all oi the asst-Ix m the building. and what would they be willing lo sell that for." Ingle said, KW YMCA Chit) John tlad, dock said "l don't know," when asked about Optintum's interest In the facility $1 INCLUDING GST Crosby Audl 1175 Weber St. E., Kit. 894-9300 Crt )slwzuuliu "tl "Any talks between [hem In I My hmwrcn us." Haddock sand the news ml the Y's closing has been received with much disap- punmnenl from tty tnerttlrers, YMCA member Fieen Aettl. TH. said she wan disappointed lo hear the news that the faculty would he shutting down. Win: Ciass1tled Sports Bundle up and Save Continued on page 4 WHA1"S INSIDE “hm 10