WATERiTjrj""ij"'i'iiiUaE Bring a new, unwrapped toy before Dec. 24 to COIVES'TOGA mu , AQ King St. North Waterloo (Zellers King St. entrance) Ftttttll hank grateful Ittr gesture Continued from page I suld helure huurding the buggy last wg'ck Selby. who made local [lens in October 3003 when he lived in a minivan for um- week and raised 310.000 for cancer research, said help- ing the Mud hunk mean:, a little more (n him this year. " hte year ago I was let go Irom my job," Selby explained. "If it wasn't for the help from my family and friends, I would have had to go to the food bank. "Christmas is one of the worst times for people In get laid off, l'hat's why I'm try- ing to reach out andmtake sure everybody gets the food they need." And He has a lot of sup port behind his Campaign. Selby. who is now the co- owner of Noah Martin Sum- mer Sausage in Elmira, said for the next two weeks his rumpun)‘ will donate fit) (elm. turn: the sale m every kilogram of Noah Martin Summer Sulnuge sold arm» ()nlunu to the Cana- dian Association of Food Banks. Sohey1 has also agreed In donate 25 cents Int every dollar Soil»; raises during his week-lung stay in front of the slurs. Sohey's is also pro- viding most of Sclhyis meals from its hot deli depart- ment. And Home Hardware spread Some warmth. donating a sleeping bag to Selhy's cause. "I'm real toasty in that thing," Selby said. "l also have blankets, comforters and foam to sleep on. And my Blackberry's (pager) on too, so people can e-mail Selby admitted the thought of sleeping in a buggy in December made huu shiver. cumidenng the “on! he had to deal with Ian! year in the minivan was d nighllmw low of I degrees Celsius. -,, lhis 7 degrees Itlelsiusb is, a rude kick in the pants," Nelhr sand. "gut 1 know I'm doing the right thing" _ - Katherine Schmidt. exeu- utive director of the [nod Bank of Waterloo Region, said she's hulh shocked and amazed at Selby's unique fundraising idea. "When he called us six weeks ago to tell us what he was planning. l was shocked for two reasons," Schmidt said. "First. because he was going to do this just one week after getting married: and second, because of the time of year. "But we are absolutely thrilled and amazed at what leff's doing for those less fortunate.