Zoning Byâ€"law By The Council OF The Corporation OF The City Of Waterioo Notice Of The Passing Of A a Bvâ€"aw No. | 108. being a zomng Byvâ€"law for the City of Waterloo to require a 75 mnetre Mimmum Distance Separation between lodging house class two in the Medium Density MD‘. Medium Density One ‘MDâ€"l‘. Medium Density Two ‘MDâ€"Z. ind Medium Density ‘MDâ€"3‘ zones. 1 Bvâ€"aw No ||08. being a zomng Byâ€"law for the City of Waterioo to exempt the propernies known municipaily as 256 Phillip Street and 143 Columbia Street West tom the ~S metre Mirmimum Distance Separation requirement: :i Avâ€"law No. [4(8. being a zoming Byâ€"law for the City of Waterloo to require a 75 metre Minimum Distance Separation between lodving house class two in the Medum Density MD‘. Medium Density One MDâ€"1‘. and Medium Density Three MDâ€">‘ zones. Paragrapit 1 of the Bvâ€"iaw amends Zoning Byâ€"law 1108 by adding Section 8.30.3 xhich reqaures 1 ~S metre Mimmum Distance Separation between class two lodging 10uses ‘n the Medium Density MD‘. the Medium Density One ‘MDâ€"I‘. Medium Density Two MDâ€"Z. and Medium Density Three MDâ€"3‘ zones. Paragraph 2 of the Bvâ€"law exempts the propernes known municipally as 256 Hilip Street and 143 Columbia Street West from the 7S metre Mimmum Distance Bvâ€"law No. 04â€"144 imends Sepanition fetween Paragrapi 3 of che 3y aw amends Zoning Bycaw 1418 by adding Section N 30 3 smy coqures a CS onetre Minimum Distance Neparation hetween class two lodging ouses on che Meiium Density MD the Medium Density One MDâ€"1‘. and Mequm Density Thres MDâ€"S zones Byâ€"law No. 14â€"145 imends Bs jaw | |88 being + mning Bs law for the City of Â¥atertoo *o cemesce cuplex dsetiimes . semi atetached dweltings. and comerted fwetling qouses ‘rom cands «szown mumsipalls as 66 Noeuker Nreet Paragraph 1 ofhe 3x aw rezones ‘he ands crom General Residence One GRL to lefefat Residence Oe CR oith ate specitac provisions that prohibit duplex rwotlhings . semiâ€"detached dwellings ind converted dweiling houses iffecs if you require further information or have any questions, please contact the City of Watertoo Development Services at 747â€"8517 Dan Currie, Policy PManner, Deveropment Services. I of che Bv â€"aw stipulates the me that the Bs â€"law will come into xempt from MDS ass Tw lodanfit Notses R.S.O. 1990 (cont‘d.) â€" â€" Waterloo THE CIHTY OF |:44 City Of Waterioo A leash keeps your dog where it wants to be, and should be, by your side. City of Waterloo Dog Byâ€"law #91â€"101 requires ALL DOGS TO BE LEASHED. Failure of an owner to prevent their dog from running at large may result in a conviction and fine. Protect your family pet, and exercise it on a leash. Thoughtful dog owners have always cleaned up after their pets, but 1t is also the law. City of Waterloo Byâ€"law #03â€"073 requires every person in charge of a dog must clean up any mess left by their dog on private and public property. An easy way to ~stoop and scoop® is to carry a plastic bag with you when walking your dog. Proper disposal of dog excrement is also a concern and the excrement should be flushed down a bathâ€" room toilet. Failure to clean up after your dog can result in a conviction and fine. Please cooperate and help keep our City clean. The City of Waterloo Noise Byâ€"law #78â€"79 prohibits ~persistent barking, whining, calling or other similar persistent noise made by any domestic pet ..." This Section of Byâ€"law #78â€"79 is enforceable day and or night. If you have a concern regarding a barking dog in your neighborhood the City recommends residents try to resolve the matter between themselves prior to contacting the Byâ€"law Enforcement Department for assistance _ If you are unable to resolve the matter. please call the Waterloo Regional Police at 653â€"7700 and ask for Dispatch. They will dispatch one of our byâ€" law officers to speak to the owners of the dog and/or lay charges. Sensitivity about disturbing one another and tolerance could go a long way to resolying these types of issues and making any legal action by the City. unnecessary | If you have any questions regarding the above or any other regulatory byâ€"laws, please contact the Byâ€"law Enforcement Department at 747â€"8785. Notice To Residents Of Scheduled Watermain Flushing The residents of the City of Waterloo in the area east of Bridge Street, south of Chesapeake. west of the Grand River and north of the Kitchener border may experiâ€" ence discoloured drinking water due to maintenance activities being done by the City of Waterloo in the area outlined by the above map. The maintenance will commence each evening at approximately 10:00 pm until 6:00 am the following morning. starting November 7th and finishing November 19th at 6:00 am The City of Waterloo recomms ids that if residents‘ experience discoloured water they should run their cold hard water taps for a maximum of 10 muinutes to allow it to clear. If the problem persists wait for an hour and try again. I For any concerns or problems please call the City of Waterloo‘s Utilities Customer Service Representative at 747â€"8613. All parents. coaches managers, and yolunteers are invited to attend the annual genertal meeting for Waterloo Minor Baseball Assouration Nominatrons for positions on the Board of Directors must be recersed m writing 7 days prior to the annual general meeting or email w mba? 14@ rogers com _ The posâ€" trons avarlable are President of WMBA.â€" Director Rep AAA‘\. Yiceâ€"President Compeutive Drvision. & Director. St House league. Constrtutianal changes must be in writing 14 days prior to the annual mecting or email Marling address Waterloo Mmor Baseball Association. C O Albert McCormick Arena 500 Parkside Dr Waterloo. ON NT SJ4 Date Loecation Iime For further information contact the WMBA board office at 888â€"0244 or email wimba244@rogers.com Tuesday, Nevember 30. 2004 Albert McCormick Community Room Albert McCormick Arena. 500 Parkside Dr Waterino i0 PM Notice of Annual ;) General Meeting _ Waterioo Minor Baseball Associaton www.city.waterloo.on.ca t hx d io AC t s < tX ie is e s tSere: > nds wl »g« v‘.';:{v"‘v n sae f 3‘?&." Sinlty ds ooo e â€" ce '* °> S Lay ie 1. ’:?’fff %5 ho _ #% ce * & d t e feommanteni eommnmememmnmecimemmemie