The Waterloo Chronicle Team ol the Week is the Watedoo Wizards buys Under- 12 B Hatter team. The Wizards surprised every- one by going all the way to the South Region Soccer league 2ndl3rd I hiision Irague Cup Finals before losing 3-l In Oakville. Mem- bers of the Wizards. pictured above. are: [front row, from left) MacKenzie Carter. Region of Waterloo \AIAQTF MANACFMFNT They help support the many waste reduction programs offered free in Waterloo Region IQ A 1 1/2 billion pop bottles and cans end up as litter or in landfills in Ontario each year. HEY RECYCLE THAT! (35% Nicholas Holmes. Aaron Millard. [middle row) Evan Batten. Darryl Farquhar. Kyle 1.9do. lawn Pixner, Kurtis Versteqy (hack mw) Brady Puskas. Math) Miokovic. Alek, sandar Despotovic, Ognien Oroz. Taylor- Iakatus, Mark MacSodey. James Frank. Mar- tin Bauman, (coaches) Mike Millard, Dave Uesard, EITIilB lakatos and Robin Pimer. H: WK) 5 (l -r.r. -\ Space provided through the Canadian Newspaper Association and Ontario Community Nowsnanor lssnriation and [hair momhm as Bart of htpwardshin Ontario's RIM Pm A cup}, m the draft bylaw. and a Lcy map Pi available for raw 1w. in the Cicrk's Ot'iicc 2nd Floor, [50 Fredenck Strcet, Kitchcncr, It you wish to speak at the Council mccnng. please regrsler .n it delegation with the RegiorCs Counctl and Admmistratiw Services Dlvmun at 519-575-442tr If you have any questions conceming the Wcstmount Road Extensmn and Realignment project, please contact Bnan Soehmt Supervisor, Comdur Management at Sig-5754435, rhc Council "I my chmnnl Munlup.|lll_\ ol Wairloo nucndx In [ms a by hm muting dw nculy mnsll‘uL-ch road, knoss n .n [ht Wrslmuunl Road ltxlcnslun IColumhtu Stu-cl tit Bcainuger Road, and my "ult.ynntcru ot Wcslmnunl Road l Bcanngcr Road lo Nunhlicld â€mu- m “ml muunl Road tchIunul Road irStt, This notice is in accordance with Section 47 of the Municipal Act s.0. 2001. C .25. WESTMOUNT ROAD EXTENSION AND REALIGNMENT ROAD NAMING The meeting to consider the lip-law will he held on: Wednesday. December 15, 2004 7:00pm Regional Municipality of Waterloo Council Chamber. 2nd Floor, Administration Building I50 Frederick Street, Kitchener. Ontario Region of Waterloo PUBLIC NOTICE