The Hawks' Joel Wright hauls in another Ryan Pyear TD pass. Continued from page 23 happy the game is on his hume turf. Hawks looking for payback against McMaster And right behind him on the stat sheet is another former Viper, Lee Maggiacomo, with 3-1.5 tackles and two sacks. Coupled with Yannick Caner. who also mils Waterloo home and was tied for third on the team in taddes while returning an interception for a major, and there's alheme brewing. Alexander led the Hawks in tackles and sacks this season after getting a chance to start for the first time. Marauders last wan. He's also So what does Alexander think of this made-in-Wat/o defence? "We got a lot of guys who make big plays on this team." said Alexander. who is follow, ing in the footsteps ofhis big brother, lush. who also marred Fri. Nov. 12 l Sun. Nov. 14 Nii'iil. 7:30 pm 1 :30 pm We manna Arena Waterloo Memonal Recreation Complex des l? and under FREE when accompanied by an adult stkms Dinner Team Sponsor Umque Screen anmg EUMRA " VS. [ ORANGEVILLE “I fell in love with this turf ever since I played for the Vipers," said Alexander. "I don't like grass anymore. and I think our team plays a lot better on And what is " about Uni- versity Stadium that seems to bring out the best in the boys? And while the Hawks' offence gets a lot of press. like the old adage goes -' otrence wins games. but defence wins championships _ the Add thats/what the Hams "Vac Connection" hopes to prove thisweekend. "I don't quit playing until there's new time on the clock." said Alexander. "Big games make big players" Waterloo Siskins Jr ly Hockey Club "Hume games are " big advantage when “In have your crowd bchuld you." said Pyeot who experts a bigger crowd Ihan the 2,732 who slum-d up aypirst t Mania. "We're also nut tlie salm- [mun we were 1;le year, ADDED VALUE COMES WITH NO EXTRA CHARGE CHOICES ON SE, SPORT AND SEL. “\Vk-lnu1gul them up a hide . Paternal Satay System"' Owl-stage dnver A ‘mnl passenger airlragsmdrroottrasseogerairlmtxxuparqsermr . mm. lull-M syn-In NO EXTRA CHARGE nuAn SEAT VALUE PACKAGE Upgrade to 16" Aiumlnum Wheets for $300 and gel =1. Itt I" Rr" g a? FREESTAR AAAAA ER 557513“ " ($800 Value) I‘tq'dl'l'E tnsiltutt? ttyr "sgersay seteig ‘lesl Pick" r nor-ta crashes ' THE 2005 FORD FREESTAR NOW GIVES YOU EVEN MORE VALUE. I ad S‘vuluvlv MARX: hm an I - <w-ml‘ MS" cannula DRIVING - VALUE STARTS WITH STANDARD FEATURES YOU DON'T EXPECT. more when we played them earlier this sum)“, and hope- tulry we'll do the sauna [hung at the Yates t up." Game time tor the Yates Cup te, l pm, Mm. U. at Univ wmly Stadium. Tick-Ls can he pre-purd1isxi at WI l 1 NO EXTRA CHARGE DVD VALUE PACKAGE ($900 Value) FFIEESTAR SPQRTQR tCEL "irtrtmrrrtimting .TNntttt)ttterrmsmt"' .Potyerrrmiows1tNAs'st0emirmm 'r33rluggageeolume'Le'tan0r9t1side9oNhors ‘l-Mlcei ABS dIsc (wakes . 16' wheels 'UDID mne mummy: RIDE Human ORE 'Nurthdaie Auto Bod 'glliliiili Complete Collision and Refinishing Service Q430 Albert Street Waterloo 88 " 3m: "WrtoN [HIM-â€M EMMA? TIDE “MIL " SYSTEM NO EXTRA CHARGE CANADIAN DRIVING PACKAGE ($900 Value) FIT-TREE SE "SING stsmt “I“ 4SSS ' 22,998; LEASE THE FREESTAB SE WITH QUAD SEAT VALUE PACKAGE per month!“ months with $4.995 down payment so security deposit “35,4111"! 2005 FREESTAM BASE CASH PURCHASE '238 SlAnYIIG mow