Mark‘s Work Wearhouse asks customers to ‘Share the Warmth‘ tius wintler seasoen Donna Thomson., assuc ate stare operator of Mark s Work Wearhouse clothing store on Westmount Road in Waterloo, said over 4,000 genthv used winter cuals have been collected this vear as part of the region‘s sixth annual Share the Warmth program. In partnership with CHYM FM and the Salvauor Army, Mark‘s Work Wear bouse is helping i0 collect adult and children‘s winter coats "Bamcalh. we realized there was a need to help clothe the need\y in the win tet ume." Thomson sard [hemsen said anvone who drops off a cuar will recerve a $10 gih ceruticate tu use in het store The goal this vear is in vollect 10.000 winter coats bn Nov. 14 Share the Warmth kicked off this vear at a Kiuchener Rangers hockey gams Deciding the best course to invest your money ’].‘hl’: week‘s column is the first in a series on asset allocation. which is the process of investung in various asset classes â€" sucth as bonds. stocks, cash, u1 real estate â€" according to an Investur s risk l()‘(‘n’flâ€ll and poals Today. l am discussing the concept of "Own of This phrase relates t« what an underiving invest mentis comprised of If we are recerang inte: est from an investmem suct as a mortgage. bond (li term deposit orâ€" bank accouni. we art In lati loaning moanesy to that imst. tuton in exchange for a fixed ouf known fate of return For The Chromcie Bx Tim Mukeey onate a used winter coat this season. and help keep those in where more than. :.O00 jack es were coliected "We get people calting uy starung in Sepiembret ask ing af we‘ll be doing tha: campaign again. and wher does it start up‘ Thomson She said the crmenia for & donaied cual is n must be wearable "It has to be gentiv used mppers have to be worlung, and i: must be reasonabiy clean ‘ she said Major Dor (aiiey 0( the Salvauor Arm. Communim and Famiis office of Krict ene: said this vears even® has been gomng web wit both CHYM PM anc Mark> Work Wearhouse pringimp it adot 0! todts "Were getung some vern good cuats tha‘ folks are able to use | hie sasd Gakiex said the contrIDe Lor jrom Marks stores has Dropâ€"ofi dares tor the coats are anvuime during business hours a Marks Work Warehiouse "We ve also frad some« peopie brng im hars mitts winter scarves and things they aren: using anymore said Thomson We know what return of income we‘l) receive. anc when we‘ll receve it This tvpe of loan raises several quesuons First. who benefits the mos‘ from this‘ ter Let s gv0k at a savings acvcount io: example We accumulate money in this accouni and in return th bank pays you interest They joan r out to Otfe people in the form of mor gages cat Joans. small pus: ness Joans etc ho: them tc make muney they mus eatr mork on h+ munes Wha does the tbank df with the money‘ vatr moth en thi munes thes logn our than they ar paving us in mirres: Secund could we do bes BUSINESS Deet. hetDlu. as Uro Store venc to pring Ih iarge cuai whuch are harges to fmC botr tme Warenoo rute uur. anc Uhe GuetpI uce uon are paructpaung in Up "Ome 0‘ thns protbrem~ we nave hao oves the vears i~ 1 ting surtabr cuats 10° tir sarger mae petsun a~ wel; a "Marks Vur: Veearnuus has beer grea :c fil tna paruicuia‘ hok @nt soowe wi‘tt aDit 1i setSiQt ThUOr preupic "Basicaliy we realized there was a need to heip clothe the needy..‘" coal anyve ttk Saivauor Acm\ [WwA saiC M UIRaMNiZaIiUT fid been invoreec tu more tha a gecaue . colecting atic diâ€" tmbutng wink wes: he saiC dass ve@~ u:t Witt & compani voi tvpicain nave 1wo way ov mves: pont Stace Witt i bont Yor car bu Donn: Tnomsor stor: Gperdto Dus . Corporar yoi Â¥1 DHN !1 "Ines cat taugt HTOT newbor babre to aguii who arc heeduay suteetiuu: Uakuie\ sail €veI wIT strong support trom compâ€" nre~ lax< CHYN FK ani Matkâ€" |) ume~ communit SUDDOT . to theres rerfiin 106 :t tm communt 100km; I0C vOIUDIeET 1 nelt s0r ahno halt; Cost anc assis: CBentâ€" a) Th CGz cent . MonGey thruug) +7 gay mrougn N 3 ruc mur IDiutteluu: COni@gt Ur SAIVAUU 609 pecpe wiaIT eCKt 0« 4 Vraretion | HEHLUT EAWeRT C030 LAT ark 13b pMTT Tar ken is aise oper ow [ n â€"G CiGb o# iGantnp thep mont the they @r gorBp Lo u&n : mvestin thei operauon tHfOug (stU Mmongs io+ vou rewrt wil se oweo i tme pertormanc o thue compan :t Un Malkt Woit tir purthas C S10GCH vou #ft OuvIn! Tner ar no guaianee @s80CIaReC witt suutk . DD somettme gustaniee aren tm peso mvestmer drrecuon to 10buv prH aran $0 00084 ort .o d witt thetTD C $. .000 0 tret: CETHIML sa £TinV "Witnour‘ tr peope w Suar tm Wenmtr i Wt 1000 coar . wer tire ie oepes PR mt i=tp Gepns s10t [ [rat UOUT 19 hee out tut us Wert: o toe i. .00 cous: navâ€" PECtChaée snate . 0 sicu £. 520 abtac r tm sict vâ€"uan errs BCLMRMe ITHTI€E lake~ io vOTO IUBEN" Toe an vo $ Tre garoftor ue sow n owmwe se LalInle Rét wTt gnut Atnour HATY Be is on 0o > trh vo wouudt pooat > 0 an 1 ho siex whilt ceb vuUro ietzef . nCt ir an c vo useeâ€" e du{3â€" UderstiddUTe s (ii aver vu o Tts<~ t isiing, vu nCt d wÂ¥eBPe t 1P bs aecetperes | ooo at vU te